SQL CRUD Operations with PostgreSQL
- Description
- Curriculum
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PostgreSQL is a very popular , advanced, open-source object-relational database management system used by a lot of organizations.
It is a very robust database management system.
Any software or a web application will typically do these set of operations called C.R.U.D.
CRUD Stands for
Create (Insert)
Read (Select)
In this course we will be using SQL and PostgreSQL to perform CRUD operations .
What we will learn include:
How to install PostgreSQL Database Server
How to Load a sample database into PostgreSQL Server
How to Create a database and table
How to insert data into a table
How to query and retrieve data from a table
How to update existing data inside a table
How to delete data from a table
How to sort retrieved data from a table
How to Filter data using WHERE clause
How to remove duplicate data
How to use subqueries to query and retrieve data
How to group data using GROUP BY clause
How to use the HAVING clause to group data
1IntroductionVideo lesson
2What is PostgreSQLVideo lesson
3What is SQLVideo lesson
4Minimum Installation RequirementsVideo lesson
5Installing PostgreSQLVideo lesson
6Connecting to a PostgreSQL DatabaseVideo lesson
7Download and attach sample databaseVideo lesson
8Basic database conceptsVideo lesson
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