Intro to Deep Learning project in TensorFlow 2.x and Python
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Welcome to the Course Introduction to Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0:
In this course, you will learn advanced linear regression technique process and with this, you can be able to build any regression problem. Using this you can solve real-world problems like customer lifetime value, predictive analytics, etc.
What you will Learn
· TensorFlow 2.x
· Google Colab
· Linear Regression
· Gradient Descent Algorithm
· Data Analysis
· Regression
· Feature Engineering and Selection with Lasso Regression.
· Model Evaluation
All the above-mentioned techniques are explained in TensorFlow. In this course, you will work on the Project Customer Revenue (Lifetime value) Prediction using Gradient Descent Algorithm
Problem Statement: A large child education toy company that sells educational tablets and gaming systems both online and in retail stores wanted to analyze the customer data. The goal of the problem is to determine the following objective as shown below.
1. Data Analysis & Pre-processing: Analyse customer data and draw the insights w.r.t revenue and based on the insights we will do data pre-processing. In this module, you will learn the following.
1. Necessary Data Analysis
2. Multi-collinearity
3. Factor Analysis
2. Feature Engineering:
1. Lasso Regression
2. Identify the optimal penalty factor.
3. Feature Selection
3. Pipeline Model
4. Evaluation
We will start with the basics of TensorFlow 2.x to advanced techniques in it. Then we drive into intuition behind linear regression and optimization function like gradient descent.
2IntroductionVideo lesson
3Getting Started to Google ColabVideo lesson
4Tensor Data StructureVideo lesson
5TensorFlow: Convert List to TensorsVideo lesson
6TensorFlow: Convert Numpy Array to TensorsVideo lesson
7TensorFlow: ConstantVideo lesson
8TensorFlow 1.x vs TensorFlow 2.xVideo lesson
9OperatorsVideo lesson
10TensorFlow: OperatorsVideo lesson
11Data Flow GraphVideo lesson
12Google Colab Integrating to Google DriveVideo lesson
13TensorBoard - Data Flow GraphVideo lesson
14Second GraphVideo lesson
15Assignment - 1Video lesson
16Assignment -1: SolutionVideo lesson
17Dense Network Part-1Video lesson
18Dense Network Part-2Video lesson
19Assignment - 2: QuestionVideo lesson
20Assignment -2 : SolutionVideo lesson
21What you will learnVideo lesson
22Linear Regression IntuitionVideo lesson
23Gradient Descent AlgorithmVideo lesson
24Linear Model Architecture - Perceptron (Neuron)Video lesson
25TensorFlow - Linear Regression, Part-1Video lesson
26TensorFlow - Linear Regression, Part-2Video lesson
27TensorFlow - Loss FunctionVideo lesson
28TensorFlow - Gradient DescentVideo lesson
29TensorFlow - Fitting ModelVideo lesson
30TensorFlow - Keras - Linear RegressionVideo lesson
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