Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Description
- Curriculum
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This comprehensive course covers the latest advancements in deep learning and artificial intelligence using Python. Designed for both beginner and advanced students, this course teaches you the foundational concepts and practical skills necessary to build and deploy deep learning models.
Module 1: Introduction to Python and Deep Learning
Overview of Python programming language
Introduction to deep learning and neural networks
Module 2: Neural Network Fundamentals
Understanding activation functions, loss functions, and optimization techniques
Overview of supervised and unsupervised learning
Module 3: Building a Neural Network from Scratch
Hands-on coding exercise to build a simple neural network from scratch using Python
Module 4: TensorFlow 2.0 for Deep Learning
Overview of TensorFlow 2.0 and its features for deep learning
Hands-on coding exercises to implement deep learning models using TensorFlow
Module 5: Advanced Neural Network Architectures
Study of different neural network architectures such as feedforward, recurrent, and convolutional networks
Hands-on coding exercises to implement advanced neural network models
Module 6: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Overview of convolutional neural networks and their applications
Hands-on coding exercises to implement CNNs for image classification and object detection tasks
Module 7: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
Overview of recurrent neural networks and their applications
Hands-on coding exercises to implement RNNs for sequential data such as time series and natural language processing
By the end of this course, you will have a strong understanding of deep learning and its applications in AI, and the ability to build and deploy deep learning models using Python and TensorFlow 2.0. This course will be a valuable asset for anyone looking to pursue a career in AI or simply expand their knowledge in this exciting field.
5Python Introduction Part 1Video lesson
6Python Introduction Part 2Video lesson
7Python Introduction Part 3Video lesson
8Numpy Introduction Part 1Video lesson
9Numpy Introduction Part 2Video lesson
10Pandas IntroductionVideo lesson
11Matplotlib Introduction Part 1Video lesson
12Matplotlib Introduction Part 2Video lesson
13Seaborn Introduction Part 1Video lesson
14Seaborn Introduction Part 2Video lesson
15Classical Machine Learning IntroductionVideo lesson
16Logistic RegressionVideo lesson
17Support Vector Machine - SVMVideo lesson
18Decision TreeVideo lesson
19Random ForestVideo lesson
20L2 RegularizationVideo lesson
21L1 RegularizationVideo lesson
22Model EvaluationVideo lesson
23ROC-AUC CurveVideo lesson
24Code Along in Python Part 1Video lesson
25Code Along in Python Part 2Video lesson
26Code Along in Python Part 3Video lesson
27Code Along in Python Part 4Video lesson
28Machine Learning Process IntroductionVideo lesson
29Types of Machine LearningVideo lesson
30Supervised LearningVideo lesson
31Unsupervised LearningVideo lesson
32Reinforcement LearningVideo lesson
33What is Deep Learning and MLVideo lesson
34What is Neural NetworkVideo lesson
35How Deep Learning Process WorksVideo lesson
36Application of Deep LearningVideo lesson
37Deep Learning ToolsVideo lesson
38MLops with AWSVideo lesson
39What is NeuronVideo lesson
40Multi-Layer PerceptronVideo lesson
41Shallow vs Deep Neural NetworksVideo lesson
42Activation FunctionVideo lesson
43What is Back PropagationVideo lesson
44Optimizers in Deep LearningVideo lesson
45Steps to Build Neural NetworkVideo lesson
46Customer Churn Dataset LoadingVideo lesson
47Data Visualization Part 1Video lesson
48Data Visualization Part 2Video lesson
49Data PreprocessingVideo lesson
50Import Neural Networks APIsVideo lesson
51How to Get Input Shape and Class WeightsVideo lesson
52Neural Network Model BuildingVideo lesson
53Model Summary ExplanationVideo lesson
54Model TrainingVideo lesson
55Model EvaluationVideo lesson
56Model Save and LoadVideo lesson
57Prediction on Real-Life DataVideo lesson
58Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep LearningVideo lesson
595 Steps of Computer Vision Model BuildingVideo lesson
60Fashion MNIST Dataset DownloadVideo lesson
61Fashion MNIST Dataset AnalysisVideo lesson
62Train Test Split for DataVideo lesson
63Deep Neural Network Model BuildingVideo lesson
64Model Summary and TrainingVideo lesson
65Discovering Overfitting - Early StoppingVideo lesson
66Model Save and Load for PredictionVideo lesson
67What is Convolutional Neural Network?Video lesson
68Working Principle of CNNVideo lesson
69Convolutional FiltersVideo lesson
70Feature MapsVideo lesson
71Padding and StridesVideo lesson
72Pooling LayersVideo lesson
73Activation FunctionVideo lesson
74DropoutVideo lesson
75CNN Architectures ComparisonVideo lesson
76LeNet-5 Architecture ExplainedVideo lesson
77AlexNet Architecture ExplainedVideo lesson
78GoogLeNet (Inception V1) Architecture ExplainedVideo lesson
79RestNet Architecture ExplainedVideo lesson
80MobileNet Architecture ExplainedVideo lesson
81EfficientNet Architecture ExplainedVideo lesson

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