React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
- Description
- Curriculum
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This course is fully up-to-date with the latest version of React and includes React Hooks! Of course it will be kept up-to-date in the future 🙂
What’s this course about?
Learn React or dive deeper into it. Learn the theory, solve assignments, practice in demo projects and build one big application which is improved throughout the course: The Burger Builder!
More details please!
JavaScript is the major driver of modern web applications since it’s the only programming language which runs in the browser and hence allows you to provide highly reactive apps. You’ll be able to achieve mobile-app like user experiences in the web.
But using JavaScript can be challenging – it quickly becomes overwhelming to create a nice web app with vanilla JavaScript and jQuery only.
React to the rescue!
React is all about components – basically custom HTML elements – with which you can quickly build amazing and powerful web apps. Just build a component once, configure it to your needs, dynamically pass data into it (or listen to your own events!) and re-use it as often as needed.
Need to display a list of users in your app? It’s as simple as creating a “User” component and outputting it as often as needed.
This course will start at the very basics and explain what exactly React is and how you may use it (and for which kind of apps). Thereafter, we’ll go all the way from basic to advanced. We’ll not just scratch the surface but dive deeply into React as well as popular libraries like react-router and Redux.
By the end of the course, you can build amazing React (single page) applications!
A detailed list with the course content can be found below.
Who’s teaching you in this course?
My name is Maximilian Schwarzmüller, I’m a freelance web developer and worked with React in many projects. I’m also a 5-star rated instructor here on Udemy. I cover React’s most popular alternatives – Vue and Angular – as well as many other topics. I know what I’m talking about and I know where the pain points can be found.
It’s my goal to get you started with React as quick as possible and ensure your success. But I don’t just focus on students getting started. I want everyone to benefit from my courses, that’s why we’ll dive deeply into React and why I made sure to also share knowledge that’s helpful to advanced React developers.
Is this course for you?
This course is for you if …
…you’re just getting started with frontend/ JavaScript development and only got the JS basics set (no prior React or other framework experience is required!)
…you’re experienced with Angular or Vue but want to dive into React
…know the React basics but want to refresh them and/ or dive deeper
…already worked quite a bit with React but want to dive deeper and see it all come together in a bigger app
What should you bring to succeed in that course?
HTML + CSS + JavaScript knowledge is required. You don’t need to be an expert but the basics need to be set
NO advanced JavaScript knowledge is required, though you’ll be able to move even quicker through the course if you know next-gen JavaScript features like ES6 Arrow functions. A short refresher about the most important next-gen features is provided in the course though.
What’s inside the course?
The “What”, “Why” and “How”
React Basics (Base features, syntax and concepts)
Managing state with class-based components and React Hooks
How to output lists and conditional content
Styling of React components
A deep dive into the internals of React and advanced component features
How to access Http content from within React apps (AJAX)
Redux, Redux, Redux … from basics to advanced!
Forms and form validation in React apps
An introduction to unit testing
An introduction to Next.js
React app deployment instructions
…and much more!
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Welcome to this course! Let me introduce myself and give you a first impression of the course content!
2What is React?Video lesson
Let's dive into the most important question first: What is React? In this lecture, we'll take a closer look.
3Join our Online Learning CommunityText lesson
Learning alone is absolutely fine but finding learning partners might be a nice thing, too. Our learning community is a great place to learn and grow together - of course it's 100% free and optional!
4Real-World SPAs & React Web AppsVideo lesson
We learned what React is but it's always more useful to see real-world examples. So let's dive into some web pages that use React or a similar framework/ approach in this lecture.
5Writing our First React CodeVideo lesson
6Why Should we Choose React?Video lesson
Why React? Why not vanilla JavaScript? What's the advantage of picking a library like React? These answers will get answered in this lecture.
7React AlternativesVideo lesson
React's not the only library you can dive into. Let's take a closer look at some alternatives you have.
8Understanding Single Page Applications and Multi Page ApplicationsVideo lesson
With React, you frequently create Single Page Applications. Now what does that mean? What is a Single Page Application? This lecture will answer these questions.
9Course OutlineVideo lesson
You now know what React is but what does the course actually offer you? This lecture will answer that question.
10How to get the Most out of This CourseVideo lesson
There's more than one way of taking a course. Let's find out how you can get the most out of this course in this lecture.
11Useful Resources & LinksText lesson
This lecture contains some useful resources and links. It also holds all the code for the module attached to it.
12Module IntroductionVideo lesson
Let me introduce you to this module and to what you're going to learn in it.
13Understanding "let" and "const"Video lesson
One important next-gen feature you're going to see a lot is the usage of "const" and "let" instead of "var". What's up with these keywords? This lecture answers the question.
14Arrow FunctionsVideo lesson
Arrow functions are another key next-gen feature we'll heavily use in this course. Let's dive into how to write them and how to use them in this lecture.
15Exports and ImportsVideo lesson
We'll write modular code in this course. That means, that the code will be split up across multiple files. In order to connect these files correctly, we'll need imports and exports. So let's dive into that feature in this lecture.
16Understanding ClassesVideo lesson
The "class" keyword is another new feature you'll see quite a bit in this course. Learn what it's about in this lecture.
17Classes, Properties and MethodsVideo lesson
Classes may have properties and methods. There actually are different ways of defining these. Let's dive into the details in this lecture.
18The Spread & Rest OperatorVideo lesson
React also makes heavy usage of the "Spread" operator. Or React projects do, to be precise. Learn more about that new operator in this lecture.
19DestructuringVideo lesson
Time to destructure! It's a new JavaScript feature and it allows you to ... do what? Let's explore the feature in this lecture.
20Reference and Primitive Types RefresherVideo lesson
Not next-gen but super important: Knowing the difference between reference and primitive types. This lecture will explore both.
21Refreshing Array FunctionsVideo lesson
We'll use a lot of array functions in this course. They're not next-gen but you need to feel confident working with them. So let's explore them in this lecture.
22Wrap UpVideo lesson
Let me wrap this module up and summarize what we learned thus far.
23Next-Gen JavaScript - SummaryText lesson
Have a look at this lecture to get a good overview over the various next-gen JS features you'll encounter in this course.
24JS Array FunctionsText lesson
Here's something we'll also use quite a bit in this course: Some JavaScript array functions.
25Module IntroductionVideo lesson
Let me introduce you to this module and to what you're going to learn in it.
26The Build WorkflowVideo lesson
When creating React apps, we typically use a lot of modern development features. To use all these features, a modern build workflow is needed, too. Learn more about that in this module.
27Using Create React AppVideo lesson
Fortunately, we don't have to set up a build workflow manually - there's a tool for that! Let me introduce you to create-react-app.
28Understanding the Folder StructureVideo lesson
create-react-app allows us to easily create React projects. Let me now walk you through the structure of such a project.
29Understanding Component BasicsVideo lesson
Components are THE core building block of React apps. Time to dive into them and learn more about them.
30Understanding JSXVideo lesson
JSX is the meat of a component - every component needs to return some JSX (or the alternative shown in this lecture). Let's explore it!
31JSX RestrictionsVideo lesson
When using JSX, we face some restrictions. Let's find out which these are.
32Creating a Functional ComponentVideo lesson
We had a look at components already but now it's time to also create our own component. And for that, we'll use a different way of creating it. Learn more about it (and the WHY) in this lecture.
33Components & JSX Cheat SheetText lesson
Time to quickly summarize what components and JSX are about.
34Working with Components & Re-Using ThemVideo lesson
Since we compose our app from components, it's of course also crucial to understand how we work with them and how we make sure that they are re-usable.
35Outputting Dynamic ContentVideo lesson
Rarely, you only want to output static content. Learn how to easily output dynamic content in this lecture.
36Working with PropsVideo lesson
When working with components, you typically also need to pass data around. Props are used for that - learn more about this core concept in this lecture.
37Understanding the "children" PropVideo lesson
There's a special property we can access on our props - the children property. Learn what's up with it in this lecture.
38Understanding & Using StateVideo lesson
39Props & StateText lesson
Props and state are crucial elements of React - time for a quick comparison and summary.
40Handling Events with MethodsVideo lesson
Obviously, your app is probably also going to involve the user. Handling events is therefore crucial. Learn how to handle events the React way, in this lecture.
41To Which Events Can You Listen?Text lesson
We saw onClick in the last lecture - but to which other events can you actually listen in React apps?
42Manipulating the StateVideo lesson
43Function Components NamingText lesson
44Using the useState() Hook for State ManipulationVideo lesson
45Stateless vs Stateful ComponentsVideo lesson
46Passing Method References Between ComponentsVideo lesson
What if you want to listen to an event in a child component? Can you still trigger a method in the parent component? Yes, you can - learn more about it in this lecture.
47Adding Two Way BindingVideo lesson
When handling user input, two-way-binding is very useful and actually required to both listen to the user input and also reflect the latest state. Learn how to implement it in this lecture.
48Adding Styling with StylesheetsVideo lesson
Unstyled components don't look that exciting. Time to learn how to add styling!
49Working with Inline StylesVideo lesson
Using CSS stylesheets is one way of adding styling - a static one though. Learn about a different, more flexible way in this lecture.
50Time to Practice - The Base SyntaxText lesson
51[OPTIONAL] Assignment SolutionVideo lesson
52Useful Resources & LinksText lesson
This lecture contains some useful resources and links. It also holds all the code for the module attached to it.
53Module IntroductionVideo lesson
Let me introduce you to this module and outline what we're going to cover.
54Rendering Content ConditionallyVideo lesson
Not all content should be visible all the time - let me introduce you to conditional rendering in React apps in this lecture.
55Handling Dynamic Content "The JavaScript Way"Video lesson
In React, everything is JavaScript, that's extremely important to understand. Let's now dive into how that helps you when handling dynamic content.
56Outputting Lists (Intro)Video lesson
Outputting lists (arrays) is a core task you'll probably face in any web app you build. Let's have a look at how React supports you in this lecture.
57Outputting ListsVideo lesson
Time to get our hands dirty and actually output a list in React.
58Lists & StateVideo lesson
Often, you want to connect lists to your app state and also be able to react to events. Learn more about these things in this lecture.
59Updating State ImmutablyVideo lesson
When updating state, you should make sure to not overwrite the original state. Learn more about that in this lecture.
60Lists & KeysVideo lesson
React updates the UI for you and it does so very efficiently. To be able to do that, you need to support it when working with arrays of JSX (=> Lists). Learn how to do that in this lecture.
61Flexible ListsVideo lesson
Let's dive deeper into lists and see how we can really create flexible lists in this lecture.
62Wrap UpVideo lesson
Let me wrap this module up and summarize what we learned thus far.
63Time to Practice - Lists & ConditionalsText lesson
64[OPTIONAL] Assignment SolutionVideo lesson
65Useful Resources & LinksText lesson
This lecture contains some useful resources and links. It also holds all the code for the module attached to it.
66Module IntroductionVideo lesson
Let me introduce you to this module and explain what you're going to learn.
67Outlining the Problem SetVideo lesson
What's so interesting about styling? Let me outline some potential pain points and where we'd like some help from React
68Setting Styles DynamicallyVideo lesson
Since everything's JavaScript, it would of course be nice to also get some dynamic styling. Let's explore some options in this lecture.
69Setting Class Names DynamicallyVideo lesson
Not only the styles themselves can be dynamic - the classes we assign could also be. Let's dive into that in this lecture.
70Adding and Using RadiumVideo lesson
We saw that inline styles have some limitations. Let's find out how we can work around them.
71Using Radium for Media QueriesVideo lesson
Radium is an interesting package as we saw. Let's explore how we use it together with Media Queries.
72Introducing Styled ComponentsVideo lesson
73More on Styled ComponentsVideo lesson
74Styled Components & Dynamic StylesVideo lesson
75Working with CSS ModulesVideo lesson
76CSS Modules & Media QueriesVideo lesson
77More on CSS ModulesText lesson
Want to dive deeper into CSS Modules? This lecture should be very helpful and provide additional insights into that technique.
78Useful Resources & LinksText lesson
This lecture contains some useful resources and links. It also holds all the code for the module attached to it.
79Module IntroductionVideo lesson
Let me introduce you to this module and to what you're going to learn in it.
80Understanding Error MessagesVideo lesson
Errors can be frustrating but React actually provides some useful error messages. Let's learn how to interpret them.
81Finding Logical Errors by using Dev Tools & SourcemapsVideo lesson
Error messages can be annoying but logical errors are way worse. Learn how to use useful browser tools to find such logical errors.
82Working with the React Developer ToolsVideo lesson
React also has its own dev tools which you may use. Learn how to use them in this lecture.
83Using Error Boundaries (React 16+)Video lesson
With React 16, a new feature was added: Error Boundaries. Learn more about it in this lecture.
84Wrap UpVideo lesson
Let me wrap this module up and summarize what we learned thus far.
85Useful Resources & LinksText lesson
This lecture contains some useful resources and links. It also holds all the code for the module attached to it.
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