Modern Android App Architecture
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Take your Android development skills to the next level and become an expert in app architecture. Whether building small apps or large, multimodule projects, mastering Android app architecture is key to creating scalable, maintainable, high-performing applications.
Being an expert in app architecture will also prepare you for a Mobile Tech Lead role, as you will be able to make key architectural decisions, and guide projects toward success. You will also learn crucial system design principles and patterns that will help you excel in mobile system design interviews.
Stefan started developing Android apps – almost from Android’s birth – in 2011, and since then had to architect, design, and develop many challenging Android, iOS, and Multiplatform apps. In this course, he wants to share his comprehensive experience with you.
Apps are unique – different apps have different requirements and may require different architectural decisions. This course is designed to provide a solid foundation of architectural principles, explain and compare popular app architectures, and guide in selecting the right architecture based on the given requirements. Despite the course being especially targeted at Android, most concepts also apply to iOS.
About 8 hours of on-demand video content will cover what you need to know to master modern Android app architecture:
Writing Clean Code: Apply best practices and system design principles such as DRY and SOLID to create maintainable, scalable codebases.
Choosing the Right Pattern (MVC, MVP, MVVM): Learn the key differences between Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-Presenter (MVP), and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) and choose the right pattern based on app size, complexity, and team needs
Implementing Clean Architecture: Minimize app lifetime maintenance costs and maximize developer productivity
Implementing Layered Architecture: Learn how to separate concerns into data, domain, and UI layers for better maintainability based on Google’s recommended app architecture
Using Android Architecture Components: Build scalable apps using Jetpack libraries from the UI to the data layer such as the Lifecycle API, the ViewModel API, LiveData & Flow, Coroutines, SharedPreferences & DataStore, the Room database, the WorkManager API or the Paging library
Implementing Efficient Navigation: Seamlessly handle navigation in complex apps with Android’s navigation component
Applying Dependency Injection (DI): Use popular DI frameworks like Dagger and Hilt, or service locator frameworks such as Kodein and Koin to write cleaner, more testable code with better dependency management
Mastering Modularization: Organize your complex codebase into modules, whether they are based on layers, features, or both for better scalability, respecting the principles of component cohesion and component coupling
4Clean CodeVideo lesson
5Clean Code: OverviewVideo lesson
6Clean Code: GoalsVideo lesson
7KISSVideo lesson
8YAGNIVideo lesson
9DRYVideo lesson
10SOLIDVideo lesson
11System Design Principles: QuizQuiz
12SOLID: Single Responsibility PrincipleVideo lesson
13SOLID: Open/Closed PrincipleVideo lesson
14SOLID: Liskov Substitution PrincipleVideo lesson
15SOLID: Interface Segregation PrincipleVideo lesson
16SOLID: Dependency Inversion PrincipleVideo lesson
17SOLID: QuizQuiz
18Clean Code: Demo CodeText lesson
19DRY: DemoVideo lesson
20Single Responsibility Principle: DemoVideo lesson
21Open/Closed Principle: DemoVideo lesson
22Liskov Substitution Principle: DemoVideo lesson
23Interface Segregation Principle: DemoVideo lesson
24Dependency Inversion Principle: DemoVideo lesson
25Architectural PatternsVideo lesson
26Architectural Patterns: OverviewVideo lesson
27MVC: Model-View-ControllerVideo lesson
28MVC: QuizQuiz
29MVC: Demo CodeText lesson
30MVC: DemoVideo lesson
31MVP: Model-View-PresenterVideo lesson
32MVP: QuizQuiz
33MVP: Demo CodeText lesson
34MVP: DemoVideo lesson
35MVVM: Model-View-ViewModelVideo lesson
36MVVM: QuizQuiz
37MVVM: Demo CodeText lesson
38MVVM: DemoVideo lesson
39Comparison: MVC vs. MVP vs. MVVPVideo lesson
40Architectural Patterns: QuizQuiz
41Clean ArchitectureVideo lesson
42Clean Architecture: OverviewVideo lesson
43Clean Architecture: GoalsVideo lesson
44Clean Architecture: StrategiesVideo lesson
45Clean Architecture: ComponentsVideo lesson
46Clean Architecture: Demo CodeText lesson
47Clean Architecture: DemoVideo lesson
48Clean Architecture: QuizQuiz
49Layered ArchitectureVideo lesson
50Layered Architecture: OverviewVideo lesson
51Architectural Principles & Best PracticesVideo lesson
52Architectural Principles: QuizQuiz
53Recommended App ArchitectureVideo lesson
54Recommended App Architecture: QuizQuiz
55Layered Architecture: UI LayerVideo lesson
56Unidirectional Data FlowVideo lesson
57UI State Production PipelineVideo lesson
58Exposing UI StateVideo lesson
59Consuming UI StateVideo lesson
60UI Layer: QuizQuiz
61Layered Architecture: Data LayerVideo lesson
62Repositories: Advanced TopicsVideo lesson
63Build Offline FirstVideo lesson
64Data Layer: QuizQuiz
65Layered Architecture: Domain LayerVideo lesson
66Domain Layer: QuizQuiz
67Layered Architecture vs. Clean ArchitectureVideo lesson
68Layered Architecture vs. Clean Architecture: QuizQuiz
69Layered Architecture: Demo CodeText lesson
70Demo: IntroVideo lesson
71Demo: Layered Architecture OutlineVideo lesson
72Demo: Layered Architecture StructureVideo lesson
73Demo: UI & Domain LayerVideo lesson
74Demo: Data LayerVideo lesson
75Demo: Sum UpVideo lesson
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