[NEW] Learn Spring Boot 3, JDBC, JPA, MySQL, MongoDB, Kafka
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‘Learn Spring Boot 3, JDBC, JPA, MySQL, MongoDB, Kafka, AI’ course will help in understanding the Spring framework and how to build web applications, Rest Services using Spring, Spring MVC, SpringBoot, Spring JDBC, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, MongoDB, Kafka, Spring AI etc. By the end of this course, students will understand all the below topics,
What is Spring framework and Spring Boot ?
Different projects inside Spring
Spring Core Concepts like Inversion of Control (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI) & Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
Different approaches of Beans creation inside Spring framework
Bean Scopes inside Spring framework
Autowiring of the Spring Beans
Lombok library and Annotations
Deep dive on Spring Boot, Auto-configuration
Spring Boot Dev Tools
Spring Boot Actuators
Database create, read, update, and delete operations using Spring JDBC
Introduction to ORM frameworks & database create, read, update, delete operations using Spring Data JPA/Hibernate
Derived Query methods in JPA
Sorting, Pagination, JPQL inside Spring Data JPA
Building Rest Services inside Spring
Consuming Rest Services
Spring Data Rest
Logging inside Spring applications
Properties Configuration inside Spring applications
Profiles inside Spring Boot applications
Conditional Bean creation using Profiles
Monitoring Spring Boot applications using SpringBoot Actuator & Spring Boot Admin
Unit Testing with Spring Boot Application
Using JUnit and Mockito for Testing the Application
Working with MongoDB, Architecture, Installation and Setup
Building Spring Boot Application with MongoDB
Creating REST API to create, update, read, and delete resources with MongoDB and Spring Boot Application
Working with Queries and Aggregators in MongoDB, MongoTemplates, and more in Spring Boot
Working on Apache Kafka, benefits, Architecture, Installation, and more…
The combination of Zookeeper and Apache Kafka
Working with Brokers and Consumers in Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka Playgound
Building REST API’s with Apache Kafka and Spring Boot
2What is the need of Java Spring Framework?Video lesson
3Course Repo DetailsText lesson
This file contains the Course Repo details
4Getting Started with Java Spring FrameworkVideo lesson
5Creating a New Spring Framework Project with Maven and JavaVideo lesson
6Building First Application with SpringVideo lesson
7Understanding Tight CouplingVideo lesson
8Understanding Loose CouplingVideo lesson
9What the heck is Spring Bean?Video lesson
10Bringing in Spring Framework to Make Java App Loosely CoupledVideo lesson
11Dependency Injection in SpringVideo lesson
12Auto Wiring - Primary & QualifierVideo lesson
13Usage of Autowiring, Primary, Qualifier in our ApplicationVideo lesson
14Using Component and Component Scan annotationVideo lesson
15Different Types of Dependency InjectionVideo lesson
16Spring Advance Concepts IntroVideo lesson
17Exploring Lazy and Eager Initialization of Spring Framework BeansVideo lesson
18Spring Bean ScopesVideo lesson
19Comparing Prototype vs Singleton - Spring Framework Bean ScopesVideo lesson
20PostConstruct and PreDestroy in Spring Bean LifecycleVideo lesson
21Introdcutin to Spring BootVideo lesson
22Why Spring Boot ?Video lesson
23Setting up First Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
24Building Application in Spring BootVideo lesson
25Building API in Spring BootVideo lesson
26Embedded Servers in Spring BootVideo lesson
27Custom Properties in Spring BootVideo lesson
28Profiles in Spring BootVideo lesson
29Actuators in Spring BootVideo lesson
30Introduction to Spring JDBCVideo lesson
31Installing MySQL Database in the SystemVideo lesson
32Getting Started with Spring JDBCVideo lesson
33Inserting and Truncating data using Spring JDBCVideo lesson
34PreparedStatement in Spring JDBCVideo lesson
35Named Parameter in Spring JDBCVideo lesson
36Deleting data using Spring JDBCVideo lesson
37Bulk Query Execution in Spring JDBCVideo lesson
38Fetching data using Spring JDBCVideo lesson
39Fetching Conditional data using Spring JDBCVideo lesson
40Projection in Spring JDBCVideo lesson
41Introduction to Spring Data JPAVideo lesson
42Gettig started with Spring Data JPA and Fetching DataVideo lesson
43Inserting data using Spring data JPAVideo lesson
44Working with JPARepository Vs. EntityManagerVideo lesson
45Find, Update, Delete, DeleteAll using Spring Data JPAVideo lesson
46Batch query using Spring Data JPAVideo lesson
47Derived Methods in Spring Data JPAVideo lesson
48JPQL and Native Queries using Spring data JPAVideo lesson
49Projection in Spring data JPA with JPARepositoryVideo lesson
50Pagination with Spring Data JPAVideo lesson
51Introduction to REST API with Spring BootVideo lesson
52Overview of the ApplicationVideo lesson
53Creating a Spring Boot ProjectVideo lesson
54Building REST API with Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
55Building POST Request with Spring BootVideo lesson
56Logging in Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
57Building GET Request with Spring BootVideo lesson
58Working with Path Variables in Sprnig BootVideo lesson
59Exception Handling in Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
60Building DELETE Request with Spring BootVideo lesson
61Working with Query Parameters in Spring BootVideo lesson
62Validation in Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
63API Documentation in Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
64Monitoring Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
65Introduction to Spring Boot with MongoDBVideo lesson
66What is MongoDB?Video lesson
67Installing MongoDB in the SystemVideo lesson
68Creating Spring Boot App for MongoDBVideo lesson
69Application Overview and Creating PackagesVideo lesson
70Building Spring Boot App with Mongo DBVideo lesson
71Saving Data to MongoDB usinfg Spring Boot AppVideo lesson
72Search Data from MongoDB using Spring Boot AppVideo lesson
73Fetch Data from MongoDB using Spring Boot AppVideo lesson
74Derived Methods in MongoDB with Spring Boot AppVideo lesson
75Using Query Annotation to Fetch data from MongoDb with Spring Boot AppVideo lesson
76Overview of the Application ChangesVideo lesson
77Setting up Multiple DB with Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
78Making the Application RunningVideo lesson
79Switching Databases in Spring Boot ApplicationVideo lesson
80Configuring Application to not run AutoConfiguration when not neededVideo lesson
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