MERN Stack E-commerce Project: Part 2: Frontend Only
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The MERN Stack Ecommerce course is a comprehensive program that aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to build and deploy a full-featured API. The course covers a range of topics, including integrating Stripe for payment processing, pagination and filtering techniques, order statistics and analysis, admin processes for managing orders, implementing categories and product management, order management systems, building and connecting to the database, and implementing user authentication and authorization.
The course starts with an introduction to NodeJS and the basics of building an API. Students will learn how to set up a development environment, create and test API endpoints, and connect to a database. As the course progresses, students will learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing, handling webhooks, pagination and filtering techniques, and order statistics and analysis.
In addition, students will learn about the admin process for managing orders, implementing categories and product management, and order management system. Throughout the course, students will work on real-world projects to gain hands-on experience and develop a strong foundation for building and maintaining APIs.
The course also covers best practices for building APIs, including security, performance, and scalability. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of building, testing, and deploying APIs, as well as the skills to take on their next project.
This course is ideal for developers who want to learn about building and deploying APIs, students who are new to web development and want to learn about building and deploying APIs, developers who want to learn about integrating Stripe for payment processing, engineers who are interested in learning about building e-commerce systems, and individuals who want to learn about building and deploying a full-featured API.
Throughout the course, our experienced instructors will provide guidance and support to students. Active participation in class discussions, asking questions, and sharing knowledge with fellow students is encouraged. The MERN Stack Ecommerce course is designed to provide a strong foundation for building APIs and is suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about back-end web development.
11Users Initial StateVideo lesson
12Login ActionVideo lesson
13Users SlicesVideo lesson
14Connect To Redux StoreVideo lesson
15Dispatch Action To LoginVideo lesson
16Cors Error FixedVideo lesson
17Customise VSCODE OPTIONALVideo lesson
18Redirect After LoginVideo lesson
19Display Error And Loading After LoginVideo lesson
20Displaying Error and Success Using SweetAlertVideo lesson
21Display Error Message When LoginVideo lesson
22Save Token Into LocalStorageVideo lesson
23Walking Through The Navbar ComponentVideo lesson
24Public And Private LinksVideo lesson
25Protecting RoutesVideo lesson
26Admin RoutesVideo lesson
27User RegistrationVideo lesson
28Loading ComponentVideo lesson
29User Registration Loading And Error DisplayingVideo lesson
30Reset Error And Success ActionsVideo lesson
31Overview Of Admin DashboardVideo lesson
32Create Product ActionVideo lesson
33Create Product SliceVideo lesson
34Persist Login User Into Redux StoreVideo lesson
35Pass Token To Product ActionVideo lesson
36Dispatch Action To Create ProductVideo lesson
37Product Sizes Select ComponentVideo lesson
38Categories ActionVideo lesson
39Display Categories Inside Select InputVideo lesson
40Fetch All Products BrandsVideo lesson
41Getting Products Colors Into Form InputVideo lesson
42Product Images UploadVideo lesson
43Sending Product Data To Product ActionVideo lesson
44Product Creation Error FixedVideo lesson
45Display Loading, Error For Product CreationVideo lesson
46Image ValidationVideo lesson
47Fetch All Products ActionVideo lesson
48Display All ProductsVideo lesson
49Adding New ProductsVideo lesson
50Display Product DetailsVideo lesson
51Modified Create Category ActionVideo lesson
52Modified Add Category FormVideo lesson
53Dispatch Action To Create CategoryVideo lesson
54Displaying Category Loading & ErrorVideo lesson
55Fixed Category Creation ErrorVideo lesson
56Fetching All CategoriesVideo lesson
57Using Categories As Navbar LinksVideo lesson
58Displaying Home CategoriesVideo lesson
59Display All CategoriesVideo lesson
60Product Filtering Component WalkthroughVideo lesson
61Products Filtering Part 1Video lesson
62Products Filtering Part 2Video lesson
63Display All Products Without FilteringVideo lesson
64Filer Products By CategoryVideo lesson
65Filter Products By BrandVideo lesson
66Filter Products By Price and SizeVideo lesson
67Filter Products By ColorVideo lesson
68Display Products Loading & ErrorVideo lesson
69Create Product BrandsVideo lesson
70Create Product ColorsVideo lesson
71Order Placement Process And API ModificationVideo lesson
72Add To Cart ActionVideo lesson
73Add Product To CartVideo lesson
74Adding Product To Cart With Colour and SizeVideo lesson
75Cart Order Size and Colour ValidationVideo lesson
76Get Cart Items From LocalStorageVideo lesson
77Avoid Duplication Of Products In CartVideo lesson
78Displaying All Cart ItemsVideo lesson
79Shopping Cart WalkthroughVideo lesson
80Changing Order Qty Part 1Video lesson
81Changing Order Qty Part 2Video lesson
82Cart Product Price FixedVideo lesson
83Updating Product When Quantities ChangesVideo lesson
84Removing Product From CartVideo lesson
85Fixed Product White Screen and total Price Added to LocalStorageVideo lesson
86Calculate Total Order SummaryVideo lesson
87Dynamically Display Products QunatitiesVideo lesson
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