93 reviews
Selenium Webdriver with Java
Basics + Advance + Architect+TestNG+Jenkin+Github+Framework
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Selenium WebDriver Training – Expert Level
This course will have all topics of selenium Webdriver and supported third party tool
Once you finish this Course, it will enable you to design framework and automation scripts.
This Course will have Selenium Webdriver with TestNG framework, Selenium Framework, Jenkin Installation, configuration and Github Repository.
Course Highlights
- TestNG framework
- Selenium Locators Writting
- Selenium Basic and Advance Scripting
- Selenium Reporting
- Selenium API
- Log4J
- Excel Tutorial
- Properties File Tutorial
- Hybride Framework
- Page Object Model Design
- Data Driven Framework
- Cucumber framework
- Maven Tutorial
- Github Tutoril
- Jenkin Installation and configuration
- Interview Question and Answers
Selenium Locators
1TestNG Introduction and Configuration in eclipseVideo lesson
2TestNG AnnotationsVideo lesson
3Assertions In TestNgVideo lesson
4Dependents on Method in TestNGVideo lesson
5DataProvider in TestNgVideo lesson
6Design TestNG xml to Run TestCasesVideo lesson
7Grouping In TestNGVideo lesson
8Priority In TestNgVideo lesson
9Parameterization in TestNG using testng.xmlVideo lesson
10TestNG ListenersVideo lesson
11Retry of Failed Test Cases in TestNGVideo lesson
Selenium Webdriver with Java
12Types of Locators in SeleniumVideo lesson
13How to Write X Path and CSS SelectorVideo lesson
14X Path and CSS LocatorsVideo lesson
15Identify Child Locators through reference of Parent NodeVideo lesson
16Following-Sibling, Preceding-sibling, Child, Parent Concepts in SeleniumVideo lesson
17starts-with and ends-with locators in CSS and XpathVideo lesson
18Automatic Way of Getting the X Path from Chrome BrowserVideo lesson
Reporting, Logging and Excel Coding For Selenium
19Selenium webdriver architectureVideo lesson
20Webdriver API and Return TypeVideo lesson
21Action Class MethodsVideo lesson
22Select Class MethodsVideo lesson
23How To SetUp Selenium ProjectVideo lesson
24How To enter Data in TextboxVideo lesson
25How to enter Data in Multiple textBoxVideo lesson
26How to select Data from Select box.Video lesson
27MouseOver In seleniumVideo lesson
28Do MouseOver and Click On LinkVideo lesson
29How to Work with Multiple windowsVideo lesson
30Execute Script to show how Multiple window is handledVideo lesson
31How to Handel Calendar in SeleniumVideo lesson
32How to Handel Calendar OR TextBox OR Select BoxVideo lesson
33Execution of How to Handel Calendar OR TextBox OR Select BoxVideo lesson
34How to Get Rows and Columns from Web tableVideo lesson
35How to get Row Data From Dynamic WebTable.Video lesson
36How to get Max Price From Dynamic WebTableVideo lesson
37Print All Data From Dynamic WebTable.Video lesson
38How to get All Links From WebPageVideo lesson
39Radio Button and Auto Suggestion textBox in SeleniumVideo lesson
40Execution of Radio Button and Auto Suggestion textBox in SeleniumVideo lesson
41Checkbox in SeleniumVideo lesson
42How to Verify Checkbox is checked or NotVideo lesson
43Add Cookie In seleniumVideo lesson
44Delete Cookies In SeleniumVideo lesson
45ScrollInSelenium Using JavaScriptExecutorVideo lesson
46ZoomIn ZoomOut In SeleniumVideo lesson
47iframe In SeleniumVideo lesson
download project from
48Handling of Alerts and JavaScript Alerts In SeleniumVideo lesson
49JavaScript Executor In Selenium Lecture-1Video lesson
50JavaScript Executor In Selenium Lecture-2Video lesson
51Drag and Drop In SeleniumVideo lesson
52Keyboard And Mouse Event In Selenium Lecture-1Video lesson
53Keyboard And Mouse Event In Selenium Lecture-2Video lesson
54Keyboard And Mouse Event In Selenium Lecture-3Video lesson
55Verify Radio Button is CheckedVideo lesson
56Verify Open And Collapse In SeleniumVideo lesson
Page Object Model Design Framework
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
Course details
36 hours
Certificate of Completion
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