Options Trading: How I trade without charts (live trading)
- Description
- Curriculum
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Important Note: I am a serious instructor and a profitable options trader, as you can check by my performance at myoptionsedge. com. Udemy is full of instructors! But, unfortunately, most are only instructors and not real traders who transparently share their trading results like I do! And you can access my Options Trading Community for FREE.
You should enroll in this course if you:
1. … bought an Udemy stock options course, but you feel it is theoretical or does not teach you a proper and proven strategy
2. … have basic options knowledge and need a proper strategy to apply it in the market
3. … lack consistency trading stocks, forex or even stock options (derivatives)
4. … are not profitable scalping stocks (or using stock swing trading approach)
5. … use technical analysis or indicators that do not produce positive results
6. … shorted volatility and it produced huge drawdowns in a Volatility spike
7. … are willing to start trading with a proper trading plan (clear entry and exit instructions)
**** This course target students that want to have a real live trading experience from an experienced options trader! Full transparency (no paper trading!) ****
This is not a course as you may encounter in Udemy! This is a full options trading experience from an experienced options trader to Traders!
I will describe and discuss volatility trading and how I am managing my options positions! And best of all, I will post a live trade and follow it up until its close (about 2 months) – saving a video explaining the fundamentals of any adjustment!
After the success of the other options courses, some students requested me how I am combining my VXX trading arsenal, how is my full trading approach or, better saying, how I am trading the VXX limiting my overall risk! So, here you have it!
To take full potential of these options trading lessons, it is better to understand the concepts of volatility trading, how VXX works and how I trade my developed strategies. For that, I encourage you to have at least one of my other courses.
In these practical lessons, you will learn how I am putting it all together! I think this learning experience is the best way to understand how to trade options the right way, as pro traders do!
Instead of a more conceptual course, these practical lessons will transfer my knowledge on options trading to you in a very pragmatic way! I will start with a live trade and will manage along the trade develops. But before I will start with a brief discussion on option greeks and risk profiles of generic trades, giving you a brief background on them (as they are fundamental to understand how to manage full trading arsenal).
Also, it is essential to understand how the greeks affect the position and are relevant to overall positions risk. Trading stock options without looking to them and how they impact your risk is like gambling and hence, I have also included a brief lesson on them (Delta, Gamma, Theta and Vega).
Stock options are derivatives. Stock options are options that have stock as their base asset. In this case, we trade a derivative, which is volatility! We are trading derivatives of a derivative! Not normal stock options. We use an ETN (VXX), similar to a stock that tracks volatility.
This is a practical showcase on options trading where I will publish live trades (when they are open) and show how to manage overall risk as time passes until close! You should expect that the “Croc trade”, a based options trade strategy on VXX that I developed, will be the basis of my options trading. Additionally, I will manage options overall risk with other VXX strategies, mainly the Short-Term strategy.
The options strategies involved (and trading style) can be used in IRA accounts. No unlimited risk is taken on any position.
First VXX trade for May 19 options cycle and Dec Cycle trade with VXX available for studying. Both already closed!
Course Content:
My Background / Experience
Why these lessons
Consistency vs expected profitability
The greeks (Delta, Theta, Vega, and Gamma)
Analysis of risk profile of some VXX trades
VXX Options Trade Management using Greeks
Volatility levels that can influence trade management
Using SPY, VIX and/or UVXY as a hedge
Live trade follow-up (and risk management)
All future course updates will be for free as well as email support for any questions that may arise.
This course is for you if:
a) you are trading stocks, forex, stock options (derivatives) or even volatility products and not achieving desired results;
b) you already enrolled in any other Udemy basic stock options course and want a real trading experience
c) you are fed up with technical analysis, stock price patterns, indicators that do not deliver results
d) you subscribed to one of my courses and are willing to learn in a practical way!
ENROLL NOW and start to earn money today!
This options management style can be implemented with a minimum suggested account value of USD2.000 that will be almost fully invested.
Just message me if you are interested in one-2-one stock options trading coaching. Mentorship will be designed specifically for you, according to your options trading knowledge and taken via Skype. Enroll and let’s trade together!
Trading stocks, forex or even stock options (derivatives) involves risk. Be aware that not all of the trades will be winners; the goal is to be profitable in the long term!
3Brief on Option Greeks: DeltaVideo lesson
4Brief on Option Greeks: GammaVideo lesson
5Brief on Options Greeks: Theta and VegaVideo lesson
6Dissecting VXX trades: Vertical Spread (Short Call)Video lesson
7Dissecting VXX trades: Vertical Spread (Bull Put)Video lesson
8Dissecting VXX trades: Iron Condor SpreadVideo lesson
9VXX Trade Management Guidelines: Current Nov 18 position analysis (I) - 3 Oct 18Video lesson
10VXX Trade Management Guidelines: Current Nov 18 position analysis (II)- 3 Oct 18Video lesson
11Using SPY, UVXY and VIX to hedge positionsVideo lesson
12Dec18 Cycle (Trade entered: 17Oct)Video lesson
13Dec18 Cycle (Trade update: 18Oct - VXX up 6%; Trade unchanged)Video lesson
14Dec18 Cycle (Trade adjustment: 26Oct)Video lesson
Adjustment made to short Put Spread to have extra credit, reduce overall risk: flatten delta and increase Theta! Should benefit also if VXX options volatility comes down! Filled at 0.20 as inserted!
15Dec18 Cycle (Trade adjustment: 30Oct)Video lesson
Trade entered at 2.15 for a credit
16Dec18 Cycle (Trade adjustment: 2 Nov)Video lesson
Added a Short Call Spread (out-the-money) to deacrese delta and improve a bit theta. Flattened t0 line and prevent fast drop in VXX price. Still no added short term call spreads because markets are still in backwardation.
2nd ADJUSTMENT: Added a second Short Call Vertical Spread at same strikes to decrease delta to a bit more (21 to 10), as there is signs of volatility crunching. Theta increased a bit and we enter weekend roughly at 6! Overall position credit increased.
17Dec18 Cycle (Trade adjustment: 6 Nov)Video lesson
Nov, 7th: Roll-up the 25 Put to 25 Put to reduce overall trade risk and reduce delta to more manageable values. Theta is ok at these levels. But the highlight of today was the huge drop in VXX price (~6%) but overall trade remained unchanged due to decrease in implied volatility of VXX options. Recall that Croc trade is Vega negative, which benefit from implied volatility decrease!
18Dec18 Cycle (Trade adjustment: 8 Nov)Video lesson
19Dec18 Cycle (Trade adjustment: 13 Nov)Video lesson
20Dec18 Cycle (Trade adjustment: 3 Dec)Video lesson
21Trade closing (Dec, 4th) and analysisVideo lesson
2211 Mar - Opened first tradeVideo lesson
2312 Mar - Additional opened tradeVideo lesson
2431 Mar - Vertical Expired for profitVideo lesson
Short Vertical Spread closed for profit (110USD)
251 Apr - Trade adjustment + new Short Vertical addedVideo lesson
Croc adjustment to reduce delta and added short term vertical.
2610 Apr - Closed / Opened Short VerticalVideo lesson
Closed Vertical for a profit (45USD) / Opened new one. Total trade profit (closed positions): 155USD (+12% in about a month)
2715 Apr - Closed all TradesVideo lesson
Closed Short Vertical / Closed Croc Trade - Full Cycle result = 90USD / lot = 7% in one month!!!
2818 Apr - Trades EnteredVideo lesson
Croc Trade and first short Call Vertical entered
292 May - Trade AdjustmentVideo lesson
Croc trade doing good; Closed Vertical and Opened a new one.
308 May - Trade AdjustmentVideo lesson
Short Call Vertical closed for a loss; Croc Trade alive and kicking...!
3117 May - New Vertical EnteredVideo lesson
3224 May - New Vertical Entered / VIX Hedge enteredVideo lesson
3330 May - All Trades Closed / Cycle analysisVideo lesson
35Contango level indicatorText lesson
36IV Rank indicatorText lesson
# Updated with new /VX futures 2018 coding
# Display Contango relationship between the Front and Back Month
# VX Futures.
# This removes the VIX absolute level, to allow visiability of the
# contango only.
# This is merely the Back Month VX futures minus the Front Month
# VX futures.
# Inflections of positive to negative and visa versa are flaged and
# enumerated.
#input bubles = 0;
input configuration = {default percent, commulative };
input Threshold_shortVol = 6.77;
input Threshold_longVol = 0; # 2.90; The URL above uses 2.90 for this threshold,
# Default is Contango threshold (zero)
declare lower;
# Below flags the date for expiring FrontMonth VX Futures per CBOE specs.
# Note: Regardding the Holidays, only one occurrance since 2010, which is
# hard coded in line below.
# For some unknown reason, TOS does not respond to daily VX futures per
# specification before August 2010, so data seems valid after Aug 2010.
# In debugging this, observed that TOS has some issues. Sometimes TOS misses
# complete trading days of info, the "/VX" reference in TOS does not
# match the CBOE spec for settlement, so beware. The TOS "opportunities"
# seem to be dynamic (not static bugs). At the time of this note, TOS
# inferred no trading of "/VX" between 7/16/2013 and 7/22/2016. (Missing 3 days of trading)
script VXexp {
def date = GetYYYYMMDD();
def isholiday = date == 20140319; # Manual injection of holiday on 4/18/14 which alteres VX settlement date in March.
def n3rdfa = Next3rdFriday(1);
def n3rdfb = Next3rdFriday(2);
def n3rdf = if (n3rdfa < 4) then n3rdfb else n3rdfa; # Pick Next month's expiration, not this month.
plot VXexp = if (isholiday) then 1 else ((n3rdf == 30) and !isholiday[1]);#and (dow == 3);
} # End of script for VXexp
# LsD extracts least significant digit of the number (date)
script LsD {
input date = 20100101;
plot LsD = (date - RoundDown(date / 10, 0) * 10);
} # End of script for LsD
def InContango;
def NotContango;
def ContangoBias;
def fm;
def bm;
def date = GetYYYYMMDD();
def dom = GetDayOfMonth(date);
def newmo = dom < dom[1];
def incmo = if newmo then 0 else if VXexp() then 1 else incmo[1];
def Y_ = GetYear();
def Y = LsD(Y_);
def MM = GetMonth();
fm = if (MM + incmo) > 12 then 1 else (MM + incmo) ;
def fmchange = fm != fm[1];
def fmY = if fmchange then (if (MM + incmo) > 12 then LsD(Y + 1) else Y) else fmY[1];
bm = if (fm + 1) > 12 then 1 else (fm + 1) ;
def bmY = if fmchange then (if (bm < 3) then LsD(Y + 1) else Y) else bmY[1];
def fmp = close( "/VX" + (if fm == 1 then "F" else
if fm == 2 then "G1" else
if fm == 3 then "H1" else
if fm == 4 then "J1" else
if fm == 5 then "K1" else
if fm == 6 then "M1" else
if fm == 7 then "N1" else
if fm == 8 then "Q1" else
if fm == 9 then "U1" else
if fm == 10 then "V1" else
if fm == 11 then "X1" else
if fm == 12 then "Z1" else " ") + fmY);
def bmp = close( "/VX" + (if bm == 1 then "F" else
if bm == 2 then "G1" else
if bm == 3 then "H1" else
if bm == 4 then "J1" else
if bm == 5 then "K1" else
if bm == 6 then "M1" else
if bm == 7 then "N1" else
if bm == 8 then "Q1" else
if bm == 9 then "U1" else
if bm == 10 then "V1" else
if bm == 11 then "X1" else
if bm == 12 then "Z1" else " ") + bmY);
# TOS may miss some vx futures quotes, so if this occurs
# re-use the prior day close for the missing entry.
# The filter below accomplishes this.
def fmpfiltered = if IsNaN(fmp) then fmpfiltered[1] else fmp;
def bmpfiltered = if IsNaN(bmp) then bmpfiltered[1] else bmp;
def reladj = if (bmpfiltered > 0) then bmpfiltered else 1;
def AbsDiffContango = if (BarNumber() < 5) then 0 else (if (configuration == configuration.commulative) then (bmpfiltered - fmpfiltered) / reladj else (bmpfiltered - fmpfiltered));
ContangoBias = if (BarNumber() < 5) then 0 else ContangoBias[1] + (if (configuration == configuration.commulative) then (bmpfiltered - fmpfiltered) / reladj else (bmpfiltered - fmpfiltered));
def bmfmReference=bmpfiltered; # bmpfiltered;
plot FmBmContango = if IsNaN(fmp) then Double.NaN
else if (configuration == configuration.percent) then Double.NaN else ContangoBias;
def ContanoPerCentage = 100 * AbsDiffContango / bmfmReference;
#def ContanoPerCentage = 100 * AbsDiffContango / bmpfiltered;
FmBmContango.DefineColor("green", Color.GREEN);
FmBmContango.DefineColor("red", Color.RED);
FmBmContango.DefineColor("white", Color.WHITE);
plot Cper = if ((configuration == configuration.percent) and (IsNaN(fmp)==0)) then ContanoPerCentage else Double.NaN;
Cper.DefineColor("green", Color.GREEN);
Cper.DefineColor("red", Color.RED);
Cper.DefineColor("white", Color.WHITE);
Cper.AssignValueColor(if (ContanoPerCentage > Threshold_shortVol) then Cper.Color("green") else if (ContanoPerCentage > Threshold_longVol) then Cper.Color("white") else Cper.Color("red"));
def Direction = ContangoBias > ContangoBias[1];
def DirectionChanges = if (BarNumber() == 1) then 0 else if (Direction != Direction[1]) then DirectionChanges[1] + 1 else DirectionChanges[1];
FmBmContango.AssignValueColor(if (ContangoBias > ContangoBias[1]) then FmBmContango.Color("green") else if (ContangoBias == ContangoBias[1]) then FmBmContango.Color("white") else FmBmContango.Color("red"));
InContango = if ((BarNumber() == 1) or (DirectionChanges < 1)) then 0 else InContango[1] + (bmpfiltered > fmpfiltered);
NotContango = if ((BarNumber() == 1) or (DirectionChanges < 1)) then 0 else NotContango[1] + (bmpfiltered <= fmpfiltered);
plot UpperThreshold = if (configuration ==configuration.percent) then Threshold_shortVol else Double.nan;
plot LowerThreshold = if (configuration ==configuration.percent) then Threshold_longVol else Double.nan;
AddLabel(1, Concat("Contango inflections : ", DirectionChanges) + ", Time(bars) in Contango: " + InContango + " of " + BarNumber()+" (" + aspercent(InContango/ (InContango + NotContango))+") " + if (configuration==configuration.commulative) then "), Bars in Backwardation or same: "+ NotContango else "" , Color.GRAY);
AddLabel((configuration == configuration.percent), "" +aspercent(AbsDiffContango / bmfmReference), Cper.TakeValueColor());
AddChartBubble((configuration == configuration.commulative) and Direction and !Direction[1], ContangoBias, DirectionChanges, Color.GRAY, 1);
AddChartBubble((configuration == configuration.commulative) and !Direction and Direction[1], ContangoBias, DirectionChanges, Color.YELLOW, 0);
AddVerticalLine(VXexp(), "VX" + (if bm == 1 then "F" else
if bm == 2 then "G1" else
if bm == 3 then "H1" else
if bm == 4 then "J1" else
if bm == 5 then "K1" else
if bm == 6 then "M1" else
if bm == 7 then "N1" else
if bm == 8 then "Q1" else
if bm == 9 then "U1" else
if bm == 10 then "V1" else
if bm == 11 then "X1" else
if bm == 12 then "Z1" else " ") + bmY
+ (if (configuration==configuration.percent) then " vs VX" else " - VX") + (if fm == 1 then "F" else
if fm == 2 then "G1" else
if fm == 3 then "H1" else
if fm == 4 then "J1" else
if fm == 5 then "K1" else
if fm == 6 then "M1" else
if fm == 7 then "N1" else
if fm == 8 then "Q1" else
if fm == 9 then "U1" else
if fm == 10 then "V1" else
if fm == 11 then "X1" else
if fm == 12 then "Z1" else " ") + fmY, Color.DARK_GREEN);#color.light_orange);
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