QML for Beginners with Qt 5
- Description
- Curriculum
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Write once, build anywhere – Qt runs on virtually anything. You probably have applications built with Qt running on your computer, smart phone, television, and other electronics.
No experience with QML necessary, this is a beginners course that will teach you the foundations QML cross platform development. QML runs anywhere from desktops (windows, mac, linux) to cellphone, and embedded devices.
We will start with a short introduction to QML, and then rapidly move on to more complex topics such as layouts, properties and animations.
This course is specifically designed for Qt 5 with the QML beginner in mind. These videos take you from knowing nothing about QML to creating intermediate level applications using QML, JavaScript and C++. These videos build on the popular Qt Core series available on Udemy. These videos show many best practices and how to overcome common mistakes. About the author: Bryan has created hundreds of Qt tutorials available on YouTube and has created official Qt training videos for the Qt Company. Full source code available on GitHub, and runs a Facebook community with thousands of developers that can offer free help 24×7.
Highly recommended that you have a strong foundation in Qt Core before attempting this course – fear not, I have other courses available on Udemy:
Qt 5 Core Beginners
Qt 5 Core Intermediate
Qt 5 Core Advanced
1What this course coversVideo lesson
2Versions - Qt 5 vs Qt 6Text lesson
3What this course does not coverVideo lesson
4QML vs Qt QuickVideo lesson
5QML limitationsVideo lesson
6What can you make with QMLVideo lesson
7Qt5 vs Qt6Video lesson
8QML vs Qt WidgetsVideo lesson
9Write once build anywhereVideo lesson
10Section 1 - QuizQuiz
11Paid vs freeVideo lesson
12Qt Creator settingsVideo lesson
13Qt Creator kitsVideo lesson
14Qt Creator projectsVideo lesson
15Qt command line appVideo lesson
16Qt widgets appVideo lesson
17Multiple projectsVideo lesson
18QML example projectVideo lesson
19QML editor vs designerVideo lesson
20Section 2 - AssignmentText lesson
21Section 2 - QuizQuiz
37Object positioning using X, YVideo lesson
38Object positioning using ZVideo lesson
39Column layoutVideo lesson
40Row layoutVideo lesson
41Grid layoutVideo lesson
42Flow layoutVideo lesson
43AnchorsVideo lesson
44MarginsVideo lesson
45Simple image viewerVideo lesson
46Section 5 - AssignmentText lesson
47Section 5 - QuizQuiz
48Property and PropertyAnimationVideo lesson
49Rotation and RotationAnimationVideo lesson
50Scale and SequentialAnimationVideo lesson
51Opacity and OpacityAnimatorVideo lesson
52SmoothedAnimationVideo lesson
53Anti-aliasingVideo lesson
54Keyboard inputVideo lesson
55Transform and TranslateVideo lesson
56Drag and dropVideo lesson
57Section 6 - AssignmentText lesson
58Section 6 - QuizQuiz
67Qt Quick ControlsVideo lesson
68LabelVideo lesson
69BusyIndicatorVideo lesson
70ButtonVideo lesson
71CheckboxVideo lesson
72CheckDelegate in a ListViewVideo lesson
73ComboBoxVideo lesson
74DelayButtonVideo lesson
75DialVideo lesson
76Frames and PopupsVideo lesson
77GroupBox and RadioButtonVideo lesson
78SliderVideo lesson
79RangeSliderVideo lesson
80RoundButtonVideo lesson
81SpinBoxVideo lesson
82SwitchVideo lesson
83TumblerVideo lesson
84Simple login screenVideo lesson
85TextArea in a ScrollViewVideo lesson
86Section 8 - AssignmentText lesson
87Section 8 - QuizQuiz

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