Selling on Amazon Complete Course: FBA, FBM, Sponsored Ads
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Learn how to make the most of selling on Amazon – the world’s largest online marketplace and an unparalleled opportunity for entrepreneurs.
Start an Amazon business and boost your income, or escape the 9-to-5! You don’t need any prior knowledge of Amazon or any technical skills – if you can use a web browser, you are good to go!!
This course is taught by Trevor Ginn, a successful online retailing entrepreneur who runs an Amazon business that sells over $ 3 million/year. Trevor Ginn has over 10 years of experience selling on Amazon. He will show you how to:
Open an Amazon account
Create optimised Amazon listings which convert
Get to the top of Amazon search results (Amazon SEO)
Set up Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) and create your first shipment
Manage orders
Monitor your performance metrics
Run a successful Amazon sponsored product (PPC) campaign
Expand internationally
Each section has a written course summary, and once purchased, this course is available to students forever.
Course content and overview
If you are an Amazon newbie looking to take your first step to financial independence or an experienced Amazon seller looking to improve your sales, this course is for you. You will learn about selling on Amazon from start to finish. The course comprises 17 detailed sections, each of which tackles an aspect of the Amazon selling platform. In the end you will be able to:
Create new products with keyword-rich content.
Optimise your products for performance in Amazon search
Advertise products using Amazon Sponsored Products
Replenish inventory by shipping to an Amazon fulfilment centre
Manage customers and orders and maintain a great feedback score
This course distils the instructor’s enormous experience of Amazon and selling online into 70+ digestible lessons. He is always happy to answer emailed questions and loves hearing from students.
1Introduction to the CourseVideo lesson
Welcome to How to Sell on Amazon. This course covers everything you need to know about selling on Amazon, including FBA, other fulfilment options, creating optimised listings, advertising your products and much more!
2Roadmap for Starting an Amazon BusinessVideo lesson
This lecture summarises the steps you will need to start your Amazon business and where you can find the information in this course that will help you.
3Branding for your Amazon BusinessVideo lesson
Whilst many marketplace sellers choose to sell under a generic brand (e.g. TPG Trading, 247 Top Seller), developing your own brand will help customers to identify you and build loyalty. This video lecture gives guidelines for developing your brand and using this to create a cross-platform identity.
4Creating a brandText lesson
5Researching Products to Sell on AmazonVideo lesson
With 18000 categories on Amazon, it can be challenging to know what to sell. This lecture provides data sources for investigating hot products and tools for finding product opportunities.
6Different types of productsQuiz
In this test, we will test your knowledge of how to source products to sell on your website.
7Research and selecting productsText lesson
8Amazon Account levels - Standard or ProfessionalVideo lesson
When setting up an Amazon account, you must select an account type. This lecture briefly describes the differences between the basic and professional account types. Note: We will be discussing the buy box later on!
9Amazon Referral FeeVideo lesson
In this lecture, we cover how Amazon referral fees are calculated.
10Combined North American and EU accounts + single sign onVideo lesson
Combined EU and NA accounts allow the accounts for these countries (EU = UK, FR, IT, ES, DE, NL, SE, NA = US, CA, MX) to be pooled and accessed from a single sign-on.
11Account opening requirementsVideo lesson
Opening an Amazon seller account requires accurate documentation. Be careful to submit the correct documentation and that the documentation is consistent.
12Starting your Amazon Business - AssignmentText lesson
13FBM – Benefits and drawbacksVideo lesson
Orders which are fulfilled directly by the seller are referred to as 'Fulfilled by Merchant' or FBM. A second option is Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP), where the orders are sent by the merchant but using an approved courier so are Prime eligible
14FBA – Benefits and drawbacksVideo lesson
Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) is Amazon's wildly popular fulfilment service where Amazon store the stock and manages dispatch and customer service.
15Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) - Benefits and drawbackVideo lesson
Seller Fulfilled Prime is Amazon's fulfilment programme which allows merchants to ship orders from their warehouse using an approved service and be Prime eligible.
16Choosing the right Fulfilment optionVideo lesson
This concluding section considers choosing the right fulfilment method for your business.
17Choosing fulfilment option(s) for your businessText lesson
18Amazon's catalogue systemVideo lesson
Each product, as defined by a single barcode, should have only one listing on Amazon. Multiple sellers will add their offer against this listing. This is known as a catalogue system.
19Anatomy of the Amazon product detail pageVideo lesson
The page on the Amazon site which gives information about a product is known as the Product Detail Page. In section, we look at all the various parts of this page.
20How Amazon combined product details from different sellersVideo lesson
For a listing that has multiple sellers, Amazon combines the product information from various sources to create the product listing. It will also recommend data to be added to a listing via its 'listing enhancements' product list. By adding this information and improving listing quality, the listing will do better in search. 'Suppressed' listings are those missing vital information (e.g. product title) and so will not appear in the Amazon search until the missing data has been submitted.
21How to create product listings by catalogue matchingVideo lesson
The simplest way to create listings on Amazon is to add your offers to already existing pages. This can be done one at a time or in bulk.
22Match your product against Amazon's catalogueText lesson
23What is Amazon SearchVideo lesson
When a customer searches, Amazon produces a list of results that it thinks are most relevant to that query. This is based on the ranking factors discussed in the following lecture.
24Ranking FactorsVideo lesson
There are multiple ranking factors in the Amazon search, including listing page conversion rate, click-through rate, sales volume, review rating.
25How Amazon indexes contentVideo lesson
This lecture covers the sections of the product listing which Amazon indexes for inclusion in the search.
26Improving performanceVideo lesson
Amazon natural search result performance is based on the historical performance of the listing. This lecture discusses building performance by driving sales, improving CTR and collecting reviews.
27Amazon Search QuizQuiz
Test your knowledge of Amazon search!
28Researching Keywords - IntroductionVideo lesson
How to research and generate relevant keywords for inclusion in your Amazon listings.
29Researching Keyword using Helium 10Video lesson
Helium 10 ( is a leading Amazon research tool. In this video I go through the process of researching, filtering and categorising keywords.
30Optimising product listings contentVideo lesson
How to create an Amazon listing that drives traffic through natural Amazon search and converts browsers into buyers.
31Creating product listing contentText lesson
32Creating products on Amazon via product entry formVideo lesson
This lecture goes through the process of creating a single product on Amazon via the product listing entry form
33Downloading the right feed fileVideo lesson
There are several different upload file types that are used for various purposes e.g. product matching, creating products from scratch. Note the required attributes vary by category.
34Price and quantity file (& inventory loader)Video lesson
The Price and Inventory file is used to update the price and stock level of SKUs already in your Amazon inventory. It cannot be used to add items to inventory.
35Category specific flat filesVideo lesson
It is much quicker to create the listing via a feed file when adding multiple products. This is an excel file where the product data is completed and then uploaded.
36Creating VariationsVideo lesson
Variations (also known as parent-child relationships) are sets of products related to one another in terms of Size, Colour, etc. Good variation relationship listings allow buyers to compare and choose products based on different attributes such as size, colour, or other characteristics from the available options on a single product detail page.
37Fixing errors - drafts and selling applicationsVideo lesson
If products are missing required information, they will appear in the product drafts, where the required information can be directly entered.
38Uploading your product listingsText lesson
39The Buy BoxVideo lesson
The buy box or featured offer is the default purchasing option available on the product detail page. Which offer is selected to appear in the buy box is based on several factors.
40Dynamic pricingVideo lesson
Winning the buy box can be a matter of slight variations of the price. For this reason, many merchants use dynamic pricing to vary their price to maximise their buy box exposure.
41Pricing Health, Fix Pricing Errors & Fee DiscountVideo lesson
The Pricing Health page provides an overview of your Featured Offer (Buy Box) eligibility sales conversion from a pricing point of view and any deactivated offers with potential pricing errors.
42Managing PricingText lesson
43FBM shipping optionsVideo lesson
Fulfilled by merchant shipping settings are a vital part of inventory creation. In this section, we consider general shipping settings, shipping template and SFP shipping settings
44Shipping templatesVideo lesson
Shipping templates let you create your shipping settings across several products at once (default service levels, shipping regions, transit times, and shipping rates). You may create up to 20 shipping templates for specific groups of SKUs.
45Listing level shipping settingsVideo lesson
A shipping template must be assigned either by editing the product directly or uploading via the listing loader file to assign shipping rates to a listing.
46Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP)Video lesson
This lecture covers Seller Fulfilled Prime settings. Items sent via Seller Fulfilled Prime requires a separate shipping template to enrol them in the service.
47Creating shipping templatesText lesson
48Benefits of FBAVideo lesson
FBA is Amazon's wildly popular fulfilment service. Merchants ship their products into an Amazon warehouse and from there, Amazon does all the work, including customer service and returns.
49FBA setupVideo lesson
FBA has several programme specific settings covering areas such as international selling, product returns and disposals and labelling which sellers should familiarise themselves with.
50FBA FeesVideo lesson
Amazon charges several fees for FBA, including storage, fulfilment and optional fees. These are started in the FBA rate card which is examined in this video.
51FBA Fee ReportingVideo lesson
It can be challenging to work out what you are being charged for storage and fulfilment for FBA items. This lecture shows you where to find what you have been charged for FBA.
52FBA inventory creationVideo lesson
Amazon inventory can be created as FBA inventory from the start using an inventory template. Alternatively, Fulfilled by Merchant products can be converted to FBA in the Manage Inventory screen or the inventory loader file.
53Send/Replenish FBA inventoryVideo lesson
To send inventory to an Amazon warehouse requires uploading a shipping plan to create a shipment.
54Inventory PlanningVideo lesson
Amazon's inventory planning tool recommends inbound stock quantities based on sales velocity and the merchants reordering schedule.
55Setting up FBA and creating a shipmentText lesson
56Payment ReportsVideo lesson
The payment report tab provides information about payment both at the order and account levels. Here, you can view disbursements (payment for sales minus fees), referral fees and other costs.
57Selling CoachVideo lesson
Amazon Selling Coach offers personalised recommendations to maximise your effectiveness as a seller.
58Business ReportsVideo lesson
The following types of Business Reports are available: Sales Dashboard, Business Reports by Date and by ASIN, and Amazon Selling Coach.
59Order ManagementVideo lesson
Amazon order details can be accessed from the main menu. From here, sellers can see order details, contact customers, buy shipping and dispatch orders.
60Managing ReturnsVideo lesson
If a buyer requests a return, Amazon will send you an email that includes the reason for the return. Return requests can be processed through your Manage Returns page, where you can review, authorise or decline requests.
61Customer messagesVideo lesson
Amazon does not provide a direct customer email to merchants. Instead, communication must be through the cloaked email provided or Amazon messages.
62Returns settingsText lesson
63Amazon Seller FeedbackVideo lesson
Amazon is serious about keeping its customers happy and sets strict performance metrics for its merchants. This section looks in detail at Feedback, A-Z claims and the order defect rate (ODR).
64A-Z claimsVideo lesson
Amazon's A-to-z Guarantee ensures that buyers have a consistent experience across Amazon, regardless of whether their order is fulfilled by Amazon or by our selling partners directly. If customers are not happy with their experience, they can file a claim against the seller.
65Order Defect RateVideo lesson
The Order Defect Rate (ODR) is the most important metric for an Amazon seller. It is the sum of the negative feedback rate, the A-Z claim rate and the chargeback rate, with each order only being counted once. If this goes about 1%, then the account can be suspended.
66Other performance MeasuresVideo lesson
Amazon provides an ever growing number of performance metrics against which it measures its sellers.
67Seller Performance QuizQuiz
Questions on seller performance
69DealsVideo lesson
A Lightning Deal is a time-bound, promotional offer on the Amazon Deals page featuring an item for a limited number of hours, usually four to twelve hours (varies per marketplace). In addition, 7-day Deals are also featured on the Amazon Deals page for up to seven days at a time.
70VouchersVideo lesson
You can offer discounts on a single product or a set of products and enjoy automatic merchandising for your voucher through Amazon.
71PromotionsVideo lesson
Amazon promotions can help your products stand out from the competition and stimulate sales. They can be money off or buy one get one free.
72Amazon Sponsored Product and Sponsored BrandsVideo lesson
Amazon's advertising service enables sellers to promote their products using a pay-per-click adverting system. The main options for retailers are Sponsored Product Ads that drive traffic to specific products and Sponsored Brands that drives traffic to collections of products.
73Ad objective and measurementsVideo lesson
Before you start your advertising campaign, you need to decide what your objectives are, which products you want to advertise, your budget, and how long you want the campaign to run.
74Targeting and keyword matching typesVideo lesson
Targeting and keyword matching types enable advertisers to optimise their ad campaigns.
75Amazon Sponsored Product AdsVideo lesson
Sponsored Product ads allow sellers to drive traffic to specific products based on keyword, ASIN or category targets. Ads are charged on a pay-per-click basis.
76Amazon Sponsored Brands AdsVideo lesson
Sponsored brand ads allow brand owners (i.e. registered in the brand registry) to drive traffic to collections of products or the brand store homepage.
77Organising campaignsVideo lesson
This lecture covers organising campaigns with adgroups and portfolios. It also covers managing and creating campaigns using t bulk operations and copying campaigns.
78ReportingVideo lesson
Amazon provides a broad suite of reports to enable you to understand your advertising performance.
79Optimising campaignsVideo lesson
This lecture looks at ways to analyse your sponsored ads performance and make improvements
80Create a Sponsored Ads campaignText lesson

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