748 reviews
Japanese language course for beginners based on MISJ
MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM Section 1: Orientation, survival everyday conversations & how to handle Japanese NOUNS in Japanese
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First five lessons of the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM.
Pronunciation, writing and reading of basic characters, how to make NOUN-based sentences, and how to ask and answer questions using these sentences. Conversational topics include: greetings, self-introductions, finding locations, asking for personal information such as names, home countries, occupations, ages, and telephone numbers, talking about family, ordering things, and shopping.
Orientation-1 Pronunciation & two survival expressions
Orientation-2 Pronunciation & numbers (0 to 10)
3Introduction & Japanese vowelsVideo lesson
4[a] line 「Hilagana」charactersVideo lesson
5Japanese syllables (1)Video lesson
6Japanese accecntVideo lesson
7Special soundsVideo lesson
8How do you say "DOG" in Japanese?Video lesson
9How do you say "Japanese word" in English?Video lesson
10SummaryVideo lesson
Lesson 1-1 Greetings & self-introduction
Lesson 1-2 Introducing friends
18IntroductionVideo lesson
19[ka] line 「Hilagana」charactersVideo lesson
20Basic GreetingsVideo lesson
21Human relationshipsVideo lesson
22How to make NOUN sentencesVideo lesson
23Self-introductionVideo lesson
24Getting personal information: namesVideo lesson
25Getting personal information: home countriesVideo lesson
26Getting personal information: occupataionsVideo lesson
27SummaryVideo lesson
Lesson 2-1 Talking about places
Lesson 2-2 Asking for locations
Lesson 3-1 Talking about things
42IntroductionVideo lesson
43[sa] line 「Katakaan」charactersVideo lesson
44BCP of 「NOUNです」: ReviewVideo lesson
45Asking for locations: bathroomVideo lesson
46Asking for locations: facilitiesVideo lesson
47Asking for locations: merchandiseVideo lesson
48Asking for locations (POLITE): houseVideo lesson
49Asking for locations (POLITE): company / officeVideo lesson
50Asking for locations: school / universityVideo lesson
51SummaryVideo lesson
Lesson 3-2 Asking about family
52IntroductionVideo lesson
53[ta] line 「Hilagana」charactersVideo lesson
54Talking about things: PRONOUN 「これ[kole]」Video lesson
55Talking about things: PRONOUN 「それ[sole]」Video lesson
56Talking about things: PRONOUN 「あれ[ale]」Video lesson
57Talking about "who" and "whose": How to modify NOUNS with NOUNSVideo lesson
58How to say the expression like "mine" in JapaneseVideo lesson
59SummaryVideo lesson
Lesson 4-1 Ordering
60IntroductionVideo lesson
61[ta] line 「Katakana」charactersVideo lesson
62Family vocabulary (1)Video lesson
63Family vocabulary (2)Video lesson
64Asking about family: their names and occupationsVideo lesson
65Asking about family: where they liveVideo lesson
66How to ask and answer telephone numbersVideo lesson
67How to read 2-digit numbersVideo lesson
68How to ask and answer agesVideo lesson
69SummaryVideo lesson
Lesson 4-2 Shopping
Review of the Section 1 of the MISJ WELCOME PROGRAM
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Course available for 2 days
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9 hours
Certificate of Completion
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