Practical Web Development: 22 Courses in 1
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
===== Students’ Reviews =====
“Very insightful information that other courses do not necessarily go over” — Andrew Austin
“Good quality of teaching. It’s very useful where 22 courses at one place. Very good explanation on each and every installation process and exercises shown. Thanks! to Udemy and Creative Online School” — Pramod Ganta
“Great ! Short videos but good understanding” — Ashiouzzaman Real
“The instructor is very clear-spoken and explains things very elegantly. Very easy to follow and understand what is going on.” — Sharla Field
Web development is an amazing career path now a days. By completion of this course, you will master yourself in several languages/platforms/databases. This course gives you hands-on and practical experience on HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, Python, JavaScript, XML, JSON, Apache, WordPress, and more.
Mastering these areas are one of the fastest ways to improve your career. Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information.
1HTML BasicsVideo lesson
2Quiz # 1Quiz
HTML stands for what?
3HTML4 vs. HTML5Video lesson
4Making your first HTML pageVideo lesson
5Quiz # 2Quiz
6Tools to create HTML filesVideo lesson
7Base HTML TagsVideo lesson
8Quiz # 3Quiz
9Paragraph TagsVideo lesson
10Break TagVideo lesson
11Header TagsVideo lesson
12Bold and Italic TagsVideo lesson
13Ordered and Unordered ListsVideo lesson
14Image TagsVideo lesson
15Difference between Absolute Link & Relative LiinkVideo lesson
16Hyperlinking to an external pageVideo lesson
17Hyperlinking to an email addressVideo lesson
18Hyperlinking to a file in your siteVideo lesson
19Playing and Controlling AudioVideo lesson
20Playing and Controllig VideoVideo lesson
21Embedding a VideoVideo lesson
22What is a Table - Pros and ConsVideo lesson
23Table propertiesVideo lesson
24Adding an iFrameVideo lesson
25What is possible with a form with only HTML knowledgeVideo lesson
26Defining the formVideo lesson
27Text fields and Text areasVideo lesson
28Radio Buttons and Check BoxesVideo lesson
29Data Input and ButtonsVideo lesson
30Proper file structureVideo lesson
31Code commentingVideo lesson
32Meta TagsVideo lesson
33About the class - what you will needVideo lesson
34What is CSS and why we need it?Video lesson
35What's new in CSS3Video lesson
36CSS Selectors, Propterties and AttributesVideo lesson
37ID SelectorsVideo lesson
38Class selectorsVideo lesson
39Element SelectorsVideo lesson
40All SelectorsVideo lesson
41Internal Style SheetsVideo lesson
42External Style SheetsVideo lesson
43Inline StylesVideo lesson
44The Box ModelVideo lesson
45Adding ColorVideo lesson
46Working with fontsVideo lesson
47Background ImagesVideo lesson
48Background Images: Part 2Video lesson
49Styling linksVideo lesson
50Styling ID TagsVideo lesson
51Float and ClearVideo lesson
52Block and Inline ElementsVideo lesson
53PositioningVideo lesson
54Building the FrameworkVideo lesson
55Setting the stylesVideo lesson
56Adding the elementsVideo lesson
57CSS 6-4Video lesson
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