Entire Export Digital And Social Media Marketing In 1 Course
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Turbocharge Your Export Success: Master Export Digital and Social Media Marketing
Welcome to the ultimate fusion of exporting and digital marketing, where you’ll embark on a transformative journey to supercharge your export business. “Entire Export Digital and Social Media Marketing In 1 Course” which is a VJ Export Mastery Series Course is your comprehensive guide to mastering export-focused digital strategies, harnessing the power of social media, conquering SEO, and leveraging platforms like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Amazon Global Selling. Whether you’re an established exporter, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a marketing maven, this course is your ticket to export triumph. #ExportDigitalMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #GlobalSEO #ExportAdvertising #AmazonGlobalSelling #UdemyCourse #ExportSuccess #LeadGeneration #ExportBrandBuilding #DigitalMarketingStrategy
Export Marketing Redefined
Exporting your products or services is a thrilling venture, but it’s also highly competitive. This course takes your export game to the next level:
Export Digital Marketing: Uncover the secrets of successful online promotion for export businesses.
Social Media Mastery: Discover how to utilize social platforms for brand building and lead generation.
SEO for Global Reach: Dominate search engine rankings to attract international clients.
Advertising Strategies: Learn how to strategically use Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads.
Amazon Global Selling: Expand your export horizons through the world’s largest online marketplace.
Why This Course? A Personal Insight
The inspiration for this course is deeply rooted in my extensive experience teaching and training thousands of MBA students and working executives. My journey includes creating several highly successful export operations related courses on Udemy, where I witnessed the immense potential and challenges of exporting.
It became clear that exporters worldwide needed a specialized course on export digital marketing. Such a course, combining my industry insights with digital marketing expertise, would enable them to quick-start their export products, generate overseas leads, and accelerate their path to global business success.
Enroll Now and Elevate Your Export Marketing Game
Join us in “Entire Export Digital and Social Media Marketing In 1 Course” and embark on a journey that equips you with the knowledge, insights, and strategies to excel in global trade. With expert guidance, real-world applications, and a dedication to your success, you’ll be ready to generate overseas leads, boost brand visibility, and make your export venture a resounding success.
Ready to redefine your export marketing strategy and unlock global opportunities? Let’s start this journey together.
Exports Digital Marketing Cheat Sheets of several modules
Helpful web article links
Links to inspiring case studies and profiles of successful digital exporters
To Ensure Your Satisfaction and Value, You Get:
Money-Back Guarantee
Life Time Access to the Course including Life Time Free Updates
Anywhere Anytime Learning
Self-evaluation Quizzes and Assignment (Optional)
Verified eCertificate of Completion by UDEMY, World’s Largest Online American Education Portal
Direct Communication with the Instructor For any Academic Doubts or Query (Reply within 1 working day)
Note: It is highly recommended to watch the additional Youtube Resources provided in the course, covering minute details of several digital marketing techniques, step by step.
1Introduction to the course: textText lesson
The concept of exports digital and social media marketing is a most ignored area and hardly any course is available to provide expert knowledge in the areas of digital and social media marketing focusing on materializing and increasing international sales. Hardly any course is available which talks about brand promotion global digital channels and among global digital communities.
This is a professional course that is part of the VJ Exports Mastery Series of Courses. There are other 24 courses already available on UDEMY in this series and more than 130,000 students are already enrolled in these courses. I am Dr. Vijesh Jain, your instructor for this highly informative and skill-building course on online marketing and socials. In this global e-Commerce course, I will teach and discuss, step by step, the ways of setting up an online digital export business from scratch.
The main aim of the course is to make the students knowledge of the most important aspects of digital marketing and social media marketing with a focus on global sales. The first few sections of this course, are devoted to discussion on the basic tenets and skills required for exports management, which must be understood before embarking on digital marketing especially on socials and online channels. In the later sections, the course will discuss, step by step, how to create your own fully functional e-Commerce website on the internet, followed by tips and techniques on how and where (on which international market places) you can create your own online exports store. Later a set of discussions are done in detail, on how to digitally promote your online exports business and what are the strategies for increasing your presence on social media. Finally, a highly detailed and deep discussion is done in the last section about how to do digital branding, ad marketing on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Linkedin. This last discussion is one of the main themes of this course. With the help of the current video lesson, students will be able to understand how this whole course is organized and its flow. Enjoy the course.
2Introduction to Course: VideoVideo lesson
Hello friends. Welcome to this new course by VJ Exports Mastery courses and services. The title of which is Entire Exports Digital & Social Media Marketing in 1 course. Friends, the real success of any international company who is looking for large export markets for their products and services lies in understanding the methods, tips, techniques, tools, and tricks of carrying out export digital marketing function in such a way that it is not expensive. It is highly simplified. It is easy to carry out and it does not require very strong manpower or very strong knowledge and special training. So my idea of creating this course has been to share with you some very rare techniques, which are used by very few companies in the world to boost their exports and those tips, techniques, and tricks. are not expensive, actually. It is just a matter of knowing how to use those techniques, those methods to make it easy and cheaper, to create, an export marketing empire in the world. But Friends, very important thing, which I want to share with you.
And that is the main reason of this course, which I have created, which is the understanding, the entire export digital marketing in single course, one course, the fact remains that these digital marketing techniques in tit bits, you can find from several places on YouTube and on many different digital marketing courses on Udemy itself. But the issue remains, How can you do these things effectively? How you can actually get results in export digital marketing is only when you understand this world. Only when you understand how this global business world works? what are the basic concepts of understanding this very fast changing world? So friends, what I'm trying to tell you that the, significance of this export digital marketing has only emerged because of a very starkly different world, which has emerged in just the last 1 decade or a little more So the world has changed. The technology has changed. The logistics has changed. The internet and communication technology has become so advanced that it has become very, very important to exploit these new advancements for any exporter to be very, very effective and be able to exploit these opportunities, business opportunities. in the international market in a much shorter way. In a way which is easy, which is a not very expensive and sometimes free. So what I'm trying to do in this course, Friends, that first part of this course, I will make you understand that how this world works and what are the basic things which you should know before you do the export digital marketing, because in export digital marketing, you have to communicate, you have to give the messages and those messages are not standard messages.
Those messages are customized to the different target groups, different people of different cultures in the world. And they are very cryptically created based on your knowledge of the world. So if you do not have that basic knowledge of the world, it will be very, very difficult to create the right messages, which will be your main job. So once you have the infrastructure ready for export digital marketing, you will be able to succeed in this export digital marketing only when you can communicate with your target groups in the right manner at the right time and with the right understanding. So herein few things will be very similar to what you see in very normal digital marketing courses, like how to create your e-commerce website, which I'll be talking about in a very short way and how to create an online export store. And, uh, also I will talk about that. What are the secrets of engaging customers internationally through the various approaches, which are, unique to export digital marketing. It means how you engage the customers.
What are the things. You have to take care, when you're doing the export digital marketing, what are the principles of export digital marketing, which I'll be discussing with you in a very innovative way. If you remember these principles, it will become very easy for you to apply them, apply the knowledge and the skills which I'll be sharing on how to effectively carry out the digital marketing communication with the customers. How to carry out digital marketing messaging in most effective way in a global environment, in a global platform.
And I will also tell you and define to you that in today's world, what actually is the international person or the people you are trying to woo. So whether it is the person which is based in a particular country or whether it is a person, which is part of a community, so I will try to share with you things, taking some examples or some case studies or some stories of my own experiences. So that will be my approach. So I invite you to the next episode, of this course, which will be, uh, the way I have just explained to you in this episode, and I hope you enjoy this course and you become very confident in the export digital marketing.
Thank you.
3Diversity in this world and what does it mean?Text lesson
4A diverse world and the change.Video lesson
In this video I am explaining you the differences and similarities which exists in this world. I will also discuss about how these differences originated and what is the role of 'memory'. Also, what is the significance of human history in shaping of the modern world.
5Middle class persons going places in international digital business.Text lesson
6India's middle class exporter making it big in exports digital marketingVideo lesson
So the success stories continue, shouting laud that ones who understand the world, are making a killing in this digital business world.
7Success on International Digital Business ChannelsText lesson
8Success stories of digital exportersVideo lesson
These case studies of small-timers making it big in the exports digital marketing indicates clearly, anyone with the right knowledge and passion can conquer the world of business, however small investment they are able to make to start the process.
9Self help in creating own eCommerce website for exports digital businessText lesson
10Creating exports digital marketing website part 1Video lesson
11Creating fully functional exports digital marketing website part 2Video lesson
12Creating fully functional exports digital marketing website part 3Video lesson
13Creating fully functional exports digital marketing website part 4Video lesson
14Creating fully functional exports digital marketing website part 5Video lesson
15Quiz 1Quiz
Answer only one choice that is the best. (Single choice questions)
16A few words about your contribution to the course and learningVideo lesson
17Playing on the international market places and winning the game.Text lesson
18Online digital international malls / market placesVideo lesson
What are international malls, marketplaces? What is FIEO mall? Why are these new properties to succeed in international business?
19So what are the most performing digital market places?Text lesson
20Top 10 online market places for selling internationallyVideo lesson
So what are the most performing digital market places?
21The merits of FIEO Mall for Indian Exporters.Text lesson
22Creating online exports store on FIEO mall - Part 1Video lesson
So making your presence at FIEO mall is important. Sooner the better.
23Making best from FIEO Mall onlineText lesson
24Creating Online exports store on FIEO mall - Part 2Video lesson
A fully functional online store on FIEO mall is absolutely free for Indian exporter. Learn the process of creating your online exports store on FIEO mall today. Don't wait. No need to out source the creation online.
25Quiz 2Quiz
Choose one only that is the best: Single Choice Questions
26International Business Digital CommunitiesText lesson
27Typical areas of digital promotion - Part 1Video lesson
Understand the world of international digital business and international business communities.
28Email marketing: Old gun still too effective.Text lesson
29Typical areas of digital promotion - Part 2Video lesson
What is Email Marketing? What is its role in overall digital business focusing on international sales?
30Brand promotion on socials: The tries and tested recipe.Text lesson
31Recipe for brand promotion on social media - Part 1Video lesson
So here is the original recipe for brand promotion on socials. Create your social media strategy and enjoy the taste.
32Recipe for brand promotion on social media - Part 2Video lesson
Optimization vs conversion is key to online business success. More so for increasing global business sales.
33How to trigger emotion and win the game?Text lesson
34Triggering emotions on social mediaVideo lesson
The biggest skill of an online marketer and social media expert is triggering the response of the customer to your actions. For this, you need to trigger the emotions, but in a positive sense, rather than in a self-damaging manner. Remember social media is a serious business not a personal war of ego.
35The Power of Behind the Scene StoriesText lesson
36Show them behind the scene storiesVideo lesson
Behind the scene, stories have the ability to trigger emotions. But try to be as consistent and predictable as possible.
37#Hashtag marketing: Trending power tool for digital marketingText lesson
38#Hashtag MarketingVideo lesson
Large digital communities can contain users in hundreds of millions, whom it is impossible to target. # hashtag marketing makes it easy to do segmenting, targeting, and positioning in digital marketing.
39Uniqueness Vs Creative CollaborationsVideo lesson
It is not necessary to remain aloof to what your competitors are doing, in order to remain unique and display the distinct personalities of yours. After all your personalities are developed over the times, aping your peers, friends, and relatives.
40Optimizing the resources while getting healthy conversionsText lesson
41Optimization Vs ConversionsVideo lesson
What works? What triggers the emotions most? What actions of your give the best ROI on the net? Thanks to several tools and techniques it is easy to find a trade-off between the investment in resources and conversion, to maintain acceptable ROI.
42Strength from numbers.Text lesson
43Identify KPIs and derive insightsVideo lesson
A successful digital marketer needs to understand the numbers, created by several analytical tools and artificial intelligence, built around digital and social media marketing. These numbers show the path and enlighten the mind to success.
44Building a reputed personality on socialsText lesson
45Managing reputation on socialsVideo lesson
Socials are the places to trigger emotions and actions by the audience. Taking the audience's reaction to war will severely erode reputation. Need to find ways to manage adverse reactions of the audience and clients on socials for overall advantage.
46Quiz 3Quiz
Choose one answer that is best: Single Choice Questions
47Google analytics made simpleText lesson
48How to setup google analytics account for your exports websiteVideo lesson
In this video, I will show explain to you how you can create a google analytics account for your exports website.
49Adding google analytics tracking code to your website or exports store.Text lesson
50Linking google analytics account with your website for trackingVideo lesson
If you are using a word-press website, then these steps will make you understand the steps to add tracking code to your website, so that data would start populating on your google analytics account. If you are on any other platform, almost the same or similar process can be used to add tracking code.
51Making sense of the google analytics dataText lesson
52Understanding traffic numbers on google analyticsVideo lesson
How to get numbers from the google analytics account and derive insights into the customer behavior.
53Analyzing the google dataText lesson
54Analyzing users and visitors trends and behavior through google analyticsVideo lesson
Make sense of the numbers and trends given on the Google Analytics page of your account.
55Analyzing advanced behavior of the users on the websiteVideo lesson
Extracting deeper insights from the numbers and trends on Google Analytics pages.
56The power of keywords on digital mediaText lesson
57Keywords research for SEO : An overviewVideo lesson
Keywords are not the one and all solution or the last word in Digital and Social Media marketing. But the keyword research does help in making your digital infrastructure visible. Focus on your message, website contents, and context remains more important though.
58Taking off with the keywords researchText lesson
59Starting keywords researchVideo lesson
Keyword search strategies are the game of experience and common sense. Think from the mind of the digital customer or social media audience. Answers will start emerging.
60Keywords research tools on the net.Text lesson
61Using free keywords research tools: WordstreamVideo lesson
Keyword research tools claim to give you the right set of keywords. But go beyond these to master the art of writing copy for your contents, as words are more important on digital medium. Although sentences are today playing an increasingly important role in SEO.
62Quora Keywords.Text lesson
63Using free keywords research tools: QuoraVideo lesson
See what the people are writing and communicating, you will start building a great set of keywords.
64Keywords strategic research planText lesson
65Modern keywords strategies for modern worldVideo lesson
Keyword research is incomplete without a comprehensive and holistic keyword strategic plan.
66Secrets of Google Search Engine AlgorithmText lesson
67Understanding the objectives of Search Engine AlgorithmVideo lesson
Google search algorithm is becoming more customer-friendly. The algorithm is adding new capabilities to understand websites and are able to hard search engine strategies, which in long run, fail.
68Optimizing the websiteText lesson
69Optimizing your website and other online resources: IntroductionVideo lesson
Ways to optimize your website for search engine robots.
70Power of user friendly web pagesText lesson
71Understanding different components of the pages for onsite/links optimizationVideo lesson
Understanding the role of website pages in being more and more customer-friendly.
72Search Engine Optimization Plugins: Making life easyText lesson
73Using search engine optimization plugin in your website admin managementVideo lesson
It is a good idea to deploy great SEO software which has the ability to tell you, if you are on the right path and what corrections may be needed for your web pages, to become a customer as well as search engine friendly.
74The power of text and on page images.Text lesson
75Adding optimized text and Images on the web sites and online exports store.Video lesson
Copywriting is an art that requires a good amount of training for winning a website.
76Concluding remarks on SEO effortsVideo lesson
77Quiz 4Quiz
Choose one that is best: Single Choice Answers

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