Your Complete Personal Transformation: Elevate Yourself

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Embark on a transformative journey towards a better life with our comprehensive and proven course.
Are you ready to break free from limitations and transform your life in record time? Welcome to our highly sought-after course that will revolutionise your experience of life. This is not a course loaded with unnecessary content; this course is designed to get you results in the shortest amount of time.
In this transformative experience, we’ll take you on an eye-opening expedition of awareness and dissolution. Prepare to question your beliefs and witness life from a new perspective—unveiling the illusionary lens through which you once saw the world. As you encounter this profound shift, you’ll gain unwavering confidence to enter The TNP Belief Change Process, an extraordinary venture into unconscious brainwave states that will reshape your beliefs and reframe past experiences into wisdom.
The journey doesn’t end there. Upon completing the belief change process, we equip you with powerful belief installation audio tools for daily practice. These tools ensure your newfound empowerment remains firmly embedded in these new neural pathways, propelling you toward lasting change.
But that’s not all; we’ll guide you in crafting a future aligned with your deepest desires. Through a series of profound teachings, you’ll master the art of creation from a place of authenticity, leaving behind ego-driven impulses.
What sets this course apart is the transformative power of self-inquiry and the revolutionary TNP Elevation method. Proven through beta test research with a 100% transformation rate, this approach empowers you to access your subconscious mind and soar beyond the confines of The Old Paradigm. Say hello to The New Paradigm—a realm of elevated thinking, living, and being.
The course comprises five Elevations—each lifting you to new heights of understanding and self-awareness. To further embed the theory in this course, we have included gamification exercises to test your knowledge and ensure the teachings are set in your mind.
Join us now and be part of our conscious community—created by two fully transformed individuals burning to uplift others at scale. Your transformation awaits.
Elevation 1: Awareness Of The Old Paradigm
In this elevation, you will embark on a profound journey of self-awareness, unlocking the secrets behind feeling stuck and unfulfilled in life. You will delve into the intricacies of your unconscious mind, understanding how it shapes your reality and discovering the limiting paradigms that hinder your progress.
Highlights of this Elevation Include:
Understanding Emotional Reactivity: Explore the connection between emotional reactivity and past conditioning, revealing how your responses are rooted in deeply ingrained paradigms.
Impact of Childhood and Environmental Conditioning: Gain insights into how childhood and environmental factors impact your identity, giving rise to limiting beliefs that hold you back.
Unravelling Paradigm Formation: Delve into the fascinating process of paradigm formation and its far-reaching influence on every aspect of your life.
Identifying Limiting and Empowering Paradigms: Identify the paradigms that confine you and those that hold the potential to unlock endless possibilities.
Reprogramming the Unconscious Mind: Learn about brain wave states and how they play a pivotal role in reprogramming your unconscious mind, leading to reduced emotional reactivity.
Conquering Destructive Paradigms: Discover the three most destructive paradigms and their powerful antidotes, propelling you towards lasting transformation.
Real-Life Paradigm Examples: Hear inspiring real-life examples of how paradigms have formed and influenced outcomes in the lives of others.
Self-Inquiry: At the conclusion of this elevation, embark on an introspective journey to unearth the root of your suffering, paving the way for authentic growth and change.
As you ascend through Elevation 1, you’ll illuminate the shadows of your past, gaining invaluable insights to ignite profound shifts within. Get ready to leave the old paradigm behind and embrace a future of endless possibilities.
What other clients say about this Elevation?
“Our reality is shaped by our collective experiences from our past – including ancestors, DNA, childhood, and other experiences. This view of the world guides us in what we do currently – contributing to our success and our undesired results. Everyone’s view of the world is different, and each one is not more right than the other – they are just different. We must look at our worldview – our paradigms – and determine which of them serve us and which don’t. Those that don’t, we need to shift or remove”.
Nicole Maske
Elevation 2: Dissolving The Old Paradigm
In this elevation, you will dissolve old thinking patterns that hinder your potential and perpetuate negative emotions. Prepare to shed destructive paradigms and equip yourself with the transformative tools to create a life of lasting change. Embark on a dynamic journey of self-discovery as we equip you with the transformative tool of self-inquiry. Strategically positioned prompts will lead you on a profound path of introspection, courageously confronting and dismantling limited thinking.
Highlights of this Elevation Include:
Explore the Art of Stepping Beyond Your Comfort Zone and soaring to new heights of personal growth.
Unravel Destructive Beliefs silently governing your life, paving the way for radical transformation.
Embrace Personal Responsibility with newfound confidence, taking charge of your life’s outcomes.
Unearth the Root Causes of your current results, empowering you to initiate powerful change.
Consciously Un-Decide Limitations you’ve unknowingly adopted, unlocking your true potential.
Become the Master of Your Thoughts and Emotions, propelling yourself towards emotional intelligence and resilience.
Maximise Return on Attention (ROA), efficiently achieving your goals by optimising focus and productivity.
Receive a Comprehensive Blueprint for creating profound, lasting change in every aspect of your life.
What did other clients say about this Elevation?
“To progress into a higher self, how you approach life needs to be altered. The first step is to change your attitude to every situation in life. You can shape how it affects you. Change can happen immediately, and there is a conditioning phase where you need to break certain behavioural patterns down at the neurological level. This takes commitment. The more you commit the more you can recondition your mind”.
Nicole Hopker
Elevation 3: Remembering The New Paradigm
Having dissolved your limiting beliefs, the next objective and this elevation is to reawaken your inherent power and create unwavering self-belief. Carefully curated content will immerse you in an empowering experience, igniting a profound transformation within every cell of your being. This crucial phase lays the foundation for your ascent towards true self-discovery in Your Transformation Elevation.
Highlights of this Elevation include:
Epigenetic’s and Scientific Empowerment: Unearth scientific evidence showcasing the influence of your thoughts on genetic expression, empowering you to consciously create the life you desire.
Mastering Genetic Expression: Learn the art of becoming the master of your genetic expression, directing the course of your life’s journey.
Neuroplasticity – Brain Rewiring for Emotional Resilience: Discover how to physiologically rewire your brain, equipping yourself to cope better with emotional reactivity.
Infinite Potential: Explore your infinite potential supported by scientific evidence and real-life case studies.
Harnessing the Invisible Force: Understand the invisible force driving your behaviour and acquire skills to manage emotional dysregulation.
The 6 Psychological Human Needs: Learn about the six psychological human needs, unlocking deeper insights into your motivations.
Embracing Living Truthfully: Embrace the transformative power of living truthfully, banishing negative emotions from your life.
Unmasking Deception: Uncover the number one reason behind lies and the dangers associated with dishonesty.
Embracing Limitless Potential: Breathe life into the truth of your potential and gain mastery over accessing it, opening the door to unimaginable possibilities.
Step into The New Paradigm, where your potential knows no bounds. Embrace the transformative power of truth and harness the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams consciously.
What other clients say about this Elevation
“The truth is a powerful principle to simplify, declutter and cut to the core of what one truly is available for. Truth-telling is freedom. I spend too much time accepting things I don’t want. Telling the truth creates space, time, and energy to create”.
Giovanni Cicatello
Elevation 4: Your Transformation
Now that you have dissolved your beliefs around limitation and are fully empowered, it’s time to venture into the Transformation Elevation. True transformation lies at the core of your identity—the stories you tell yourself and your conditioning. In this Elevation, we unlock the gateway to altered states of consciousness, effecting profound change at the unconscious level. Through the powerful TNP Belief Change Process, your paradigm will be reshaped, bolstering emotional resilience, intuition, and forgiveness, creating a positive and forgiving mindset.
Embrace this pivotal stage as you step into the extraordinary realm of Your New Paradigm.
Highlights of this Elevation:
The Science of Change and Altered States: Delve into the science of change and accessing altered states of consciousness through slower brain wave states.
Transforming Your Paradigm: Experience the transformative power of the TNP Belief Change Process. Witness physiological, psychological, and emotional shifts at the identity level, rewriting your neurology for boundless possibility.
Sustain the Transformation: Practice and rehearse your new identity with TNP Belief Installation audios, incorporating powerful breath techniques. Maintain your powerful change by reinforcing neurons of possibility, reducing the impact of negative emotions in your daily life.
Emotion Regulation and Resilience: Increase emotional resilience and enhance your ability to regulate emotions through brain-heart coherence. Audio resources will guide you to access this state.
Intuition and Longevity: Tap into your intuition and foster longevity through the practice of brain-heart coherence. Utilize provided audio resources to access this transformative state.
The Power of Forgiveness: Liberate yourself from past negative memories and resentment. Embrace forgiveness logically and emotionally, cultivating a positive and forgiving mindset. Audio resources will support this healing process, alleviating the impact of negative emotions on your mental health.
Elevate yourself further, transform your identity, and unlock the potential for profound and lasting change.
What other clients say about this Elevation?
“HOLY GUACAMOLE! Pure power, I remember why I’m here. I felt it.”
Taryn Du Plessis
“I move forward into the future as a worthy being, extraordinary, powerful beyond measure, and I can achieve anything I set my mind to.”
Sabrina Linda
“The true power of imagination. Energy flows where attention goes. I can create the life I want by committing to upgrading my thinking.”
Daniella De Vos
Elevation 5: Architecting Your New Paradigm
Having undergone the transformative journey of death to the old self and the birth of the new self, you now stand free from limitations and are filled with boundless potential and possibility. Empowered by this newfound clarity, we guide you to harness the profound power of your unconscious mind, charting a course towards a purposeful and fulfilling life in Your New Paradigm. Embrace the freedom from destructive emotions as you make intentional decisions, stay aligned with your true desires, and craft a new empowered identity for yourself!
Step into the Architecting Your New Paradigm realm, where you wield the creative force to design a life that resonates with your deepest aspirations.
Highlights of this Elevation:
Mind-Alignment Exercise: Align your thoughts, emotions, and actions towards creating Your New Paradigm day through a specially-designed exercise.
The New Paradigm Approach: Discover how The New Paradigm approach, rooted in quantum physics, empowers personal transformation, leading to a quality life.
The Power of Intention: Use the power of intention to create alignment, peace of mind, and freedom from emotional reactivity.
Transformative Language: Reshape your energy and mindset through the power of language, cultivating a greater sense of calm and control.
Embracing “Fuck Yes” and “No”: Embrace the power of “Fuck Yes” for what truly matters in your life, and learn to say “no” to what doesn’t align with your joy and fulfilment.
Receive The TNP Blueprint and Self-Mastery Model: Utilise the TNP Blueprint and TNP Self-Mastery Model to further reduce emotional reactivity and foster lasting change in your life.
What did other clients say about this Elevation?
“Change your words; you change your life. Words create pictures in our minds and then create emotions in our bodies. Words have energy behind them. Create space for what you want in your life. Leave your limitations and look towards all possibilities instead. Commit to yourself, believe in yourself, build on yourself.”
Tegan Willard
“The power of language, Fuck Yes your life, Make intentions from your heart & towards pleasure. The blueprint of the whole course is so powerful! THANK YOU”!
Frankie Wong
“Actionable steps to maintain The New Paradigm. Most importantly, every day is a choice to decide on a new reality. The intention behind every action plays the most significant role.”
Rhett Shillaw
1WelcomeVideo lesson
Welcome to our transformative course that will guide you through an enlightening journey from The Old Paradigm to The New Paradigm. Throughout this course, you'll explore five elevations, each bringing you closer to a profound understanding of who you really are.
2Elevate Yourself - OnboardingVideo lesson
In this lecture, we highlight the importance of taking the time to fill out the questionnaire thoughtfully; you will gain invaluable insights into where you are currently at with regard to your thinking, living and being.
Your success and progress are our top priority, and the onboarding questionnaire is a powerful tool to pave the way for your growth journey.
So, take a moment to complete the questionnaire with sincerity and openness. Let's embark on this transformative adventure together, knowing that your investment in this process will yield remarkable personal and professional development returns.
3Onboarding QuestionnaireText lesson
In this lecture, you will receive the two-page onboarding questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to gather valuable insights into your current level of thinking, living, and being.
At the end of the course, we will utilize this information for the closing questionnaire. This will allow you to reflect on your progress and transformation throughout the course, making your journey with us truly meaningful and impactful. Thank you for your active participation, and we look forward to supporting you on this transformative path.
4IntroductionVideo lesson
Welcome to The Awareness Of The Old Paradigm Elevation! This brief introduction provides a glimpse into the captivating content that lies ahead.
5Awareness Of The Old Paradigm - Workbook DownloadText lesson
Welcome to the "Awareness Of The Old Paradigm" Workbook, your transformative companion for this section. Use this book to follow along with the video content, as it will prompt you to answer thought-provoking questions, deepen self-connection, uncover beliefs, and ignite positive change. Get ready to unleash your true potential and embrace lasting transformation.
6What Is A Paradigm?Video lesson
In this lecture, you will gain an understanding of what a paradigm is, allowing you to loosen its grip on your perspective. As you progress through this transformative journey, you'll experience a significant shift in how you perceive yourself and others, cultivating a newfound sense of kindness and compassion towards yourself and everyone else.
7The 3 Most Destructive ParadigmsVideo lesson
In this eye-opening lecture, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the three most destructive paradigms that underpin the limitations we observe in the world today. By exploring these paradigms, you'll be prompted to critically assess your own thought and recognize how they may be hindering you. Armed with this awareness, you'll be empowered to break free from these constraints and open up new avenues for personal growth and fulfilment.
8Your Conscious & Unconscious MindVideo lesson
In this enlightening lecture, you will delve into the fascinating concept of the conscious and unconscious mind—the two integral components shaping your thoughts and actions. To grasp the inner workings of your mind effectively, you will be introduced to an analogy that serves as the foundation for the entire course. This analogy will be key to unlocking your ability to access the unconscious mind, enabling you to make transformative changes in your life. Embrace this powerful knowledge as it sets the stage for a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation.
9When Is Your Paradigm FormedVideo lesson
In this thought-provoking lecture, we deeply dive into the formation of your paradigm, exploring the intricate process of how and when it is shaped. Gain a comprehensive understanding of brain wave states and their profound influence on the development of your paradigm. To enhance your comprehension, we provide a powerful analogy that illuminates this concept further. Prepare to expand your knowledge and awareness as we uncover the intricate workings of your mind, paving the way for profound personal growth and transformation.
10How Do You Know Which Paradigm Is True?Video lesson
In this empowering lecture, you will learn how to connect with the paradigms that align with your true self, gaining an understanding of your authentic identity. Embrace the concept of personal responsibility as the driving force propelling you towards elevating yourself beyond the confines of the old paradigm of thinking, living, and being.
11Your Environment & Your ParadigmVideo lesson
In this enlightening lecture, you will explore the significant impact of external environmental influences on shaping your paradigm and perception of the world. Discover how your beliefs and perspectives have been moulded through environmental conditioning and the knowledge you've acquired. Your environment plays a pivotal role in defining who you are today, but by cultivating awareness, you hold the power to change the way you perceive the world. This new found understanding will empower you to transcend the limitations of your past conditioning and embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation.
12The Schooling ParadigmVideo lesson
In this powerful lecture, you will be presented with a real-life example illustrating how a schooling experience deeply impacted someone's paradigm, leading to the creation of a harmful and limiting self-narrative. Through this story, you'll be encouraged to reflect on your own life and explore instances where past experiences, particularly those with emotional significance, may have shaped false beliefs about yourself, restricting your potential in the present. By examining these aspects of your past, you'll gain valuable insights into the origins of limiting beliefs and discover the profound potential for personal growth and transformation when you break free from these self-imposed constraints.
13Your Parents ParadigmVideo lesson
In this enlightening lecture, you'll gain insight into how a seemingly perfect upbringing can shape your paradigm, influencing your perspective on life. The human brain's ability to create false narratives in the unconscious mind can limit your potential and hinder your path to a happy and fulfilled life. By bringing these unconscious beliefs to light, you'll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, challenging your thinking and unlocking the power within to break free from limitations.
14How Two Twins Paradigms EvolvedVideo lesson
In this thought-provoking lecture, we present an eye-opening example featuring two twins who grew up in the same environment but achieved vastly different results in life. This striking contrast serves as compelling evidence that you are the master of your own destiny when you choose to take personal responsibility for all the outcomes in your life. By exploring this powerful example, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the pivotal role your mindset and choices play in shaping your journey.
15Awareness Of Abandonment - William Mcintyre Case StudyVideo lesson
In this insightful interview, you'll gain a profound view of William Mcintyre's journey to self-awareness as he reveals how a childhood experience at six years old had a lasting impact on his ability to maintain successful relationships with his partners. Through these compelling stories and experiences, you'll be prompted to self-reflect, empowering you to understand yourself deeper. By delving into these personal accounts, you'll awaken a newfound awareness within yourself, enabling you to break free from past limitations and embark on a path of personal growth and transformation. Get ready to be inspired and empowered as you explore the power of self-reflection and its ability to pave the way for more fulfilling and meaningful connections in your life.
16Awareness Of Environment - Isabella Fulford Case StudyVideo lesson
In this captivating lecture, you will have the opportunity to watch an insightful interview with Belle, where she shares her personal experience from childhood that led to the creation of a false narrative in her mind. This false narrative has significantly influenced her emotional state, behaviour, and life outcomes. By hearing Belle's story, you'll be prompted to engage in your own self-inquiry process, delving into your past to uncover any limiting beliefs or false narratives that may be affecting your present. Prepare to be inspired and motivated as you explore the power of self-awareness and its potential to break free from past constraints, fostering personal growth and transformation.
17Awareness Of The Old Paradigm: Self-InquiryVideo lesson
Family Inquiry:
(Conduct this before engaging in your self-inquiry)
Before proceeding with your self-inquiry, take the time to call your parents, caregivers, or family members and have an open conversation with them about your childhood experiences.
Request honesty from them, acknowledging that this may be uncomfortable for them. Remember, personal growth often arises from moments of discomfort. Approach these conversations with compassion and inquire about their own lives when they were younger and their experiences building a family.
This exercise holds the potential to foster healing within you and your family. Approach it with genuine curiosity and love, and make sure to avoid any tendency to assign blame. The primary goal of this exercise is to learn more about yourself.
To facilitate this self-inquiry effectively, write down your responses in the "Awareness Of The Old Paradigm" workbook, which was available to download as the second lecture in this section. Engaging in this pen-to-paper process will help reinforce your reflections.
Section 1: Memories
Take some time to identify the three most emotionally charged memories from your childhood that have significantly influenced who you are today. These events might be hidden in plain sight, and some might even appear to have been dealt with or not affected you. However, I encourage you to be honest with yourself and explore the true impact of these events on your life.
Investigating any memory that carries emotional weight is essential when you think about it. Sometimes, certain memories might be buried deep in your unconscious mind as a protective mechanism against pain. That's why conversing with your parents, caregivers, or family members can be helpful, as they may remember events that you don't.
Section 2: Learning
Upon reflecting on these three memories with a fresh perspective, consider what you have learned about yourself from each of them. Treat these learnings as valuable insights gained from events in your past.
A true learning is something positive about yourself that will be useful in shaping your future. Express these learnings in positive language and write them in the present tense.
Remember, this process forms the foundation of your entire course experience, so embrace the opportunity to explore your thoughts and emotions as profoundly as possible.
18Awareness Of The Old Paradigm: Self-Inquiry InstructionText lesson
In this lecture, we provide written instructions for your self-inquiry.
19IntroductionVideo lesson
Welcome to the Dissolving The Old Paradigm Elevation! This brief introduction provides a glimpse into the captivating content that lies ahead.
20Dissolving The Old Paradigm - Workbook DownloadText lesson
This is the "Dissolving The Old Paradigm" Workbook, your transformative companion for this section. Use this book to follow along with the video content, as it will prompt you to answer thought-provoking questions, deepen self-connection, uncover beliefs, and ignite positive change. Get ready to dissolve your limitations, unlock your true potential and embrace lasting transformation.
21The Death Zone (The Comfort Zone)Video lesson
In this enlightening lecture, we introduce you to the concept of the "death zone" - a state where you feel stuck in the safe and familiar, inhibiting your growth and potential. This idea will prompt you to reflect on your own life and understand what might be holding you back from stepping out of your comfort zone. Your brain is naturally wired to resist change and maintain the status quo, but once you gain awareness of this tendency, you can begin making the necessary changes in your life. Prepare to challenge your thinking and unlock the power within you to break free from the death zone.
22What Death Zone Is Causing You The Most Pain - Self InquiryText lesson
In this lecture, we provide written instructions for your self-inquiry.
23What Happens When We Try To Get Out Of Our Death Zone?Video lesson
In this insightful lecture, you will gain a profound understanding of what happens in your mind when you attempt to break free from the death zone. As you venture outside your comfort zone and seek personal growth, your brain may trigger resistance and discomfort. By recognizing these patterns, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and awareness needed to navigate this transformation journey effectively.
24How Do You Get Out Of The Death Zone?Video lesson
In this empowering lecture, you will gain valuable insights into initiating the process of breaking free from the death zone. We offer practical strategies and leverage points to ignite change and propel you towards taking the necessary steps in your life. By implementing these tools, you'll find the momentum needed to overcome resistance and become friends with uncertainty.
25How To Identify Your Death Zone?Video lesson
This enlightening lecture provides in-depth guidance on identifying the death zone in which you may find yourself. You'll gain clarity on recognizing the signs and patterns that may be hindering your growth and potential. As you delve deeper into self-awareness, you'll be challenged to explore the next Self Inquiry question, designed to confront your unconscious mind and spark lasting change. Get ready to confront the barriers that have been holding you back and unlock the transformative power within you.
26What Fear Is Keeping You In Your Death Zone?Text lesson
In this lecture, we provide written instructions for your self-inquiry.
27The 4 - Minute MileVideo lesson
In this illuminating lecture, you will gain insights into how paradigms from the past have been dissolved and the fascinating neurological processes that occur when a paradigm is broken. We aim to provoke your thinking and create leverage to encourage you to believe in yourself, realizing that your current paradigm of thinking is merely a model in your brain and can change at any moment. By embracing self-awareness and the dissolution of old patterns, you hold the power to challenge your paradigms and create profound transformations.
28The LobotomyVideo lesson
In this thought-provoking lecture, we provide insights into a procedure used in the mental health industry and draw parallels to some of the methods employed today. We challenge the paradigm of thinking that many people have bought into and encourage you to critically examine your beliefs. The teaching is designed to provoke your thinking and inspire you to question what you consider to be true. Emphasizing that there is no absolute right or wrong way, we aim to open your mind to new possibilities and the potential for transformative growth.
29Current ParadigmsVideo lesson
Paradigms are not fixed; they are constantly evolving and being dissolved in the present as well. In this lecture, we shed light on current paradigms that are currently undergoing dissolution. By exploring these contemporary shifts in thinking, we aim to provoke your thoughts and encourage you to challenge your own paradigms. This process will enable you to loosen the grip of limiting beliefs that have been influencing your unconscious mind. Embrace this opportunity to break free from outdated patterns and open your mind to new possibilities, fostering personal growth and positive transformation.
30Your BeliefsVideo lesson
In this section, we delve into beliefs and their impact on your reality. Empowering or limiting, beliefs shape your thinking, defining your life's course. This lecture underpins the course's transformative potential, empowering you to challenge and reshape your beliefs. Let's embark on this empowering journey of self-discovery and growth!
31What Are Your Three Limiting BeliefsVideo lesson
In this concise lecture, you'll understand the purpose of self-enquiry and identify your three limiting beliefs, the false narratives you've adopted. Addressing these beliefs is vital for the next lecture, where you'll see their impact on shaping your reality. Bringing these beliefs to the surface empowers you to be ready for transformation.
32What Are Your 3 Limiting Beliefs: Self-InquiryText lesson
In this lecture, we provide written instructions for your self-inquiry.
33Change Your Thinking Change Your LifeVideo lesson
Unlock the secrets of mind transformation! Overcoming life's struggles lies in how you perceive and interpret experiences, not the experiences themselves. Contrary to popular belief, you can manage your thoughts and direct your life journey. In this lecture, understand how your thinking shapes your emotions. Prepare to take charge of your mindset and shift the way you think on the daily.
34Examples Of How Your Thinking Creates Your EmotionsVideo lesson
To integrate this teaching, we present real-life examples demonstrating how your thinking directly influences your emotional responses. By observing these examples, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the profound connection between your thoughts and emotions.
35Your Thinking Imagination - Audio ExperienceVideo lesson
In this eye-closing lecture, we delve into your unconscious mind and provide compelling evidence of how your thinking generates physiological responses in your body, even through the power of imagination. Through a guided imagination experience, you'll have the opportunity to witness firsthand the profound connection between your thoughts and your body's reactions. Be prepared to close your eyes and engage your imagination as we unlock the secrets of mind-body interconnectedness.
36Change Your Thinking Change Your Life - ClosingVideo lesson
In this concluding lecture, we bring together the powerful teaching of how your thinking creates emotions. You can minimize time spent in destructive emotional states by consciously managing your thoughts daily. Embrace this newfound awareness and take charge of your mindset, empowering yourself to cultivate a more positive and balanced emotional state. As you close this learning chapter, remember that you hold the key to shaping your reality and creating a fulfilling life. Let's celebrate this transformative journey of self-awareness and empowerment as you embrace the potential within you to live a more joyous and fulfilling life.
37Your Emotions: Self Inquiry VideoVideo lesson
In this lecture, we provide video instructions for your self-inquiry.
38Your Emotions: Self-InquiryText lesson
In this lecture, we provide written instructions for your self-inquiry.
39How Troy McTeer Took Personal ResponsibilityVideo lesson
40Victim Mentality Vs Personal ResponsibilityVideo lesson
In this empowering lecture, we challenge your beliefs about yourself and reveal the transformative potential of taking personal responsibility. By embracing this concept, you'll gain the power to make profound changes in your life and step into a realm of empowerment and self-awareness. Let go of limitations and embrace personal responsibility to unlock the door to extraordinary transformation and unleash your limitless potential.
41The Consequences Of Your BeliefsVideo lesson
In this lecture, we provide video instructions for your self-inquiry.
42The Consequences Of Your Beliefs: Self-InquiryText lesson
In this lecture, we provide written instructions for your self-inquiry.
43CSBR - IntroductionVideo lesson
In this lecture, we introduce you to the CSBR life mastery model, which we will thoroughly break down in the upcoming sessions. Get ready to encounter numerous enlightening moments as your self-inquiry, conducted throughout the course, is about to be expanded significantly. You'll gain a profound understanding of how you unconsciously create your own reality within this model.
44Your ResultsVideo lesson
In this lecture, we give you an understanding of what the results in your life are and encourage you to view them from a different perspective. Humans often label certain situations as "problems," but in reality, they are merely results. By understanding this distinction, you can begin to shift your mindset and approach these results in a more empowering way.
45Your BehaviourVideo lesson
In this lecture, we provide you with insights into the profound influence your behaviour has on your life. We explore the fact that approximately 95% of your behaviour is unconscious, which significantly shapes the results you experience. Understanding this unconscious aspect of behaviour will shed light on how it drives the results you see in your life.
46Your State - Your PhysiologyVideo lesson
In this lecture, we comprehensively understand how your physiology directly influences your emotional state. By exploring the connection between your body's physical state and your emotional well-being, you'll gain valuable insights into managing and enhancing your emotional state.
47Your State - Perceived Reality - FocusVideo lesson
In this lecture, we delve into the powerful link between where you direct your attention and its direct impact on your emotional state. By exploring the connection between your attention and your emotional well-being, you will gain valuable insights into effectively managing and enhancing your emotional state.
48Your State - Perceived Reality - Your MeaningVideo lesson
In this lecture, we deeply explore the significance of your meaning-making process and its profound impact on your emotional state. By examining how your meaning-making shapes your perceived reality and influences your emotional well-being, you will gain valuable insights into effectively managing and enhancing your emotional state.
49Your State - Perceived RealityVideo lesson
In this lecture, we consolidate your understanding of perceived reality and its direct influence on your emotional state, shaping the outcomes you experience. By connecting the dots between your perceived reality, emotions, and results, you will gain deeper insights into the intricacies of your personal experiences and how to navigate and create positive outcomes in your life effectively.
50Your ConditioningVideo lesson
In this lecture, we delve deeply into the concept of conditioning and provide you with an in-depth understanding of what shapes and creates your conditioning. Throughout this course, you have become increasingly aware of these conditioning factors, which govern your unconscious mind and drive your life on autopilot. By comprehending the roots of your conditioning, you will gain valuable insights into breaking free from unconscious patterns and achieving greater control and fulfillment in your life.
51CSBR - Self Mastery ModelVideo lesson
Now that you possess a comprehensive understanding of the CSBR Life Mastery model and its intricacies, we unite all its elements to stimulate your thinking and encourage self-reflection on the results you have experienced in your life. By integrating this knowledge, you will be empowered to gain deeper insights into how these results have manifested and identify areas for growth and positive transformation.
52Examples Of CSBRVideo lesson
In this lecture, we present real-life examples of CSBR to provide you with tangible context for the model. These practical illustrations will challenge your thinking and prompt you to examine how your beliefs have either contributed to creating or hindering positive outcomes in your life. By analyzing these examples, you will gain valuable insights into the power of beliefs and their impact on shaping your reality.
53IntroductionVideo lesson
Welcome to Remembering The New Paradigm Elevation! This brief introduction provides a glimpse into the captivating content that lies ahead.
54Remembering The New Paradigm Workbook DownloadText lesson
Welcome to the "Remembering The New Paradigm" Workbook, your transformative companion for this section. Use this book to follow along with the video content, as it will prompt you to answer thought-provoking questions, deepen self-connection, uncover beliefs, and ignite positive change. Get ready to unleash your true potential and embrace lasting transformation.
55The Science Of EpigeneticsVideo lesson
In this lecture, we explore the fascinating science of epigenetics, providing an empowering understanding that your genes do not determine your destiny. This knowledge will give you the leverage needed to take control of your thoughts and beliefs, empowering you to shape your life actively. Understanding this concept will bring you another step closer to transforming your world and unlocking your true potential. Embrace this powerful insight and embark on a journey of self-empowerment and positive transformation.
56NeuroplasticityVideo lesson
In this lecture, we delve into the fascinating science of Neuroplasticity. Understanding this concept will empower you to realize the immense power within you to make changes in your neurology, facilitating the transformations we are preparing you to experience in the transformation elevation. You can bring about physiological changes in your brain, leading to profound shifts in your mindset and abilities.
57Your PotentialVideo lesson
In this lecture, we deeply explore and emphasize the incredible potential that lies within you. As human beings, we may have forgotten our true power due to the experiences and influences in our environment. However, this lecture aims to dispel this illusion and help you recognize the truth: you have the innate ability to create whatever you desire in your life. Understanding this inherent potential provides you with powerful leverage as we prepare you for the transformation elevation.
58Your Potential In ActionVideo lesson
In this lecture, we will engage in an exercise allowing you to experience the power of your imagination through a real-life experience. By actively participating in this exercise, you will gain firsthand insight into the transformative potential of your imagination. You will tap into the creative force within you and witness how your imagination can shape your perception and experiences.
59Your Potential ProofVideo lesson
In this lecture, we present you with real-life proof and scientifically backed research conducted by some of the most reputable researchers in the world. These findings will further solidify your understanding and belief in the unlimited potential that lies within you. By exploring this compelling evidence, you will gain even more leverage, empowering you to fully embrace and harness your innate abilities as you embark on The Transformation Elevation
60Your Potential SummaryVideo lesson
In this lecture, we bring together the teachings on your potential to culminate in a comprehensive understanding of how truly limitless you are. By combining the insights and knowledge presented throughout the course, you will grasp the depth of your capabilities and the vast possibilities that lie within you. Embrace this realization and carry it with you as you embark on your journey of personal transformation. You are limitless, and your potential knows no bounds.
61Why We Do What We DoVideo lesson
In this lecture, we delve into the fundamental reasons behind our actions and behaviors. We will explore the six psychological human needs, which provide essential insights into what drives our decisions and choices. Understanding these needs will offer valuable perspectives on human behavior and motivations. By grasping the underlying factors that influence our actions, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others
62The TruthVideo lesson
In this lecture, we introduce one of the most powerful principles on planet earth: The Truth. We emphasize the significance of understanding this principle's profound impact on our lives. The Truth is the highest frequency, empowering individuals to connect with their authentic selves. By embracing and embodying this principle, you will experience a deep sense of alignment and inner harmony. Understanding the power of Truth will pave the way for genuine self-connection and open the doors to transformation and self-empowerment.
63What Happens When We Lie?Video lesson
64What Happens When We Tell The Truth?Video lesson
In this lecture, we embark on a profound exploration of the intricate mechanisms and consequences of telling the truth. We delve into honesty's psychological and behavioural aspects, seeking to understand its transformative power on ourselves and others. By unravelling the complexities of truthfulness, you will gain valuable insights into the benefits of authenticity and integrity in fostering genuine connections and personal growth. Embrace this journey as an opportunity to cultivate a truthful and transparent approach to life, leading to deeper trust and meaningful relationships.
65Your 3 Empowering BeliefsVideo lesson
In this lecture, armed with your newfound awareness of your potential, the powerful principle of the truth, and the understanding of how your thinking shapes your reality, we empower you to create your own set of three empowering beliefs. This lecture provides the guidance needed to craft these new beliefs about yourself, connecting you to your highest self. By anchoring yourself in these empowering beliefs, you will align with your true potential and tap into the limitless possibilities that lie within you. Trust in your ability to shape your reality and connect with your highest self through the power of empowering beliefs.
66Your 3 Empowering Beliefs: Self-InquiryText lesson
In this lecture, we provide written instructions for your self-inquiry.
67IntroductionVideo lesson
Welcome to Your Transformation Elevation! This brief introduction provides a glimpse into the captivating content that lies ahead.
68Your Transformation Workbook DownloadText lesson
This is the "Your Transformation" Workbook, your transformative companion for this section. Use this book to follow along with the video content.
This workbook will be your faithful companion throughout this transformative journey. As you proceed, it will help you fully understand and engage with the imaginative experiences that you're about to experience.
You'll gain profound insights into the transformation process through video content and this workbook. Understanding the illustrations and exercises provided here will be crucial in maximizing the impact of these experiences.
69Neuro-Associative ConditioningVideo lesson
In this lecture, we provide you with a comprehensive understanding of one of the techniques that constitute The TNP Belief Change process: Neuro Associative Conditioning. By explaining how this powerful technique works, we aim to instill confidence in the transformative experience you are about to undergo. Understanding the mechanics behind Neuro Associative Conditioning will empower you to fully embrace and trust in the effectiveness of this process.
70Timeline TeachingVideo lesson
In this lecture, we offer you a comprehensive understanding of another powerful technique within The TNP Belief Change process: Timeline Techniques. By explaining how this technique operates, we intend to provide you with the knowledge that instils confidence in the transformative experience you are about to embark on. Understanding the mechanics behind Timeline Techniques will empower you to embrace and trust in the effectiveness of this process wholeheartedly. As you grasp the power of working with your timeline, you will gain the tools to create meaningful shifts and lasting transformations in your life.
71Timeline ElicitationVideo lesson
In this lecture, we guide you through the process of eliciting your timeline to fully comprehend where your timeline will be when you undergo The TNP Belief Change Process. This practice is essential to ensure that you maintain a clear sense of direction and do not feel lost during the imagination experience. By understanding your timeline and its various points, you will be better equipped to navigate the transformative journey confidently and clearly.
72Timeline Joy Ride - Audio ExperienceVideo lesson
In this lecture, we take you on a joy ride, guiding you through an imaginative exercise where you will practice visualizing your timeline and experiencing the sensation of floating above it. This exercise aims to ensure that you are fully acquainted with your timeline, allowing you to clearly understand what is happening during The New Paradigm Belief Change Process. By engaging in this joy ride, you will develop a strong sense of awareness and connection to your timeline, enabling you to navigate the process with confidence and ease.
73Pre-Frame: TNP Belief Change ProcessVideo lesson
In this lecture, we provide a framework of the entire TNP Belief Change Process, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of the transformative experience you are about to embark on. Having already gained a deep understanding of the various techniques that make up this process, we aim to eliminate any uncertainties and ensure clarity throughout your journey. By presenting this pre-frame, you will be fully prepared and equipped to navigate the experience with confidence and complete awareness.
74The TNP Belief Change Process - Audio ExperienceVideo lesson
In this lecture, all the awareness you have gained, the dissolution of your limitations, and the empowerment you now possess will converge in a profound and transformative experience. You will undergo The TNP Belief Change process, a powerful journey that will reshape your identity on a subconscious level. This experience marks the death of the old self and the birth of the new self.
Through the power of your emotions, you will consciously facilitate this transformation. Embrace this experience with openness and vulnerability, as it will propel you towards your highest potential and a life of purpose and fulfillment. The emotions you engage with during this process will catalyse this positive change, allowing you to release limiting beliefs and embrace empowering ones.
75TNP Belief Installation ProcessVideo lesson
76How To Do Breath Retention Breath-WorkVideo lesson
In this lecture, you will receive instruction on performing breath retention breathing, ensuring you are well-informed and prepared before engaging in The TNP Belief Installation Process. Breath retention breathing is a valuable technique that can help you achieve a state of focus, calmness, and heightened awareness. By mastering this practice, you will be better equipped to immerse yourself in the belief installation process fully.
The purpose of learning breath retention breathing is to cultivate a deep sense of presence and inner stillness, aiding you in effectively integrating your new empowering beliefs. This technique can support you in maintaining focus and clarity during the process, enhancing the transformative experience.
77Beginner: TNP Belief Installation - 3 Cycle Binaural Beats Audio ExperienceVideo lesson
This is 3-cycle beginner belief installation breath retention audio. This guided session is designed for individuals who will be engaging in breathwork for the first time.
78Intermediate: TNP Belief Installation - 4 Cycle Binaural Beats Audio ExperienceVideo lesson
This is 4-cycle intermediate belief installation breath retention audio. This guided session is designed for individuals with experience in breath retention.
79Advanced: TNP Belief Installation - 5 Cycle Binaural Beats Audio ExperienceVideo lesson
This is 5-cycle advanced belief installation breath retention audio. This guided session is designed for individuals with advanced experience in breath retention.
80Brain & Heart Coherence IntroductionVideo lesson
In this lecture, you will be introduced to the profound practice of brain and heart coherence. This powerful technique aligns and synchronizes the rhythms of your brain and heart to promote stress reduction, cognitive enhancement, and emotional well-being. Embrace this transformative practice to cultivate a harmonious and balanced state of being, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with clarity and resilience.
81Why Do We Need Brain-Heart Coherence?Video lesson
In this lecture, we emphasize the crucial importance of brain and heart coherence in driving your belief in its transformative power. By aligning and synchronizing the rhythms of your brain and heart, you can access heightened states of awareness and emotional balance, enabling you to fully embrace and harness the potential of this practice. Understanding its significance will empower you to cultivate a deep belief in the profound impact of brain and heart coherence on your overall well-being and personal growth.
82How To Do Brain-Heart CoherenceVideo lesson
In this lecture, we provide you with a clear understanding of how to practice brain and heart coherence, ensuring that you do it correctly to fully experience its profound benefits. Through step-by-step guidance, you will learn the techniques and principles behind this practice, enabling you to align the rhythms of your brain and heart effectively.
83Brain-Heart Coherence - Binaural Beats Audio ExperienceVideo lesson
This lecture is the brain and heart coherence audio experience. This guided session is designed for you to practice daily with headphones on, enabling you to immerse yourself in the power of this profound practice fully. Embrace this transformative experience, as it will empower you to cultivate a state of harmony and balance within yourself. By incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you will access its profound benefits, enhancing your overall well-being and personal growth.
84Forgiveness IntroductionVideo lesson
In this lecture, we introduce you to one of the most powerful practices in the course forgiveness. We aim to empower you to view forgiveness from a completely different perspective that fosters a profound connection with yourself. We emphasize that all forms of forgiveness ultimately lead to the forgiveness of the self. Embrace this transformative concept as it will empower you to release past burdens, heal emotional wounds, and embrace a path of personal growth and self-compassion. You can cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and acceptance through forgiveness, freeing yourself to create a more fulfilling and empowered life.
85Ho'OponoponoVideo lesson
In this lecture, you will delve into the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'Oponopono, a profound teaching on forgiveness. This perspective on forgiveness will challenge our conventional views and offer a unique approach to healing and reconciliation. Through Ho'Oponopono, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, paving the way for profound transformation in your life. This teaching will open your heart and mind to this ancient wisdom, as it holds the potential to liberate you from emotional burdens and connect you with your true essence.
86Ho'Oponopono: Pre FrameVideo lesson
In this lecture, we provide a comprehensive pre-framing of the Ho'Oponopono audio experience, ensuring you have a clear and holistic understanding of the practice before engaging. This pre-framing sets the stage for a profound and meaningful journey of forgiveness and self-discovery in audio that is coming up next.
87Ho'Oponopono: Binaural Beats Audio ExperienceVideo lesson
In this lecture, you will experience the Ho'Oponopono guided audio, a powerful tool you can practice daily to facilitate forgiving yourself. This transformative audio will guide you through the Ho'Oponopono practice, enabling you to release emotional burdens, heal past wounds, and cultivate self-compassion.

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