Start to finish - Creating a complete game using Unity3D
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In this course we will create a 2D game called “Whack a Zombie” from start to finish. During the course of this project we will learn how to set up the project and code all the game mechanics and interactions in Visual Studios using C# and we will finish the project with adding some additional polish to it also. By the end of the project you will have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of developing games using the Unity game engine.
2Creating the Game Manager.Video lesson
Understanding the Update and Start functions.
Understanding private and public variables.
Looking at how to generate random numbers.
Creating a game manager class.
Discussing how we will structure the game manger class.
3Raise the dead!Video lesson
Discussing the zombie movement logic.
Implementing code and logic for zombies.
4Getting the Player Input.Video lesson
Discussing and understanding raycasts and rays.
Setting up colliders in our scene and discuss their importance in detecting raycast hits.
Creating our player input class.
Learning to get mouse input.
Using Debug lines to test progress.
5Raycasts & Colliders.Video lesson
Understanding the use of tags for our game objects.
Furthering our understanding of raycasts and colliders.
6Killing the Enemy.Video lesson
Writing the code for killing our enemy.
Understanding the use of GetComponent.
Setting up a life counter and a score counter.
Setting up our game over condition.
7UI Setup.Video lesson
Start working on the UI for our game.
Setting up the UI for our life.
Setting up the UI for our score.
8UI Implementation.Video lesson
Wiring up our UI from the last part.
Wiring up the score UI.
Wiring up the life UI.
Setting up our game over screen.
Wiring up our game over screen.
9Increasing Difficulty.Video lesson
Increasing the game difficulty with time.
10Scene Management.Video lesson
Learning how to work with Unity buttons.
Discussing how we will set up the scene transitions.
Working with Scene Management.
Implementing restart for the game.
Learning about build index.
Creating main menu scene.
11Main Menu.Video lesson
Setting up our main menu scene.
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