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4.1 out of 5
13 reviews on Udemy

Improve Your Sleep, Fall Asleep Faster, And Be More Rested

Perform better at everything you do during the day and improve health by getting regular sleep, more restful sleep
Alex Genadinik
4,090 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Fall asleep faster
Get more restful sleep
With better sleep, you'll have more productive and happier days
Improve your metabolism, long-term health, and stress levels through better sleep
Decrease stress
Understand what's the right mattress and pillow for your sleeping style and body type

Sleep is foundational to proper functioning of every organ and cell in our body. Good sleep translates into good physical and mental performance while bad sleep decreases your potential.

Don’t undermine your true potential. Sign up for this course, and learn how to get better and more restful sleep that will prepare you for the challenges of your days.


This course is relatively short by design. In just one hour, you’ll be able to learn everything you need for better sleep. You can start applying the techniques and knowledge in this course the very same evening you take the course because.


In this course, we’ll go over the different types of light exposure that aid in falling asleep faster and having more restful sleep. We’ll also discuss what you should and should not eat to enhance your sleep.

We’ll also discuss how to control your body temperature and the temperature of your sleeping environment in order to fall asleep faster, wake up fewer times throughout the night, and have more restful sleep.


We’ll also discuss how you can choose the right pillow and mattress that are right for your body type, body size, and sleeping preference.

Invest in your future, and improve your sleep quality! Enroll today!

Conclusion - thank you for being a great student

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.1 out of 5
13 Ratings

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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


1 hours on-demand video
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion

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