Learn C++ File Handling Project (console): Mini Database
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The Course basically creates a project that teaches how to create a mini-database using the concept of File Handling in C++. Once created, course teaches students how to use C++ File Handling Concepts to create, search, update and delete records in the database(a binary file is used as database to store students records). It also teaches how to retrieve records of students and show the class result or individual student result on the output screen. These all functions are performed by one program in C++ which is the project that we will teach students how to create and run that program.
5Creating student class & adding some member variablesVideo lesson
6Adding getdata() function of class & creating class object in main functionVideo lesson
7Adding other class functions e.g showdata(),Tabular Display() & getstudentrollnoVideo lesson
8Adding Show Student Record () function : (searches and displays student record)Video lesson
9Adding Constructor to student classVideo lesson
10Quiz 1Quiz
Quiz # 1 revises the steps that we followed uptil now to make the creation of the project more clear to the students.
11Add Entry Menu ( ) Function that shows SDMS menuVideo lesson
12Display All Records : SDMS Menu Option 2 ImplementationVideo lesson
13Add/Create Student Record : SDMS Menu Option 1 ImplementationVideo lesson
14Search Student Record : SDMS Menu Option 3 ImplementationVideo lesson
15Update Student Record : SDMS Menu Option 4 ImplementationVideo lesson
16Update Case # 1Video lesson
17Update Case # 2Video lesson
18Update Case # 3Video lesson
19Update Final SummaryVideo lesson
20Delete Student Record : SDMS Menu Option 5 ImplementationVideo lesson
21Quiz # 2 (Regarding Student Database Managment System)Quiz
Quiz has basically MCQs Regarding Student Database Managment System to revise the steps we followed and help students by revising the important points

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