Stuck No More – Turning Dreams into Plans
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Perhaps you admire others who found wind in their face therapy, envy those who step effortlessly into new and different situations, and especially those who thrive on a steady diet of exploration, new quests and abundant thrills. You wonder what it is that they have that you don’t have.
Expanding on the seven secrets introduced in my book Hit the Road and Thrive this Online course called Stuck No More – Turning Dreams into Plans has a curriculum designed to change your life. As you learn the concepts, work the exercises, uncover surprising dynamics, and recover an innate ability you had all along, you will actually begin to take command all that is involved with combining travel with creativity, building and maintaining an attitude for adventure, and developing the special, almost spiritual connection that occurs when we let go of everything traditional and keep our focus on the mystery ahead.
This lesson plan has been created for you to become fully confident to launch yourself out into the unknown. You will learn quickly and easily everything necessary to head out on the highway, reach out to a stranger, walk into the boss’s office, become proactive and creative with your spouse, or simply elevate your experience in your own living room. This deep dive course prepares you to become completely immersed in the adventure, lure, and mystery of what you need not fear anymore.
1Stuck No More – Turning Dreams into PlansVideo lesson
“…expands upon the seven secrets to living the life of your dreams with a deep dive into the guts, gears and mysteries of your mind, beliefs acquired along the way and understanding the behaviors you produce. “
2Are You Ready?Text lesson
Before you begin maybe you will want to take the:
Do I Believe in Myself? Quiz
The purpose if this quiz is to help familiarize yourself with the areas of your personalities, beliefs and attitudes that interfere with achieving your best, to encourage the benefit of taking a deeper dive into the gears, guts and inner workings of your psyche in order to facilitate an upgrade, and to isolate and remove once and for all the subtle tendency for complacency and replace it with unstoppable momentum for outstanding achievement.
1. Do you find yourself frequently comparing yourself to others?
2. Are you hesitant to take risks or try new things because you fear failure?
3. Do you struggle to accept compliments or praise from others?
4. Are you often self-critical or hard on yourself?
5. Do you feel like you need to have everything figured out before taking action towards your goals?
6. Do you frequently doubt your abilities or second-guess your decisions?
7. Are you easily discouraged by setbacks or obstacles?
8. Do you avoid challenges or opportunities for growth because they feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar?
9. Do you feel like you need to prove yourself to others in order to feel worthy or validated?
10. Do you struggle to identify your strengths or positive qualities?
11. Are you postponing the life of your dreams until you win the lottery?
12. Does your emotional condition depend on the behavior of others?
13. Does your dream of a better life involve attaining something ideal first?
Read on, the following lessons in the Online Course
Stuck No More – Turning Dreams into Plans
will help you find the key to unlock the life of your dreams.
3The Lure of the HighwayVideo lesson
“Especially important is the knowledge that enables access to freedom from limiting mindsets, senseless habits, and the pointless beliefs that actually promotes the separation prevalent in society today.”
4My PromiseText lesson
5ForgivenessVideo lesson
“In order to change the trajectory of our lives we must uncover what is running interference, discard what we find to create an opening for an upgrade, and enter into forgiveness.”
6SurrenderVideo lesson
“Surrender does not mean losing - it means to give up and join the winning side.”
7Judge NotVideo lesson
“As we become responsible for our perceptions of others and the behavior we produce in response, we begin to demonstrate a new belief system. What they say about you says more about them than it does about you.”
8Chapter 2Text lesson
9More questionsText lesson
10• Came to / LanguishingVideo lesson
“Each of us are different and there are many ways out of the negative belief system, the unhealthy self-destructive mindset, and how my lack of connection actually hurt me and prevented me from becoming receptive to what life has to offer.”
11Chapter questions:Text lesson
12Came to BelieveVideo lesson
“Life is devastating, if only in its limited run; but it’s incredibly good, too.”
Camille Pagan
13Don't sweat the small stuffVideo lesson
“Something as slight as perpetual limiting beliefs can actually keep you from achieving the life of your dreams.”
14An explanation for how I use Co-createText lesson
15Create Empowering BeliefsVideo lesson
“As you move forward through this day getting ready to seek adventure, freedom and begin to love the life you live, be grateful for the problems as they occur because they are an indication of the progress you are making.”
16OptimismVideo lesson
“As you move forward through this day getting ready to seek adventure, freedom and begin to love the life you live, be grateful for the problems as they occur because they are an indication of the progress you are making.”
17Chapter 4 questionsText lesson
18Chapter 4 questionsText lesson
19Move a Muscle - Change a ThoughtVideo lesson
“Depression is actually the body telling you something; it wants to be worked.”
20The Power of Having a VisionVideo lesson
“When we become curious like a child, channels open in the mind to receive.”
21The EgoVideo lesson
“You will learn to identify when the ego is influencing your perceptions and do something about it.”
22Chapter 5 questions:Text lesson
23Purge the PastVideo lesson
“The end result is that he brought his family back together through writing about each event and elevating their regard for each other through an increased understanding and a healing of what kept them apart. “
24Script TherapyVideo lesson
“In order to be able to discard that which keeps sending us down the wrong road, remains a never-ending cycle of negative behavior or simply finding what keeps us stuck we must bypass the ego.”
25Keep It SimpleVideo lesson
“By uncovering the truth about the traumatic events that took place in your childhood you get closer to uncovering what influenced your beliefs, behavior and what affected your self-esteem, confidence and your image of yourself.”
26Chapter questions:Text lesson
27Separation is an illusionVideo lesson
“There is a funny thing about what we believe. If we believe that the proven answer will not work, it will not work.”
28Who Do You Need to Forgive?Video lesson
“The dichotomy is that going through the disgrace of rejection, complete humiliation and hitting bottom places us at the threshold of finding something solid upon which to rebuild our lives.”
29Chapter QuestionsText lesson
30Keep Looking ForwardVideo lesson
“As you embrace the truth about your personality, I encourage you to consider new ideas for areas to concentrate on to provide stepping stones that will lead to finding the life of your dreams.”
31Confidence and self esteemVideo lesson
“Interesting is that we initially got these messages that gave us our low self-esteem from our surroundings and gave them life in our minds where they influenced our behaviors and experiences.”
32Run Towards the DangerVideo lesson
“As you grow spiritually, you begin to recognize that the vicissitudes of life are where the growth comes from.”
33Esteemable ActsVideo lesson
“As we demonstrate our dedication to lifting others into new awareness, we find being an example of healing will not only inspire those who see something new in us but we accumulate healthy self-esteem by producing esteemable behavior.”
34Chapter 8 questionsText lesson
35Tending to othersVideo lesson
“Placing conditions on our happiness is to not understand that our happiness is an inside job. “
36Becoming MindfulVideo lesson
“As we become responsible for what it is that we allow to take place in our hearts and minds and become positively proactive with the conduct and actions we produce, we enter into harmony with our creator’s intention for our lives.”
37More about mindfulnessVideo lesson
“We suffer from the way others drive (behave, treat others, talk, etc.) because of our judgment of their behavior.”
38AttitudeText lesson
39Judge NotVideo lesson
“Because we recognize that we are connected with everything in the universe, we begin to produce behavior that benefits others.”
40Forgiveness Trumps AllVideo lesson
“Holding onto resentment is like pounding a nail into your own foot.”
41Chapter QuestionsText lesson
42My StoryVideo lesson
“As I learned to levitate above what is happening to me as it occurs, I become able to remain detached from the self that judged what was taking place.”
43“Final assignment” Forty PagesVideo lesson
“As you review what happened during the decades of your life, you will begin to see a pattern of behavior that shows up in the different relationships that became constant thread throughout your life.”
44The Science of AffirmationsVideo lesson
“As you review what happened during the decades of your life, you will begin to see a pattern of behavior that shows up in the different relationships that became a constant thread throughout your life.”
45In ConclusionText lesson
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