Java and JDBC Mastery: Building Dynamic Web Applications
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Welcome to our comprehensive Java and JDBC course! This course is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of Java programming and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) for building dynamic and interactive web applications. Throughout the course, you will explore a wide range of topics, from creating web and Windows applications using Java to advanced JDBC concepts and servlet development. Whether you’re a beginner looking to enter the world of Java development or an experienced programmer seeking to enhance your skills, this course offers valuable insights and practical knowledge to propel your career forward. Join us on this exciting journey to mastering Java and JDBC! This comprehensive course is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of Java and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). Starting with fundamental concepts, it progresses to advanced topics, covering servlets, JSP (JavaServer Pages), and internationalization using Java. Participants will learn to create web applications, handle file operations, perform database transactions, and communicate with applets. By the end, they will be equipped to develop robust Java-based web applications efficiently.
Section 1: Introduction to Java and JDBC
This section provides a foundational understanding of Java programming and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). Students begin by creating sample web and Windows applications using Java, gaining hands-on experience in application development. They delve into file handling operations in Java and learn to perform simple calculations, setting the stage for more complex tasks.
Section 2: JDBC Statements and Result Sets
In this section, students dive deeper into JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to interact with databases effectively. They explore JDBC APIs, including the DriverManager class and Connection interface, to establish connections with databases. Through lectures and practical examples, they master the creation of JDBC statements, prepared statements, and callable statements. Additionally, students learn to handle result sets and execute database queries efficiently.
Section 3: Advanced JDBC Concepts
Building upon their foundational knowledge, students explore advanced JDBC concepts to enhance their database interaction skills. They delve into topics such as storing and reading BLOB (Binary Large Object) and CLOB (Character Large Object) values, working with array data types, and implementing batch updates. Students also gain insights into handling XML data types, managing transactions, and utilizing wrapper interfaces for error handling.
Section 4: Working with Java Servlet
This section focuses on Java Servlets, which are server-side components used to extend the functionality of web servers. Students learn about the Servlet API, servlet life cycle, and various methods for handling client requests. They gain hands-on experience in creating servlet applications and deploying them on Tomcat servers. Topics include servlet initialization parameters, request dispatching, session tracking, and cookie management.
Section 5: Communicating with Applet
In this section, students explore techniques for communicating between Java applets and servlets, facilitating dynamic web content delivery. They learn about filters in Java, servlet context listeners, and HTTP session management. Through practical examples, students discover different types of inter-servlet communication mechanisms and gain proficiency in implementing them effectively.
Section 6: Servlet and JSP
This section introduces JavaServer Pages (JSP), a technology used for creating dynamic web content. Students learn about JSP life cycle, scripting tags, implicit objects, and directive tags. They explore advanced JSP concepts, including JavaBeans, custom tags, EL expressions, and internationalization. By the end of this section, students can develop robust web applications using servlets and JSP.
Section 7: Advanced JSP Concepts
In this section, students delve into advanced JavaServer Pages (JSP) concepts to further enhance their web development skills. They explore topics such as JavaBeans, which facilitate the separation of presentation and business logic, and learn how to declare and use beans within JSP pages. Additionally, students gain proficiency in creating custom tags, leveraging the JSP Tag Library (JSTL) for common tasks, and implementing conditional and looping constructs within JSP pages. Through hands-on examples and exercises, students solidify their understanding of JSP fundamentals and advanced techniques.
Section 8: Implementing Internationalisation using Java
This section focuses on implementing internationalization (i18n) in Java web applications, allowing them to support multiple languages and locales. Students learn about the Locale and ResourceBundle classes, which enable developers to manage localized resources effectively. They explore techniques for internationalizing web applications, including the use of general-purpose tags, conditional and looping tag examples, and formatting tags for numbers, dates, and time zones. By the end of this section, students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to develop Java applications that cater to diverse linguistic and cultural preferences.
Section 9: Java EE Implementation
The final section of the course introduces students to Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) design patterns and best practices for building robust and scalable web applications. Students learn about various design patterns commonly used in Java EE development, including authorization and authentication patterns for securing web applications. Through practical examples and case studies, students gain insights into implementing authentication mechanisms, managing user sessions, and ensuring the security of web applications against common vulnerabilities. By mastering Java EE implementation concepts, students are prepared to develop enterprise-grade web applications that meet industry standards and requirements.
6Introductions JDBC APIVideo lesson
7Types of JDBC APIsVideo lesson
8Driver Manager ClassVideo lesson
9Connection InterfaceVideo lesson
10Statement Connection InterfaceVideo lesson
11Connection with DatabasesVideo lesson
12Obtaining Connection in JDBCVideo lesson
13Creating JDBC StatementVideo lesson
14JDBC StatementsVideo lesson
15Methods of Statement ObjectVideo lesson
16Methods of Statement ObjectVideo lesson
17Example for Statement ObjectVideo lesson
18Prepared StatementVideo lesson
19Prepared Statement ExampleVideo lesson
20Prepared Statement with ParametersVideo lesson
21Callable StatementsVideo lesson
22Example of Callable StatementVideo lesson
23Calling Function Using Callable StatementsVideo lesson
24Cursor with Callable StatementVideo lesson
25Result SetVideo lesson
26Various Methods of Result Set ObjectVideo lesson
27Example of Result SetVideo lesson
28Handling Null valuesVideo lesson
29Result Set MetadataVideo lesson
30Command Prompt SQL EditorVideo lesson
31GUI Application for SQL Editor ContinuesVideo lesson
32Result Set ObjectVideo lesson
33Example with Statement objectVideo lesson
34Example with Prepared StatementVideo lesson
35Different Types of ResultsetVideo lesson
36Example for Updating Row from DatabaseVideo lesson
37Example for Deleting Row from DatabaseVideo lesson
38Resultset Object to Insert a RowVideo lesson
39Retriving Database and Driver DetailsVideo lesson
40Exploring SQL-99 TypesVideo lesson
41Storing BLOB value in DatabaseVideo lesson
42Reading BLOB ValuesVideo lesson
43Storing CLOB Values in DatabaseVideo lesson
44Reading CLOB DaluesVideo lesson
45NCLOB Data TypeVideo lesson
46Array Data Type and Ref TypeVideo lesson
47Batch Update ExampleVideo lesson
48Batch update with Prepared StatementVideo lesson
49SQL XML Data TypeVideo lesson
50Auto Generated KeysVideo lesson
51Row Set in JDBCVideo lesson
52Connection PoolingVideo lesson
53Working with TransactionsVideo lesson
54Wrapper InterfaceVideo lesson
55SQL ExceptionVideo lesson
56Introducing Java ServletVideo lesson
57Servlet APIVideo lesson
58Servlet Life CycleVideo lesson
59Serlvet Life Cycle MethodsVideo lesson
60Creating Servlet App on Tomcat ServerVideo lesson
61Deploying Servlet App on Tomcat ServVideo lesson
62Generic ServletVideo lesson
63Example of Generic ServletVideo lesson
64Implementing Servlet Request InterfaceVideo lesson
65Example Implementing Servlet Request InterfaceVideo lesson
66Initialization Parameters and ExampleVideo lesson
67Initialization Parameters and Example ContinuesVideo lesson
68Context Initialization ParametersVideo lesson
69Example of Context Initialization ParametersVideo lesson
70Servlet ResponseVideo lesson
71Request DispatcherVideo lesson
72Request Dispatcher ExampleVideo lesson
73Request Dispatcher Example ContinuesVideo lesson
74Describing Request AttributesVideo lesson
75Example of Describing Request AttributesVideo lesson
76Describing HTTP BasicVideo lesson
77HTTP Servlet Request and ResponseVideo lesson
78Http Servlet Request and Response ContinuesVideo lesson
79Response ExampleVideo lesson
80Introducing Session TrackingVideo lesson
81URL Rewriting and Hidden Form FieldsVideo lesson
82Example of URL RewritingVideo lesson
83Example of Hidden Form FieldsVideo lesson
84More on URL RewritingVideo lesson
85More on Hidden Form FieldsVideo lesson
86Describing CookiesVideo lesson
87Example of Describing Cookies 1Video lesson
88Exploring HTTP SessionVideo lesson
89Example of Describing Cookies 2Video lesson
90Driver Connection Http SessionVideo lesson
91Driver Connection Http Session ConnectionVideo lesson
92Scope of Web Application ObjectsVideo lesson
93Example of Scope of Web Application ObjectsVideo lesson

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