Introduction to Energy Efficiency in Industrial Systems
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Energy Efficiency in Industrial Systems Course
Energy inefficiency is still prevalent in most established industries today, costing up to 30% of revenue in both industrial and manufacturing. This Introduction to Energy Efficiency in Industrial Energy Systems Course aims to educate and equip you with the correct energy management practices. Our course teaches you energy usage and savings opportunities with electric motors, compressed air, steam, and refrigeration.
A key part of an ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System in an industrial facility is the ability to be able to develop Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs) for Significant Energy Uses (SEUs). By taking this course you’ll have a better idea as to how key industrial systems use energy, and the savings opportunities. This knowledge can be vital when setting up an Energy Management System in accordance with ISO50001, and help you in the identification of SEUs, which in turn can help in the establishment of your energy performance targets.
Get ready to supercharge your industrial energy efficiency knowledge!
Gain a fundamental understanding of energy usage and savings in critical areas like electric motors, compressed air, steam, and refrigeration.
Learn best practices for assessing existing installations and reducing energy and water usage.
Master correct calculations and access a treasure trove of industrial-grade energy efficiency resources.
Introduction to Energy Efficiency in Industrial Systems Description
This Energy Efficiency in Industrial Energy Systems Course introduces you to the fundamentals of the industrial sector’s energy-using equipment and systems:
Electric Motors
Compressed Air Systems
Steam Systems
Refrigeration Equipment
Despite the extensivity of these systems, anyone can still identify areas of energy wastage and opportunities by following a structured process. Our Introduction to Energy Efficiency in Industrial Systems course provides you with this process, allowing you to assess and optimize most organizations’ equipment and systems.
After completing this Energy Efficiency in Industrial Energy Systems Course, we guarantee that you’ll learn a systematic approach to identifying energy inefficiencies using Sankey diagrams. Moreover, you will know how to apply the energy efficiency hierarchy at a high level.
In other words, completing our Introduction to Energy Efficiency in Industrial Systems course means:
You will have the fundamental skill to make professional energy auditing on industrial systems
You will quickly and accurately identify an extensive range of energy-efficiency opportunities
2How Motors Use EnergyVideo lesson
Motors are everywhere!
Thinking of just one day of your life, identify all the electric motors that have been used in the products and services you use. Write them down in the comment box.
Then watch the lesson video which looks at how motors work and the characteristics of AC induction motors, which easily account for the bulk of electricity used in motors globally.
3Motor Efficiency And OpportunitiesVideo lesson
In this topic we look at motor efficiency, and touch on opportunities to save energy.
The resources for this lesson provide more detail, please review the various links in the resources section.
4Electric Motor Sankey DiagramVideo lesson
In this lesson we develop a Sankey diagram for a water pump used by a water authority.
Note that when analysing systems using motors you need to understand the energy engineering of the different components of the system, and not just the motor. This may be a little complex if you are not familiar with the technologies, but its also a great way of helping you learn about, and understand, inefficiencies in systems.
In the next lesson it will be your turn to develop a Sankey diagram for a pumping system. So please follow this lesson closely, so you have a reasonable understanding of pumping systems.
5Your Turn to Develop a Sankey Diagram for MotorsVideo lesson
Now its your turn to try! Please watch the video, then, using this table summarizing the data presented, build your Sankey diagram.
Once you’ve done this, undertake the quiz where you’ll need to upload your Sankey diagram, then go onto the next lesson where I’ll talk through my Sankey diagram for this problem
6Sankey Diagram Solution for MotorsVideo lesson
Please watch the video which presents the Sankey diagram.
You may have found this exercise a little challenging, as pump efficiency data wasn’t available and you would have had to reverse calculate it!
7Motor System Opportunity Analysis SummaryVideo lesson
Congratulations on getting to the end of this section on motors.
Please watch the video which provides a summary of what has been covered.
8Introduction to Compressed Air SystemsVideo lesson
Compressed air is widely used, and can be found in small mechanics shops right through to the very largest factories.
Before watching the video please identify some examples of what compressed air is used for. Write them down in the Q&A section.
Then watch the lesson video which looks at the components and characteristics of compressed air systems, and the energy in compressed air.
9Compressed Air Efficiency and OpportunitiesVideo lesson
How efficient are compressed air systems?
The short answer is that they aren’t!
This lesson looks at more efficient alternatives to compressed air, and then, if the use of compressed air is unavoidable, looks at applying the energy efficiency hierarchy to identify opportunities to reduce wastage in compressed air systems.
10Sankey Diagram for Compressed AirVideo lesson
In this lesson we will develop a Sankey diagram for a compressed air system used by a manufacturer.
This involves two steps – first determining the power available at different points in the system, then building the Sankey diagram.
11Your Turn to Develop a Business Case for a Compressed Air ProjectVideo lesson
Usually at this point in a lesson I would be asking you to developing your own Sankey diagram for a compressed air system.
But in this case I’m going to ask you to come up with a business case for replacing the 200 actuators in the previous example, with 200 electric actuators.
Please determine the simple payback, and net present value of the upgrade.
Then in the next lesson I’ll present a calculated solution.
12Compressed Air Business Case SolutionVideo lesson
Please watch the video, which develops and presents the business case solution.
13Compressed Air Opportunity SummaryVideo lesson
In this brief introduction to compressed air we’ve looked at the components and characteristics of compressed air systems. We have identified that there is no such thing as an energy efficient compressed air system.
We stepped through the energy efficiency hierarchy and developed a Sankey diagram, showing that the key opportunity with compressed air systems is to eliminate the use of compressed air.
If its not possible to eliminate the use of compressed air there are still good savings opportunities possible.
Identifying these opportunities involves developing a good understanding of the system, and what compressed air is used for.
The energy efficiency hierarchy is a useful tool for identifying compressed air opportunities – and the resources presented provide a lot of detailed information on compressed air systems. If you are willing to develop a good understanding of compressed air, and can undertake detailed site investigations, it may be possible to achieve very significant savings.
14Introduction to SteamVideo lesson
The industrial revolution started with steam boilers, and whilst its unusual to come across steam systems, they still play an important role in many industries.
Before watching the video please identify some examples of what steam is used for. Write them down in the Q&A section.
Then watch the lesson video which looks at the components and characteristics of steam systems.
After watching the video please take the quiz for this lesson before moving on to the next topic.
15Steam Energy Efficiency and Savings OpportunitiesVideo lesson
This topic examines the energy efficiency of steam systems, and introduce opportunities to save energy.
There is a lot of energy lost in steam systems. For a steam system providing heat, a typical efficiency is around 30% to 50%. Or in other words, only 30% to 50% of the energy in the fuel source ends up as providing useful process heat.
So why are steam systems not efficient?
Put your answer in the Q&A section then watch the video for this lesson.
16Steam System Sankey DiagramVideo lesson
In this lesson we develop a Sankey diagram for a steam system in a hospital.
Please watch the video to learn how the calculations of energy at various points have been undertaken, and then this information used to build the Sankey diagram.
17Your Turn to Try by Developing and Energy Efficiency Hierarchy for SteamVideo lesson
Usually at this point in a lesson I would be asking you to developing your own Sankey diagram for a steam system.
But in this case I’m going to ask you to reflect on the example in the previous lesson – the hospital steam system - and then to apply the energy efficiency hierarchy to this facility to identify what you might do to reduce the use of steam.
Please use download the Energy Efficiency hierarchy template in the resources section. Then complete it. I suggest you review the information from the previous lesson and its Sankey diagram.
For easy reference use the hospital steam schematic picture found in the resources section.
Try and identify as many opportunities as possible. Then upload your completed hierarchy in the quiz for this lesson. Following that, in the next lesson I’ll then present the EE hierarchy I developed for this system.
18My Energy Efficiency Hierarchy for the Example Hospital Steam SystemVideo lesson
You’ll find in the resources section my energy efficiency hierarchy for this system.
In this lesson I want to focus on the first element of hierarchy – eliminating the need for the service.
Watch the video to learn about this!
19Steam System Opportunity Analysis SummaryVideo lesson
In this brief introduction to steam we’ve looked at the components and characteristics of steam systems. We have identified that steam systems can have large losses, particularly under conditions of low loading.
We stepped through the energy efficiency hierarchy and developed a Sankey diagram, and illustrated that in applications where the end service requires temperatures of less than 100OC, eliminating steam completely can lead to large savings.
If its not possible to eliminate the use of steam there are still savings opportunities possible. Identifying these opportunities involves developing a good understanding of the system, and what steam is used for. Ensuring high boiler operational efficiency and effective maintenance of the steam system are well-known opportunities.
The energy efficiency hierarchy is a useful tool for identifying steam opportunities – and the resources presented provide a lot of detailed information on compressed air systems. If you are willing to develop a good understanding of steam, and can undertake detailed site investigations, you should be able to identify very significant savings opportunities – although perhaps not at all sites – good steam installations do exist (!).
Thanks for taking this section on steam systems!
20Introduction to RefrigerationVideo lesson
Modern life would not be possible without refrigeration! At least once today you have probably benefitted from refrigeration.
Before watching the video please identify some examples of where refrigeration is used. Write them down in the Q&A section.
Then watch the lesson video which looks at types of refrigeration systems, how they differ from air conditioning systems, and characterising the main components.
Ammonia, which is the most widely used refrigerant in industrial refrigeration is also examined.
After watching the video please take the quiz for this lesson before moving on to the next topic.
21Refrigeration Savings OpportunitiesVideo lesson
In this topic the energy efficiency hierarchy is used to identify energy savings opportunities with refrigeration systems.
22Refrigeration System Sankey Diagram ReviewText lesson
23Your turn to try by developing and Energy Efficiency Hierarchy for RefrigerationVideo lesson
Now its your turn! Please watch the video, looking at refrigeration in a small supermarket. Then, using the energy efficiency hierarchy, identify opportunities to reduce refrigeration energy use.
24My Energy Efficiency Hierarchy for the example supermarket refrigeration systemsVideo lesson
The video for this lesson talks through my energy efficiency hierarchy for this system.
In the resources for this lesson you’ll also find the hierarchy I developed.
25Refrigeration Opportunity Analysis SummaryVideo lesson
In this brief introduction to refrigeration we’ve identified the importance of understanding the vapour-compression refrigeration cycle, which was presented in detail in the course on HVAC energy efficiency.
Refrigeration systems are required to deliver lower temperatures than air conditioning systems, and often the cooled enclosure is considered part of the refrigeration system.
We stepped through the energy efficiency hierarchy to identify a range of savings opportunities, and referred to a range of resources providing more detailed guidance.
Identifying these opportunities involves a good understanding of the vapour compression cycle, along with knowledge of the many varied types of refrigeration systems. Refrigeration systems can get quite complex when there is more than one stage of refrigeration, and different refrigerants can have quite different characteristics, each with their own area of specialist knowledge.
Perhaps similar to HVAC systems, good maintenance of refrigeration systems is a valuable energy efficiency measure.
Thanks for taking this module on refrigeration, and I hope you’ve learnt from it!
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