Mastering Python Data Structures and Algorithms
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Are you preparing for technical job interviews in top-tier companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Apple, and others? “Mastering Python Data Structures and Algorithms” is your ultimate resource to secure that dream job.
This specialized course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and problem-solving skills required to excel in technical interviews. From essential data structures to advanced algorithms, we cover everything you need to know to impress interviewers and land your ideal position.
This course will explain the intricacies of each algorithm and data structure and offering real-world application examples. You’ll also learn how to approach and solve common interview problems related to arrays, strings, numbers, and more.
But it’s not just theory—this course is packed with practical interview strategies. You’ll gain insights into how to approach coding challenges, optimize your solutions, and effectively communicate your thought process during interviews.
Whether you’re a job seeker looking to sharpen your skills or a recent graduate preparing to enter the job market, this course will give you the competitive edge you need to stand out during technical interviews. Join me on this journey to “Ace Your Job Interviews with Data Structures and Algorithms” and open the door to your dream career.
We’ve crafted a distinctive method to expedite your learning process. Regardless of your extensive background as a software developer, tackling coding interviews presents a unique challenge. Devote yourself to practice! That’s why we’ve allocated a significant portion of the course to in-depth exploration of key Python concepts frequently encountered in interviews, including but not limited to List Operations, String Manipulation, Hashing, Sorting, and Searching.
1The Interview ProcessVideo lesson
210 Interview MistakesVideo lesson
3Microsoft InterviewVideo lesson
4Amazon InterviewVideo lesson
5Google InterviewVideo lesson
6Apple InterviewVideo lesson
7Yahoo InterviewVideo lesson
8Behavioural PreparationVideo lesson
9Technical InterviewVideo lesson
10Technical Questions : 5 Step ApproachVideo lesson
11The Five Algorithm ApproachesVideo lesson
19Count SquaresVideo lesson
20CheckPowerVideo lesson
21Overlapping RectanglesVideo lesson
22Clock AngleVideo lesson
23Trailing ZerosVideo lesson
24Open Doors: Exercise SolutionVideo lesson
25Triangular NumbersVideo lesson
26Fibonacci NumbersVideo lesson
27Buy and Sell StockVideo lesson
28Arrays: Min and MaxVideo lesson
29Sum Array ElementsVideo lesson
30Rotate Array ElementsVideo lesson
31Count TrianglesVideo lesson
32Array LeaderVideo lesson
33Minimum Array DistanceVideo lesson
34Majority ElementVideo lesson
35Product Array PuzzleVideo lesson
36Find DuplicatesVideo lesson
37Find Missing and Repeating NumbersVideo lesson
38Estimate Rain WaterVideo lesson
39Check for AnagramVideo lesson
40Sort String in Descending OrderVideo lesson
41Merge Two StringsVideo lesson
42Good or Bad String?Video lesson
43Extract MaximumVideo lesson
44Reverse WordsVideo lesson
45strstr FunctionVideo lesson
46Check for subsequenceVideo lesson
47K ArgumentsVideo lesson
48Uncommon CharactersVideo lesson
49Convert to AnagramVideo lesson
50Non Repeating CharacterVideo lesson
51Smallest Missing NumberVideo lesson
52Searching a NumberVideo lesson
53Searching a Number: Binary searchVideo lesson
54Missing NumberVideo lesson
55Square Root of a NumberVideo lesson
56Find Transition PointVideo lesson
57Common ElementsVideo lesson
58Binary Array SortingVideo lesson
59Sort an Array of 0s, 1s and 2sVideo lesson
60Insertion SortVideo lesson
61Selection SortVideo lesson
62Relative SortingVideo lesson
63Bubble SortVideo lesson
64Triplet SumVideo lesson
65Minimum SwapsVideo lesson

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