Programming Automation with R and RStudio - Complete Guide
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Lean how to Automate every Office and Business task with R
This course will give you a complete overview of a set of tools and packages that can help you to automate any office and business task.
With Udemy’s 30-day money-back guarantee in place, there’s no need to worry if the class doesn’t meet your expectations.
The learning material does not contain any analytics or data science lessons.
We will not study statistics or machine learning.
We will not write complex algorithms and solve coding puzzles.
Instead, we focus on how to make your life easier, and save time for yourself and money for your company.
This course is the most complete automation course you will find online
After completing this course you will be able to schedule any repetitive task
read and write files dynamically from various sources (local drive, web, google sheets, dropbox, amazon)
store results without complex SQL databases
parse emails and attachments for further manipulations
produce custom Excel, PowerPoint and Word documents
send results by email and files as attachments
export your scripts to cloud, schedule automatic runs or on demand
create a cloud dashboard to control automated tasks
Automation is a very dynamic skill and I am learning new skills every day.
This course will be updated with new skills, packages and features.
My experience
During my banking career I had to program hundreds of automatic mailing reports to track stock market information and portfolio performance on daily basis. By automating these tasks I became very efficient with my time.
Currently as a consultant I help dozens of companies to automate their recurring tasks. Often hundreds of hours of manual work per month are saved once a complex recurring task is automated.
I teach R, C# and Excel/VBA on daily basis and after 600 mentoring sessions I know precisely which tools are necessary for most of people who learn programming.
As a consultant, you can very quickly acquire new clients who desperately need to improve their business.
Why R?
R has been chosen since it is one of the simplest languages to learn and is very friendly with data manipulation. After all, every office task is about manipulating and transforming data on daily basis.
R is open source and is part of a large community of developers that create and maintain packages we will explore during this course.
RStudio is probably the best IDE there is for programmers (also supports C++, Python, SQL and other languages).
Which Packages will be covered?
Base R functions will be covered as much as possible however they are very limited.
Therefore we will learn a set of packages necessary for the automation tasks.
dplyr: data manipulation with very user-friendly syntax
tidyr: data clean-up, remove duplicates, NA’s etc.
stringr: string and regex manipulation
lubridate: work with Date class objects
pdftools: parse content from PDF files
htmltab: parse html tables from web
gsheet: download files from Google Sheets
mRpostman: connect to email box and read data from Emails
emayili: connect to email box and send emails
tableHTML: create custom format HTML tables
openxlsxl: read and write Excel files
officer: read and write Word and PowerPoint documents
flextable: create formated tables as content for officer
rdrop2: connect to dropbox as cloud source
3Setup R and RstudioVideo lesson
4R and RStudio: Base Commands and InterfaceVideo lesson
5R and PackagesVideo lesson
It is time to learn about packages in R and install some very useful ones necessary for this course.
Attached is a script which can help to install all packages at once.
Note for MAC OS
Please run brew install poppler before installing the package pdftools
6Files on Local DriveVideo lesson
Overview of RStudio and Folder Navigation
7Script to Read FilesVideo lesson
The lecture covers basics functions that list files in folders, retrieve names, paths and perform sanity checks.
8Loop and AggregateVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to write simple loops to read all files and aggregate data:
For loop with itterations
Bind data by rows
9Basic Data Clean-upVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to work with data frames:
Remove duplicate lines
Extract information on content, type, data structures
Use pipe operator for clean code
Data type conversions (from String to Date)
Add or edit column data in a data frame
10Subset and Save DataVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to Analyze, Subset and Write Data:
Count by categories
Subset and filter by categories or by values
Create Folders
Write CSV files
11Calculate ValuesVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to Extract and Calculate Metrics from Data:
Subset by year/month
Pull values from a column
Compute sum, mean, median, max, min
12Read CSV and TXTVideo lesson
In this lecture we cover in detail the csv and txt formats, encodings, arguments to the functions.
13Read from ExcelVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to read XLSX files:
Load Workbook and retrive Information
Load Data from Sheets
14Read from PDFVideo lesson
In this lesson we learn how to parse PDF files:
Parse content as text
Parse text using regex tools
15Download or Read Files from URLVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to Download Files from Web:
Download from URL
Read directly from URL
16Parse Tables from Web PagesVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to scrap tables from public webpages without any complex html tools.
17Google Sheets and R with RStudioVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to read public files from Cloud locations:
Read open Google Sheets
Read open Dropbox Files
For private files please see the Extra lessons.
18Configure ConnectionVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to configure the connection to the Email box:
IMAP configuration
Gmail security settings
List folders of an Email box
19Navigate through Mail BoxVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to search emails:
Filtering by dates
Filtering by sender, recipients, keywords
20Parse Email ContentVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to manipulate the content of an email with Text Manipulation Tools
Retrive content using Text Patterns
Extract Values with String Manipulation functions
21Fetch AttachmentVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to fetch the attachments from an Email.
24Config FileVideo lesson
In this lecture we create a complex project in which we cover the skills we learned previously:
Create a Config file
Setup the Script
25Read Data and Date Manipulation with RVideo lesson
In this lecture we read and aggregate the data.
We also learn how to manipulate Date objects in R.
26Advanced HTML Email BodyVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to create a custom email:
Automatic subject text
Add text content to body
Add HTML table with CSS formatting
27Save Content as ExcelVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to work with XLSX files:
Load or Create Excel Workbook
Save the files as XLSX
Write basic Data
28StylesVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to Style content in a XLSX file:
Custom position of a Table
Format of Numbers and Dates
Custom Borders
Cell Font Size, Colors, Background, Alignment
Apply styles to specific Cells
Cell Height, Width
29Conditional FormattingVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn the Conditional Formatting feature:
Rule based on Value
Databar with custom Color
30Multiple Pages LoopVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to Create Excel with Multiple Pages and we go through some functions that aren't covered in details in this course.
Loop and Backward Loop
Sheet Visibility
File Paths
Extra functions.
31Officer and PowerpointVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to create Powerpoint documents:
Read and Write Slide
Add slide with Content
Temporary Files
32Flextable and Content on PowerpointVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to create nicely Formatted Content in our PowerPoint:
Add Title and Body Text
Format Text: Font, Size, Color
Paragraphs Formatting
Add Default Table
Add Flextable in Body
34Setup Account and TokenVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to use Github and Git:
Create an Account
Create a Token
Install Git and connect to RStudio
Create a Repository
35Clone, Pull, Commit, PushVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to manage a Repository with Code:
Clone Repo to RStudio
Add Code, Commit and Push
39AWS AccountVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to work with Amazon Web Services:
Region Configuration
Free Tier Solutions
Overview of Services
Putty Software
40EC2 and Linux ServerVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to create a EC2 Instance:
Ubuntu Server
Overview of Instance Types
Configure New Instance
Create .pem Key
Convert Key using Puttyy
Connect using SSH
Install R Demo (optimal way covered in next lesson)
41Install R on LinuxVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to Configure R on a Server Automatically:
Install Ubuntu and R Libraries on Launch
42Clone and Run ScriptsVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to work with the Linux Terminal:
Run R and R commands
Linux Commands to Navigate through Folders and Files
Clone Repo from Github
Run Rscripts
Update Folder with Git Pull
43Clone and Run Scripts Part 2Video lesson
In this lecture we learn how to run complex script on the Server:
Install a Package Manually on Linux
Repository For Linux
Gmail Security on Linux
Configure Correctly the Paths to Folders
Amend Script and Push-Pull
44Schedule Automated CRON JobVideo lesson
In this lecture we learn how to schedule a CRON (scheduled repetitive tasks) in Linux:
Configure path to home
Create CRON Job
Configure schedule using
Task in Crontab
Linux Commands
Read Logs
45Commands and TricksText lesson
46Store your Files on AWSText lesson
47Create Formatted PDF FilesText lesson

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