Unity Game Development: Beginner to Pro
- Description
- Curriculum
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Unity Game Development: Beginner to Pro course as the name suggests caters to the students or professionals keen on learning Game Development with or without any prior experience and knowledge on the subject. The course is designed in such a way that any student could easily learn to create a game at the end of the course.
Here is the outline of the course ‘Unity Game Development: Beginner to Pro’ :
- Introduction to the course.
- Introduction to Unity & installation
- Configure Visual studio with Unity.
- Create a C# script & understand the structure of the script
- Print ‘Hello World’ in the Unity console
- Operators, Data types & variables in C#
- Arithmetic operator
- Relational operator
- Logical operator
- Conditional operator
- Control flow statements
- Decision making statements
- Switch statements
- Looping statements
- Collections in C#
- List
- Sorted List
- Dictionary
- Queue
- Arraylist
- Hashtable
- Stack
- Introduction to UI in Unity
- Canvas
- Text
- Image
- Button
- ScrollView
- InputField
- Slider
- Anchor
- Introduction to Unity Events
- Event functions
- Custom functions
- Delegates in Unity
- Single – cast delegate
- Multi – cast delegate
- Delegate Events
- Introduction to Unity Input system
- Keyboard Inputs
- Mouse Inputs
- Axis Inputs
- Rigidbody & Collisions
- Introduction to Rigidbody
- Applying Rigidbody to the GameObject
- Creating a floor in the game
- Move a Sphere gameobject using Rigidbody and Inputs
- Introduction to Colliders & collisions
- Create a scene to detect collisions – 1
- Create a scene to detect collisions – 2
- Animations in Unity
- Introduction to Animations
- 2D Sprite Animation – part 1
- 2D Sprite Animation – part 2
- 2D Sprite Animation – part 3
- 2D Sprite Animation – part 4
- Animating a 3D character – part 1
- Animating a 3D character – part 2
- Animating a 3D character – part 3
- Create a 3D game ‘Knock the Cans’
- Game creation – Level Designing
- Game creation – Applying Logic to knock the can
- Game creation – Applying Logic to knock the can
- Game creation – Prefab creation & Instantiation
- Game creation – Create a win or lose system in the game
3Create a 3D project in UnityVideo lesson
4Quiz 2Quiz
Project creation in Unity
5Configure Visual Studio with UnityVideo lesson
6Quiz 3Quiz
Configure Visual Studio with Unity
7Create your first C# script in UnityVideo lesson
8Quiz 4Quiz
Learn about creating a C# script
9Understanding the structure of a C# script in Unity - Part 1Video lesson
10Quiz 5Quiz
Understanding the structure of a C# script
11Understanding the structure of a C# script in Unity - Part 2Video lesson
12Quiz 6Quiz
Understanding the structure of a C# script
13Print 'Hello code' in Unity consoleVideo lesson
14Quiz 7Quiz
Print 'Hello code' in Unity console
16Introduction to Operators in Unity C#Video lesson
17Arithmetic OperatorsVideo lesson
18Quiz 8Quiz
Understand Arithmetic operators
19Relational OperatorsVideo lesson
20Quiz 9Quiz
Understand Relational operators
21Logical OperatorsVideo lesson
22Quiz 10Quiz
Understand Logical Operators
23Conditional OperatorsVideo lesson
24Quiz 11Quiz
Understand Conditional Operators
25Introduction to Control Flow Statements in Unity C#Video lesson
26Decision making statements - if statementVideo lesson
27Quiz 12Quiz
Quiz on if statement
28Decision making statements - if-else statementVideo lesson
29Quiz 13Quiz
Quiz for if-else statements
30Decision making statements - if-else-if statementVideo lesson
31Quiz 14Quiz
Quiz on if-else-if ladder statements
32Switch-Case statementsVideo lesson
33Quiz 15Quiz
Quiz on Switch-Case statements
34Looping statementsVideo lesson
35Quiz 16Quiz
Quiz on Looping statements.
36Introduction to CollectionsVideo lesson
37Quiz 17Quiz
Quiz on Collections in Unity C#
38List in Unity C#Video lesson
39Sorted List in Unity C#Video lesson
40Dictionary in Unity C#Video lesson
41Arraylist in Unity C#Video lesson
42Hashtable in Unity C#Video lesson
43Stack in Unity C#Video lesson
44UI Canvas in UnityVideo lesson
45Quiz 18Quiz
Quiz on UI Canvas
46UI Text in UnityVideo lesson
47Quiz 19Quiz
Quiz on UI Text
48UI Image in UnityVideo lesson
49UI Button in UnityVideo lesson
50UI ScrollView in Unity - Part 1Video lesson
51UI ScrollView in Unity - Part 2Video lesson
52UI SrollView in Unity - Part 3Video lesson
53UI InputField in Unity - Part 1Video lesson
54UI InputField in Unity - Part 2Video lesson
55UI Slider in Unity - Part 1Video lesson
56UI Slider in Unity - Part 2Video lesson
57Anchoring of UI Components in UnityVideo lesson
58Introduction to Event Functions in UnityVideo lesson
59Understanding Event Functions within a C# scriptVideo lesson
60Introduction to Custom Functions in UnityVideo lesson
61Write a basic function in UnityVideo lesson
62Write a function with return type in UnityVideo lesson
63Write a function with parameters in UnityVideo lesson
73Introduction to Physics Engine & Rigidbody in UnityVideo lesson
74Create a Sphere and apply Rigidbody to the Sphere in UnityVideo lesson
75Move the Sphere GameObject using Rigidbody - Part 1Video lesson
76Move the Sphere GameObject using Rigidbody - Part 2Video lesson
77Move the Sphere GameObject using Rigidbody - Part 3Video lesson
78Introduction to Collisions & Triggers in UnityVideo lesson
79Detect Collisions in Unity - Part 1Video lesson
80Detect Collisions in Unity - Part 2Video lesson
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