Mastering JavaScript Arrays
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Effectively working with arrays is critical to any JavaScript programmer. Arrays are an important data structure, and this course will provide you with the competency you need to master them.
In this course you are going to learn all there is to know about JavaScript arrays. I start from the beginning, so if you are comfortable with JavaScript, you may want to use the first section as a review or skip it. You will learn the basics of different ways to create an array and work with the elements. You will learn the basics of iterating an array and some unique ways to create arrays and access elements. You will learn all the methods to modify or mutate an array, as well as those methods that are preferred in the functional programming world because they preserve the original array. You will learn how to combine arrays and extract values as well as multiple ways to search arrays for values. We will end with a look at some array-like collections available in JavaScript and how you can use those.
By taking this course:
You will feel more comfortable working with arrays in any coding problem you encounter.
You will become more familiar with functional methods for working with arrays (reduce, map, filter).
You will become familiar with and use all the different methods for manipulating an array in JavaScript.
You will be able to work with arrays using different techniques.
If you learn by doing, this course gives you plenty of chances to work on an exercise and then sit back and watch as I go through that exercise. Jump in today and begin mastering JavaScript Arrays!
3The Nature of JavaScript ArraysVideo lesson
4Creating ArraysVideo lesson
5Using Array.of to Create an ArrayVideo lesson
6Using Array.fill to Create an ArrayVideo lesson
7Reading and Writing Array ElementsVideo lesson
8Addressing Elements with the at MethodVideo lesson
9Sparse ArraysVideo lesson
10Working with the length PropertyVideo lesson
11Deleting Array ElementsVideo lesson
12Emptying an ArrayVideo lesson
13Using Arrays as Stacks (push and pop)Video lesson
14Using unshift and shiftVideo lesson
15Exercise 1 StartVideo lesson
16Exercise 1 FinishVideo lesson
17Iterating an Array with the for LoopVideo lesson
18Exercise 2 StartVideo lesson
19Exercise 2 FinishVideo lesson
20Review Topic: Understanding the PrototypeText lesson
21Review Topic: Understanding the Ternary OperatorText lesson
22Should You Use the for in Loop on Arrays?Video lesson
23Using the for of LoopVideo lesson
24Exercise 3 StartVideo lesson
25Exercise 3 FinishVideo lesson
26Understanding Array-like CollectionsVideo lesson
27Converting Array-like Collections to ArraysVideo lesson
28Converting a String to an ArrayVideo lesson
29Accessing Characters in a StringVideo lesson
30Using split to Create an Array from a StringVideo lesson
31Gathering Arguments into an ArrayVideo lesson
32Accessing Array Values with a StatementVideo lesson
33Converting Object Properties to an ArrayVideo lesson
34Exercise 4 StartVideo lesson
35Exercise 4 FinishVideo lesson
36Checking for Array-like CollectionsVideo lesson
37Should you Mutate an Array?Video lesson
38Reversing the Elements in an ArrayVideo lesson
39Sorting the Elements in an ArrayVideo lesson
40Sorting an Array of ObjectsVideo lesson
41Using the Splice MethodVideo lesson
42Copying Elements Within an ArrayVideo lesson
43Understanding the Array PrototypeVideo lesson
44Cloning an ArrayVideo lesson
45Method ChainingVideo lesson
46Exercise 5 StartVideo lesson
47Exercise 5 FinishVideo lesson
48Introducing Iterating over an Array Using Array MethodsVideo lesson
49Using the forEach MethodVideo lesson
50Using the map MethodVideo lesson
51Using the filter MethodVideo lesson
52Using the reduce and reduceRight MethodsVideo lesson
53Using the every MethodVideo lesson
54Using the some MethodVideo lesson
55Exercise 6 StartVideo lesson
56Exercise 6 FinishVideo lesson
57Review Topic: Arrow FunctionsText lesson
58Exercise 7 StartVideo lesson
59Exercise 7 FinishVideo lesson
60Exercise 8 StartVideo lesson
61Exercise 8 FinishVideo lesson
62Passing a Function to Array.fromVideo lesson
65IntroductionVideo lesson
66Using the join MethodVideo lesson
67Combining Arrays TogetherVideo lesson
68Extracting a Subarray from an ArrayVideo lesson
69Flatten an ArrayVideo lesson
70Understanding toStringVideo lesson
71Exercise 9 StartVideo lesson
72Exercise 9 FinishVideo lesson
73Exercise 10 StartVideo lesson
74Exercise 10 FinishVideo lesson
75Exercise 10 Follow UpVideo lesson
76Introduction to SearchingVideo lesson
77Using indexOf and lastIndexOfVideo lesson
78Checking an Array Using includesVideo lesson
79Review Topic: CoercionText lesson
80Using More Flexible Comparisons with findVideo lesson
81Using More Flexible Comparisons with findIndexVideo lesson
82Exercise 11 StartVideo lesson
83Exercise 11 FinishVideo lesson
84Exercise 12 StartVideo lesson
85Exercise 12 FinishVideo lesson
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