The Complete C Programming Course for Beginners
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Welcome to ‘The Complete C Programming Course for Beginners’ course.
In this course, you’ll have a detailed, step-by-step explanation of C Programming where you’ll learn about the best ways to solve problems. This is the course I wish I had when I was learning myself for the first time. This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So nothing to lose!
Why you should learn C Programming Language?
C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it.
If you want to be a better programmer, software engineer, C Programming is a great way to get started.
This course does not skip the details, this is a step-by-step and line-by-line explanation course. You will learn how to write high-quality code and become a great programmer. This course does not just present how to code in the C programming language, but, also explained all the details of “why”. At the end of this course, you will fully understand the concepts of the C Programming language.
Learning C programming will not only make you understand one of the most powerful Programming Languages of all time but also gives a strong base for developing Problem-solving Skills in the field of computer science and Engineering.
By the time you’re finished with the course, you will be prepared for common technical coding interview questions.
See you inside the course!
32If...Else SatementVideo lesson
33Nested if...else statementVideo lesson
34Checking a number even or odd using if else statementVideo lesson
35Switch StatementVideo lesson
36Checking a number even or odd using switch statementVideo lesson
37Find maximum of two integersVideo lesson
38Find maximum of three integersVideo lesson
39Find second largest of three integersVideo lesson
43Introduction to loopVideo lesson
44for loopVideo lesson
45while loopVideo lesson
46do...while loopVideo lesson
47break and continue statementVideo lesson
48Infinite loopVideo lesson
49Nested LoopVideo lesson
50Keep asking for a positive inputVideo lesson
51Sum of first n numbersVideo lesson
52Sum of even numbers upto nVideo lesson
53Sum of odd numbers upto nVideo lesson
54Factorial of a numberVideo lesson
55GCD of a two numbersVideo lesson
56Prime number testVideo lesson
57Reverse an integerVideo lesson
58Palindrome numberVideo lesson
59Print a triangleVideo lesson
60Introduction to functionVideo lesson
61Parameter & ArgumentVideo lesson
62Why int main() return 0Video lesson
63Local Variable and Global VariableVideo lesson
643 Place to declare functionsVideo lesson
65Implementation of square() functionVideo lesson
66Implementation of factorial() functionVideo lesson
67Implemetnation of pow(x, n) functionVideo lesson
68Implementation of reverse(int) functionVideo lesson
69Implementation of countDigits(int) functionVideo lesson
70Implementation of isPalindrome(int) functionVideo lesson
71Implementation isPrimeNumber() functionVideo lesson
72Array in CVideo lesson
73Two dimentional array (2D Array)Video lesson
74How to find the size of an array (sizeof() operator)Video lesson
75Linear SearchVideo lesson
76Binary SearchVideo lesson
77Find min number in an arrayVideo lesson
78Find max number in an arrayVideo lesson
79Print 2D arrayVideo lesson
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