Complete Python and Machine Learning in Financial Analysis
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In this course, you will become familiar with a variety of up-to-date financial analysis content, as well as algorithms techniques of machine learning in the Python environment, where you can perform highly specialized financial analysis. You will get acquainted with technical and fundamental analysis and you will use different tools for your analysis. You will learn the Python environment completely. You will also learn deep learning algorithms and artificial neural networks that can greatly enhance your financial analysis skills and expertise.
This tutorial begins by exploring various ways of downloading financial data and preparing it for modeling. We check the basic statistical properties of asset prices and returns, and investigate the existence of so-called stylized facts. We then calculate popular indicators used in technical analysis (such as Bollinger Bands, Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), and Relative Strength Index (RSI)) and backtest automatic trading strategies built on their basis.
The next section introduces time series analysis and explores popular models such as exponential smoothing, AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) (including multivariate specifications). We also introduce you to factor models, including the famous Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the Fama-French three-factor model. We end this section by demonstrating different ways to optimize asset allocation, and we use Monte Carlo simulations for tasks such as calculating the price of American options or estimating the Value at Risk (VaR).
In the last part of the course, we carry out an entire data science project in the financial domain. We approach credit card fraud/default problems using advanced classifiers such as random forest, XGBoost, LightGBM, stacked models, and many more. We also tune the hyperparameters of the models (including Bayesian optimization) and handle class imbalance. We conclude the book by demonstrating how deep learning (using PyTorch) can solve numerous financial problems.
1Introduction of Python Programming in Financial AnalysisVideo lesson
2Introduction of Financial AnalysisVideo lesson
3IntroductionVideo lesson
4Getting data from Yahoo FinanceVideo lesson
5Getting data from QuandlVideo lesson
6Converting prices to returnsVideo lesson
7Changing frequencyVideo lesson
8Visualizing time series dataVideo lesson
9Identifying outliersVideo lesson
10Investigating stylized facts of asset returnsVideo lesson
11Codes of Chapter 1Text lesson
12IntroductionVideo lesson
13requirements of chapter 2Text lesson
14Creating a candlestick chartVideo lesson
15Backtesting a strategy based on simple moving averageVideo lesson
16Calculating Bollinger Bands and testing a buy/sell strategyVideo lesson
17Calculating the relative strength index and testing a long/short strategyVideo lesson
18Building an interactive dashboard for TAVideo lesson
19Codes of Chapter 2Text lesson
20IntroductionVideo lesson
21requirements of chapter 3Text lesson
22Decomposing time seriesVideo lesson
23Testing for stationarity in time seriesVideo lesson
24Correcting for stationarity in time seriesVideo lesson
25Modeling time series with exponential smoothing methodsVideo lesson
26Modeling time series with ARIMA class modelsVideo lesson
27Forecasting using ARIMA class modelsVideo lesson
28Codes of Chapter 3Text lesson
29IntroductionVideo lesson
30requirements of chapter 4Text lesson
31Implementing the CAPM in PythonVideo lesson
32Implementing the Fama-French three-factor model in PythonVideo lesson
33Implementing the rolling three-factor model on a portfolio of assetsVideo lesson
34Implementing the four- and five-factor models in PythonVideo lesson
35Codes of Chapter 4Text lesson
36IntroductionVideo lesson
37requirements of chapter 5Text lesson
38Explaining stock returns' volatility with ARCH modelsVideo lesson
39Explaining stock returns' volatility with GARCH modelsVideo lesson
40Implementing a CCC-GARCH model for multivariate volatility forecastingVideo lesson
41Forecasting a conditional covariance matrix using DCC-GARCHVideo lesson
42Codes of Chapter 5Text lesson
43IntroductionVideo lesson
44requirements of chapter 6Text lesson
45Simulating stock price dynamics using Geometric Brownian MotionVideo lesson
46Pricing European options using simulationsVideo lesson
47Pricing American options with Least Squares Monte CarloVideo lesson
48Pricing American options using QuantlibVideo lesson
49Estimating value-at-risk using Monte CarloVideo lesson
50Codes of Chapter 6Text lesson
56IntroductionVideo lesson
57requirements of chapter 8Text lesson
58Loading data and managing data typesVideo lesson
59Exploratory data analysisVideo lesson
60Splitting data into training and test setsVideo lesson
61Dealing with missing valuesVideo lesson
62Encoding categorical variablesVideo lesson
63Fitting a decision tree classifierVideo lesson
64Implementing scikit-learn's pipelinesVideo lesson
65Tuning hyperparameters using grid search and cross-validationVideo lesson
66Codes of Chapter 8Text lesson
67IntroductionVideo lesson
68requirements of chapter 9Text lesson
69Investigating advanced classifiersVideo lesson
70Theres more about use advanced classifiers to achieve better resultsVideo lesson
71Using stacking for improved performanceVideo lesson
72Investigating the feature importanceVideo lesson
73Investigating different approaches to handling imbalanced dataVideo lesson
74Bayesian hyperparameter optimizationVideo lesson
75Codes of Chapter 9Text lesson
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