R Programming for Data Science and Machine Learning
- Description
- Curriculum
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R is one of the most popular and widely used tools for statistical programming.
It is a powerful, versatile, and easy to use tool for data analytics, and data visualization.
It is the first choice for thousands of data analysts working in both companies and academia.
This course will help you master R programming, as a first step to become a skilled R data scientist.
Got the R knowledge and not sure what to do with it?
This is your chance to finally get your hands dirty with the R and data science.
Each lecture will you give you the tools to achieve the following two goals:
Analyze your data using R.
Find the right visualization for your data using various R tools and packages taught in the course.
Draw some useful visualization and find some useful predictions based on the outcome.
It will take just a few lines of code to get you started.
For an added challenge, repeat the same analysis for your own data.
Share your progress for a chance to receive feedback and suggestions.
That way, this feedback can come not just from me but also from other students in the course.
22Recursion in R : Finding Sum of Natural NumbersVideo lesson
23Finding Factorial of a Number using RecursionVideo lesson
24Program to check Prime NumbersVideo lesson
25Program to check EVEN or ODDVideo lesson
26Program to check Positive Negative or ZEROVideo lesson
27Program to Check Leap Year or NOTVideo lesson
28Program for Multiplication TableVideo lesson
35Creating Pie chart in RVideo lesson
36Analyzing Employee DataVideo lesson
37Creating Bar PlotVideo lesson
38Stacked Bar Plot in RVideo lesson
39What is Boxplot?Video lesson
40Drawing Boxplot using mtcars dataset in RVideo lesson
41Boxplot with notchVideo lesson
42What is Histogram?Video lesson
43Drawing Histogram in R using hist() functionVideo lesson
44Using breaks xlim ylim in histogramVideo lesson
45Time Series using ggplot2 : Basic Line Chart for Time SeriesVideo lesson
46Scatter Plot and plot matrices in RVideo lesson
48IntroductionVideo lesson
49What is Data ScienceVideo lesson
50Why and Where to use Data ScienceVideo lesson
51Difference Between Data Science and Machine LearningVideo lesson
52Data Science and Machine Learning WorkflowVideo lesson
53Elements of Data ScienceVideo lesson
54Process of Data ScienceVideo lesson
55Tools for Data ScienceVideo lesson
56Key Issues in Data ScienceVideo lesson
57Data Science Applications and ConclusionVideo lesson
58Finding Mean in R and how to remove missing valuesVideo lesson
59Finding Median and Writing Custom Function to find ModeVideo lesson
60What is Linear Regression?Video lesson
61Prediction using Linear Regression ModelVideo lesson
62Reading CSV file, Creating LR model and PredictionVideo lesson
63What is Multiple Regression?Video lesson
64Predicting Car Mileage using Multiple Regression in RVideo lesson
65Logistic RegressionVideo lesson
66Normal DistributionVideo lesson
67Normal Distribution using dnorm() and pnorm() functionVideo lesson
68Normal Distribution using qnorm() and prnorm() functionVideo lesson
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