Premium Digital SAT English Prep Course by Masterclass Space

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About Company – Masterclass Space
Alumni of Masterclass Space have been admitted to some of the top-notch universities. A few names are:
Jayant Talwar – Cornell University
Rohan Murthy – Cornell University
Ruchika Bhuyan – Brown University
Aatmann Patel – NYU
Siri Gullapalli – Duke University
Viveka Mehrotra – Duke University
Gauri Mutha – UCLA
Monique Cheng – UC Berkeley
Shriya Sharma – London School of Economics
Ruhika Rajmohan – Virginia Tech
Calvin Thomas – Kelly School of Business
Akshat Kumar Shahi – UIUC
Masterclass Space offers a self-paced course for SAT English, considering the growing demand for digital education. Whether you are on the go or wish to study as per your schedule, this SAT self-paced course covers your SAT English preparation needs.
Designed meticulously as per the new Digital SAT syllabus by highly qualified and experienced faculties, this SAT English self-paced course will prove to be your best partner in the college admissions preparation journey. Masterclass Space course prepares the students holistically. The course covers all the concepts in-depth. Along with concepts, all the assignments are discussed.
Masterclass Space is not just an online education platform; it is a team of dedicated educators passionate about providing high-quality education to students worldwide. The team’s purpose is to make education accessible and affordable and to ignite a passion for learning in every student who comes to Masterclass Space.
Masterclass Space is trusted by students from six continents for its unique pedagogy. Every year students of Masterclass Space are getting admitted to Ivy League & elite universities in the US. The way of teaching at MCS is very in-depth which prepares students even for rare tough questions in the test resulting in a high score. The premium admission consulting services offered by Masterclass Space are handled by highly professional and expert consultants.
2Nouns: Definition of Nouns, and Types of NounsVideo lesson
You will get to know the basics of parts of speech, the role of parts of speech, names of parts of speech, definitions of nouns, and types of nouns.
3Nouns, Singular and Plural and ExceptionsVideo lesson
You will get to know the special case of singular and plural nouns, some exceptions, usage of nouns, and connection with prepositions.
4Nouns, Countable vs UncountableVideo lesson
You will get to know how to identify countable nouns and uncountable nouns, the usage of countable and uncountable nouns, and exercises.
5Singular and Plural Noun, Rules and ExplanationVideo lesson
You will get to know the exercise of parts of speech, the definition of singular and plural nouns, the formation of singular and plural nouns, and usages of singular and plural nouns.
6Special Case of Singular NounsVideo lesson
You will get to know the special case of the formation of plural nouns, exceptions of singular and plural nouns, usage of singular and plural nouns, and some exercises.
7Pronoun, Definition of Pronoun, and Types of PronounsVideo lesson
You will get to know what is a pronoun, the types of pronouns, the usage of pronouns, the role of the personal pronoun, and how to identify pronouns and common errors of the pronoun.
8Correct Usage of PronounVideo lesson
You will get to know the function of pronouns, types of pronouns, correct usages of pronouns, and common errors while using the pronouns.
9Relative Pronouns and Their Usage.Video lesson
You will get to know the types of pronouns, and relative pronouns usage or relative pronouns and fix the error of relative pronouns.
10Interrogative Pronoun vs Relative PronounVideo lesson
You will get to know about the major differences between relative pronouns and interrogative pronouns, the types of interrogative pronouns, and the usage of interrogative pronouns.
11Adjectives, Definition of Adjectives, and Types of AdjectivesVideo lesson
You will get to know the role of adjectives in grammar, the types of adjectives, the correct usage of adjectives, and the function of adjectives.
12Demonstrative Adjective and Their UsagesVideo lesson
You will get to know about demonstrative adjectives, details of adjectives, correct usages of demonstrative adjectives, and silly mistakes while using demonstrative adjectives.
13Degree of Adjectives and its usagesVideo lesson
You will get to know about different types of adjectives and degrees, positive degree, comparative degree, and superlative degree, and their formation and usage.
14Formation of AdjectivesVideo lesson
You will get to know the formation of different degrees, their usages, exceptions in degree, meaning differences in different adjectives, and correct usage of degrees of adjectives.
15Verbs and Their UsagesVideo lesson
You will get to know verbs, theirs parts, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, role of transitive verbs and intransitive verbs, function of transitive verbs and intransitive verbs and direct and indirect object.
16Verbs and PhrasesVideo lesson
You will get to know different types of phrases, their roles, functions, correct usage of adverbial phrases, and general understanding of adverbial phrases.
17Verb Plus ObjectVideo lesson
You will get to know verbs, verbs plus objects, verbs plus no object, revision or regular and irregular verbs, usage of verbs, and exercises.
18Active Voice and Passive VoiceVideo lesson
You will get to know the usage of active and passive voice, role of active voice, role of passive voice, direct object, indirect object, formation of passive voice, and exercises for active and passive voice.
19Regular and Irregular VerbsVideo lesson
You will get to know regular and irregular verbs, role of regular and irregular verbs, function of verbs and correct of usage them.
20Infinitive VerbsVideo lesson
21Extra Usage of Infinitive VerbsVideo lesson
22Gerund and Its UsageVideo lesson
23Participles, Types of Participles, and Correct Usage of ParticiplesVideo lesson
24Clause, Verbs, and ParticipleVideo lesson
25Mood and Its FunctionVideo lesson
26Conditional SentenceVideo lesson
27Verb and TensesVideo lesson
28Adverbs, Types of Adverbs, and Placement of AdverbsVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the definition of adverbs, their various types, their role in language, and the correct usage of adverbs.
29Adverbs of Place and Placement of AdverbVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the placement of adverbs, their usage, the distinction between adverbs and prepositions, and the correct application of adverbs.
30Interrogative Adverbs and Their PlacementVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of interrogative adverbs, their various types, the correct placement of adverbs, and their proper usage.
31Degree of Adverbs and Formation of AdverbsVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the degrees of adverbs, the types of adverbs for specific purposes, the formation of adverbs, and their correct usage.
32Conjunctions and Types of ConjunctionsVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the definition of conjunctions, their role in language, the various types of conjunctions, and their correct usage.
33Category and Role of ConjunctionVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the special placement of conjunctions, the correct usage of conjunctions, and the identification of subordinate conjunctions.
34Revision of Conjunctions and Advanced Usage of ThemVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of subordinate conjunctions, their examples, correct usage, and proper placement in sentences.
35Cause and Effect ConjunctionVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of cause and effect conjunctions, their usage in sentences, and their correct placement.
36Brief of Conjunctions and Important ConjunctionsVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of all the important conjunctions, their specific roles, and their correct usage in sentences.
37Conjunction in ComparisonVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the types of comparative conjunctions, their correct usage, meaning, and proper function in sentences.
38Prepositions and their functionVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of prepositions, their types, key prepositions, their correct usage, and proper placement in sentences.
39Omission of PrepositionVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the omission of prepositions, the various types of prepositions, and their proper placement in sentences.
40Preposition of place, time, and conditionVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the usage of prepositions of place, time, and condition.
41Special usage of prepositionVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the special usage of prepositions, precautions to take when using them, and the extra care required for their correct application.
42Articles and Definition of ArticlesVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of articles, their types, and the correct usage of articles in sentences.
43Usage of The ArticlesVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the various uses of the article "the" and its correct placement in sentences.
44Articles exercise and correctionVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the usage of the article "the" and its different meanings or senses within a passage.
45Exercise and some extra practice or articleVideo lesson
You will gain a deeper understanding of articles, their placement, and their correct usage in sentences.
46Subject-Verb Agreement BasicsVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the basics of subject-verb agreement, including the first rule of subject-verb agreement, the distinction between singular and plural verbs, and how to identify errors.
47Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 2Video lesson
You will gain an understanding of rule number two of subject-verb agreement, its implementation, and some practice exercises to reinforce this rule.
48Subject Agreement Rule 3Video lesson
You will gain an understanding of rule three of subject-verb agreement, its implementation, and some practice exercises to reinforce this rule.
49Subject-Verb agreement Rule 4Video lesson
You will gain an understanding of rule four of subject-verb agreement, its implementation, and practice exercises to apply the rule effectively.
50Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 5Video lesson
You will gain an understanding of rule five of subject-verb agreement, its implementation, and practice exercises to apply the rule effectively.
51Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 6Video lesson
You will gain an understanding of rule five of subject-verb agreement, its implementation, and practice exercises to apply the rule effectively.
52Basic Rules of PronounVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the basic rules of pronouns, key indicators (markers) of pronouns, and their correct usage in sentences.
53Singular PronounsVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the correct usage of pronouns, singular pronouns, and their proper application in sentences.
54Basic of ModifierVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of what a modifier is, the rules governing modifiers, their correct usage, and practice exercises to apply these concepts.
55Concept of ModifierVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the concepts of modifiers, how to identify errors related to modifiers, their correct implementation, and practice exercises to reinforce these concepts.
56Modifier Rule 2Video lesson
You will gain an understanding of modifier rule two, its implementation, and practice exercises to reinforce this rule.
57Relative Pronoun as a ModifierVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of WH words, how to correct modifiers using them, the implementation of rules related to WH words, and practice exercises to reinforce these concepts.
58Verb+ing ModifierVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the verb+ing modifier, its rules, the concept behind it, its implementation, and practice exercises to reinforce these concepts.
59Basic of TensesVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the basics of tenses, their usage in sentences, common errors related to tenses, and practice exercises to reinforce these concepts.
60Present and Future TensesVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the roles of "will" and "would," continuous tenses, their correct usage in sentences, and how to spot errors in passages.
61Past and Past Perfect TensesVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of the correct usage of the past simple tense, the difference between past simple and past perfect, and how to fix common errors related to tenses.
62Common Errors in TensesVideo lesson
You will gain an understanding of certain tenses that are rarely used, common errors and silly mistakes related to tenses, and how to implement tenses correctly in sentences.
63Parallelism MarkersVideo lesson
You will get to know about parallelism markers, parallelism entities, approaches for parallelism, and conceptual implementation of concepts.
64Parallelism ConceptsVideo lesson
You will get to know about idiomatic markers, common errors, and the implementation of concepts of parallelism.
66Introduction to Punctuation and Its ConceptsVideo lesson
In this video, you'll explore the fundamentals of punctuation, learn how to use it correctly and understand the key punctuation rules required for the SAT writing section.
67Key Punctuation RulesVideo lesson
This lecture will cover important guidelines for using punctuation effectively. You'll also learn essential tips, tricks, and best practices to avoid common punctuation mistakes.

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