NI LabVIEW: Become a LabVIEW Test Engineer
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Become LabVIEW Test Engineer: This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the LabVIEW on Udemy!
If you are an engineer, want to start career in testing, or an engineering student, you are at right place. This course is for you !
LabVIEW is one of the most wanted skill in automated test industry for past 2 decades. It is the graphical programming language enables automated test faster and easier any industry.
This course consists of 90+ lectures and 12 hours of live development and debugging.
Course featuring the followings:
Industrial usage of NI LabVIEW and its ecosystems
Features of various LabVIEW Editions
Installation of LabVIEW Student Edition
Designed with step by step instructions on basic LabVIEW syntaxes
Practical ways to handle LabVIEW
Project codes for practice
Best Industrial practice
Data Acquisition Techniques
Key Takeaways
Every concept has been incrementally revised and reused in examples to make sure students remember them automatically
Live development and debugging sessions for most of the topics would give you clear idea of the concepts
Practical exercises on MAX configuration and backups
Practical programming practices for modular applications and projects( SubVIs and Reusability )
You will gain full-confidence in LabVIEW and learn further
You can do your industrial / academic projects in LabVIEW
1Course PreviewVideo lesson
2Welcome NoteVideo lesson
3NI Labview in EngineeringVideo lesson
Let's understand power of LabVIEW and its capability in testing and measurement.
4Opportunities for LabVIEW Engineers in IndustryVideo lesson
Let's discuss industrial opportunities for LabVIEW.
5Graphical Programming and Power of LabVIEWVideo lesson
Welcome to the world of Graphical Programming...
6LabVIEW Editions and FeaturesVideo lesson
Let's have look LabVIEW versions and their features.
7LabVIEW 2014 Home Edition for LearningVideo lesson
Let's find a LabVIEW version for affordable price.
8LabVIEW Drivers and Add-onsVideo lesson
LabVIEW Play Store and AppStore...!
Let's have a look on drivers and add-ons for LabVIEW.
9LabVIEW Online ForumsVideo lesson
Facebook and LinkedIn for LabVIEW...!
14Numeric Data TypeVideo lesson
Numbers and its types inside LabVIEW.
15Byte Width and BoundariesVideo lesson
Size of numbers and its usage.
16Basic Arithmetic OperationsVideo lesson
Just starting with simple calculator...
17Enumerated Data TypeVideo lesson
Let's create a meaningful list for anything...
18String Data TypeVideo lesson
Text... Text... Text... Everywhere...
Let's see how LabVIEW is handling text...
19Basic Functions on StringVideo lesson
Basic functions on strings
20Advanced String FunctionsVideo lesson
More advanced and rich string operations library in LabVIEW.
21String ConverstionsVideo lesson
Covert string to anything for get things done.
42Arrays - IntroductionVideo lesson
Introduction to arrays
43Arrays with Loop -Simple ProgramVideo lesson
Operations on arrays using loops.
44Shift Registers and Feedback NodesVideo lesson
Shift Registers, Feedback nodes - Looping techniques in LabVIEW.
45Arrays - Basic FunctionsVideo lesson
Basic array functions in LabVIEW.
46Arrays - Advanced FunctionsVideo lesson
Advanced array function in LabVIEW.
63Signal SimulationVideo lesson
LabVIEW signal generation.
64Waveform GraphVideo lesson
Graphs for showing signals as waveform.
65Waveform ChartVideo lesson
Graph for signal continuous plotting like oscilloscope.
66XY GraphVideo lesson
XY graph for plotting graph between two quantities.
67XY Graph as Running ChartVideo lesson
Plotting graph from running values.
68Digital Waveform GraphVideo lesson
Digital signal plotting.
69Common Graph and Chart PropertiesVideo lesson
More properties of LabVIEW graphs.
70Text File OperationsVideo lesson
Basic File operations in LabVIEW.
71Delimited File OperationsVideo lesson
Delimited File operations in LabVIEW.
72File Paths and DirectoriesVideo lesson
File paths and directories handling in LabVIEW.
73Advanced File FunctionsVideo lesson
Advanced file operations in LabVIEW.
74Buttons and BehavioursVideo lesson
Discussing various behaviours of buttons and their properties.
75Event Structure - IntroductionVideo lesson
Event triggered feature for event driven programming.
Capturing external events to control the program flow.
76Event Structure in While LoopVideo lesson
Combination of event structure and while loop creates a powerful framework work user interaction applications.

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