React + Next JS with TypeScript
- Description
- Curriculum
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If you are a beginner developer or a seasoned one, it doesn’t matter. I have designed this course to cater to both the beginner and the seasoned developers. This course is designed to get you start building full stack web apps really fast and do it right and safe way. What do I mean? We will use TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript to make sure that the code we write is type-safe and we get early warnings for errors that would otherwise be hard to predict until they actually occurred in production. TypeScript provides features like static typing, enhanced IDE support, strict null checks (null errors have historically been most notorious), etc. And don’t worry! TypeScript if largely interoperable with JavaScript, though it might require some hacks at times when using js libs with Typescript.
Yes, so the course if targeting a larger audience and thus feel free to skip certain sections as per your needs. If you are a beginner developer, or new to web development some advanced concepts might not be very relevant to you immediately. Or if you are already familiar with modern JS and react JS, you might want to skip those sections. However, I have tried to make this course comprehensive as well as concise. I have tried to include as much depth and breadth of the concepts in an easy to understand yet concise fashion as possible. So, I recommend you to at least skim through the entire course with 2x speed if you like.
Next.js is a production-ready, full-stack-capable framework for React JS – one of the most popular JavaScript UI library you can learn these days!
Indeed, Next JS is a great choice for growing as a React developer and for taking your React apps to the next level!
Because Next JS is growing fast and therefore in high demand. And there are good reasons for that: Next JS allows you to build React apps with built-in server-side rendering, static rendering, page pre-rendering and automatic prefetching pages related to the current page. Building great user experiences and search engine friendly (SEO!) React apps has never been easier!
In addition, Next JS makes building full-stack React apps (frontend + backend code combined in one project) extremely easy as well! Blend client-side and server-side code and build a Node JS-based API side-by-side with your frontend React apps. It’s a breeze with Next JS!
This course contains a few explanatory lessons, a few challenges, quizzes and assignments and a lot of hands on coding and screencasts. First we introduce you to next js, give a brief introduction to get you motivated about what you are going to accomplish after completing this course. Then we jump into learning/refreshing modern JS practices that are most commonly used in React community. We will do all these right in our Next.JS app setup! So, you will already start building the complete websites with Next.js even before we start digging into the Next.js concepts. Thirdly, we will cover React JS concepts with fair enough depth. We will stick just to React and will not cover things like React Router, Redux, the commonly used webpack configurations etc., which should be a part of a complete React course. However, when using Next JS, you really don’t need any of these for most cases. Or you need to use Redux or manipulate webpack configs directly only in rare cases. Finally, we will dig into the Next JS features and master them while creating multiple projects.
This course will take you from a mere acquaintance to React and Next JS to advanced Next JS full stack developer in no time!
We’ll start at the very basics, no Next JS, react or modern JS knowledge is required at all. Though you should be familiar with the basic programing concepts and JavaScript. We will learn both in theory as well as with multiple real projects where all concepts will be applied step-by-step.
After finishing this course, you’ll be well prepared to build your own Next JS projects from the ground up and apply for Next JS positions!
In detail, this course will cover:
- What is NextJS? And why would you use it?
- Why is just React (in many cases) not enough?
- Creating NextJS projects from the ground up & understanding these projects
- Working with file-based routing
- Adding dynamic routes and catch-all routes
- Implementing different forms of page static-rendering and server-side rendering
- Working with data and adding data fetching + pre-fetching to your apps
- Pre-generating dynamic and static pages
- Adding optimizations like metadata to pages
- Optimizing images with the NextJS Image component
- Building fullstack apps with API routes
- Managing app-wide state with React context (in Next JS apps)
- Multiple complete apps where we’ll apply all these core concepts!
- A complete React.js crash course/refresher module
- And much more!
I can’t wait to start this journey together with you! 🙂
1Getting StartedVideo lesson
2Why Next.jsVideo lesson
3Why TypeScriptVideo lesson
4Important TypeScript FeaturesVideo lesson
5(Optional) Old dev's perspective and controversies on TypeScriptVideo lesson
6PrerequisitesVideo lesson
7Scaffolding Next.js app with TypeScript enabledVideo lesson
8(optional) Demo - file system based routingVideo lesson
9(optional) Demo - API routesVideo lesson
10(optional) Demo - PrerenderingVideo lesson
11Add TypeScript to existing Next.js projectVideo lesson
12How to get best out of this courseText lesson
13Check your understandingQuiz
14Section IntroductionVideo lesson
15Block Scope - understand the difference between var and let keywordsVideo lesson
16Function ScopeVideo lesson
17Constant variable references vs immutabilityVideo lesson
18Arrow FunctionsVideo lesson
19Variable and function shorthand in object literalVideo lesson
20Destructuring, spreading and rest-spreadingVideo lesson
21String templatesVideo lesson
22ClassesVideo lesson
23Promises and async-awaitVideo lesson
24Test your modern JS skillsQuiz
25(optional) TypeScript overviewVideo lesson
26Configuring TypeScriptVideo lesson
27Basic TypesVideo lesson
28Automatic Type Inference, Union Types and Intellisense enhancementVideo lesson
29Arrays and TuplesVideo lesson
30EnumVideo lesson
31Custom types and interfacesVideo lesson
32Read-only attributesVideo lesson
33Function Types and voidVideo lesson
34Access modifiersVideo lesson
35GenericsVideo lesson
40IntroductionVideo lesson
41Source code and resourcesText lesson
42Our first class componentVideo lesson
43Embedding comments and expressions in JSXVideo lesson
44List renderingVideo lesson
45Conditional rendering and visibilityVideo lesson
46Decomposing into smaller components and using propsVideo lesson
47Declaring prop types for class componentsVideo lesson
48FragmentsVideo lesson
49Event Handling; Props are immutableVideo lesson
50Reactive Updates using state; using constructorVideo lesson
51Passing callbacks to child components + binding methods in classesVideo lesson
52Adding Styles: inline, global CSS and CSS modulesVideo lesson
53Practice styling JSXText lesson
54Handling user inputVideo lesson
55Using ref (React.createRef)Video lesson
56Controlled InputVideo lesson
57Life cycle methodsVideo lesson
58Section SumarryText lesson
59Conceptualizing the app that we are going to createVideo lesson
60Introduction to functional components and React hooksVideo lesson
61Scaffolding Next.js project with pnpx and adding SCSS supportVideo lesson
62Creating Functional ComponentsVideo lesson
63Props in functional componentVideo lesson
64Nested styles and "&" in SCSSVideo lesson
65State in functional componentsVideo lesson
66Adding side effectsVideo lesson
67Accessing DOM elements with useRef and fetching data with fetchVideo lesson
68useContext to broadcast props to all childrenVideo lesson
69Adding meta data to enhance SEOVideo lesson
70Understanding Nested RoutesVideo lesson
71Dynamic routes, slugs and useRouter hookVideo lesson
72Client side navigation using Link componentVideo lesson
73Nested dynamic routesVideo lesson
74Code splitting and prefetchingVideo lesson
75Adding static assetsVideo lesson
80Section IntroductionVideo lesson
81Set up the Blog App in TurborepoVideo lesson
82Pre-rendering conceptsVideo lesson
83Listing blogs based on file names using "fs" moduleVideo lesson
84Statically generating dynamic routes (getStaticPaths)Video lesson
85Rendering blogs using ReactMarkdownVideo lesson
86Enhancing ReactMarkdown with componentsVideo lesson
87Styled Components - a handy CSS-in-JS libraryVideo lesson
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