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3 reviews

Next.js 14 Social Network App ( Instagram )

Build a full-stack social network app using cutting edge technologies like Nextjs , Ant Design , Tailwind CSS , Mongodb
52 Students enrolled
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Hello ,

Welcome to the course , Next.js 14 Social Media App ( Instagram ) 2024

In this course we are going to build a full-stack social network app which is almost similar to Instagram . We will be using latest version of Nextjs in-order to build this amazing app. So below will be the features and tech-stack of the project.

Tech Stack

Nextjs v14 for frontend and backend

MongoDB for database

Firebase for Storage

Zustand for state management

AntDesign for building UI components

Tailwindcss for Styling or customizing UI components

Clerk for authentication


  1. Build user authentication using clerk user management library , this will include new user sign-up , email verification , sign-in , middlewares etc.

  2. Users can update their profile info like name , bio , profile picture right after their sign-in. And users can also make their account as private if they want.

  3. Users can find other users by searching their name and email id.

  4. Users can send follow request to other users , if it is accepted then the followers and following count will be incremented.

  5. If a user made his account as private , only his followers can see his profile , posts etc.

  6. Users can upload post with multiple images , include captions and also tag their friends.

  7. Likes , comments , save functionality for the posted uploaded.

  8. Users can also reply to the existing comments for a post.

  9. Users can archive their posts after uploading and they can see the archived posts in profile.

  10. Users can view saved , uploaded posts in their profile and they can unsave and edit if required.

  11. If a post is liked , commented , or any follow request is placed the end user will receive the notification.

  12. Users can search posts using their captions and hashtags , and if they can view the individual posts based on the search results.

  13. Entire application will be responsive , it can be viewed in desktops , i-pads and also mobile devices

  14. For every section source code will be provided separately

  15. Q/A Support

Sending , receiving and accepting of follow requests - Backend
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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Course details
Video 12 hours
Certificate of Completion

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