Java Interview Questions With Answers
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How about Quickly Revising all the Important Java Concepts in about few Hours before an interview?
Preparing for Java Interview is tricky. You would need to get a good understanding of new features and revise concepts you used in your preparation. This course helps you Prepare for Java Interview with hands-on code examples covering Java Interview Questions and Answers on varied range of topics listed below.
The Course will cover all the popular Core Java interview questions, String
Handling interview questions, java 8 interview questions, java multithreading interview
questions, java OOPs interview questions, java exception handling interview
questions, collections interview questions, and some frequently asked java coding
interview questions.
Go through all the questions to enhance your chances of performing well in the
interviews. The questions will revolve around the basic, core & advanced
fundamentals of Java.
This course covers questions for Every level of java developers but mostly Beginners and Intermediate
We will Cover the topics.
1. Language Fundamentals
2. Operators & Assignments
3. Flow-Control.
4. Declarations and Access Modifiers
5. OOPs(Object Oriented Programming)
6. Inner classes
8. JVM Architecture, Garbage Collection
9. File I/O NIO
10. Serialization and Deserialization
11. Collections
12. Generics
13. Concurrent Collections
14. Multi Threading And Advanced Multithreading
15. java lang package
16. Exception Handling
18. functional programming in java using lambda and streams
19. Design Principles
20. Design Patterns
And Last but not least
We will keep updating this course by adding more questions. You also can suggest us any question you think should get covered. We will definitely add that in upcoming upgrade.
Hope this clear all your doubts and set the expectations right.
Happy Learning
6What is String in Java?Video lesson
7What are the String Methods in Java?Video lesson
8Reverse String in JavaVideo lesson
9Find Duplicate Character in StringVideo lesson
10Count The Duplicate Character of StringVideo lesson
11Find the vowels in String & Count the Vowels in StringVideo lesson
12Count the words in StringVideo lesson
13Convert String to CharacterVideo lesson
14String Buffer Class in JavaVideo lesson
15String Builder Class In JavaVideo lesson
16Immutable String in JavaVideo lesson
17Difference Between String & StringBuffer Class in JavaVideo lesson
18Difference Between StringBuffer & StringBuilderVideo lesson
19How to Create Immutable class in Java?Video lesson
32Dependency Injection in SpringVideo lesson
33Autowired Annotation in Spring BootVideo lesson
34SpringBoot MVC ApplicationVideo lesson
35PostMapping AnnotationVideo lesson
36GetMapping AnnotationVideo lesson
37REST API in Spring BootVideo lesson
38How to create Controller in SpringBootVideo lesson

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