How to Film, Edit, Then Sell Your Documentary to Netflix
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If you’re ready to take your filmmaking dreams to the next level, then this is the course for YOU!
This course is going to demystify the process of making professional, broadcast quality documentary content, and then show you what most instructors don’t – how to actually sell that content to broadcasters.
I will walk you through the entire process, step-by step. This covers pre-production, production, post-production, and selling!
How do I know all this? Because I did it all myself, with two friends and hardly any money. And our series ended up on television in Australia and Europe, as well as Netflix internationally and Amazon Prime.
We didn’t have a coach to walk us through the entire process, but you will. I’m going to walk you through it all. Whether it’s figuring out how to prepare for your shoot and what equipment you might need, to filming it all then putting it together in post-production, how to export it to broadcast standards and the different ways shows are sold, as well as what the selling process looks like. I’ll even cover some psychological aspects of undertaking a project like this.
If you thought it wasn’t possible to get your documentary film or series onto a platform like Netflix, then think again! This course is for any filmmaker who has a shoestring budget and a can-do attitude!
1IntroductionVideo lesson
Welcome to the course. I'm happy you're here, because it proves that you've decided to take a big leap towards your dreams. I'm happy to be your guide on this journey. If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to message me, I'm here to help.
2Mission StatementVideo lesson
This is what we're aiming to get out of doing this course!
3Your Drive & PassionVideo lesson
Finding your drive and passion is a very important step to making this a project that you can sustain for as long as it takes to get it done, which could potentially be a while, especially if you're doing around other commitments in your life such as work and socialising.
4Finding Your TeamVideo lesson
This is SO important. Finding the right team is one of the most vital aspects to making your project a success. Are they willing to go the distance with you? Are you willing to let go of control a little bit and let them feel like their input is important? Important questions to ask.
5Psychological TipsVideo lesson
Staying sane and having good work boundaries around this project are a very important part of not burning out...and we don't want you to burn out.
6How are Shows Sold?Video lesson
The all important question - How are shows sold? We cover the basics here and we will go over this whole area in more depth in the 'selling' section of the course.
7Getting StartedVideo lesson
Let's Go! Your project begins!
8Finding InspirationVideo lesson
This is a great time in history when inspiration is all around us and very easy to access. Whether it's a Pintrest board or a playlist on YouTube, start some folders and start putting stuff that you're digging in there.
9Money TalkVideo lesson
Understanding how much money you might need for your project can be tricky, but in this video I'll start giving you ideas about how to start getting an insight into the kind of cash you're going to need to aim for. We will also discuss this more in 'Other Expenses'.
10The EquipmentVideo lesson
The all important equipment. Let's dive in. And as far as cameras go - this can be a bottomless rabbit hole. These days I think the Sony FX6 and the Canon C70 are amazing cameras for making documentaries, but for some people they can be on the pricier side. Sony and Canon both do amazing professional handicam cameras similar to the XF100 that we used. Also the Sony A7 series cameras are amazing, and don't think that you have to get the latest one. I was using the Sony A7r2 up until very recently on many professional documentaries, and they have a great XLR converter that plugs into the hotshoe and gives you XLR inputs for your audio.
Just remember, if it's a little confusing just send a message or start a discussion on the course page or hit me up on instagram, as I'm more than happy to help.
11Other ExpensesVideo lesson
Ok, a little more money talk to get you tuned in to the cash you're gonna need to get this bad boy done.
12Basic AdministrationVideo lesson
Don't skip out on these kinda areas. They can seem pretty boring and menial, especially to the creative types, but neglecting these can come back to bite you in the ass later down the line.
13Release FormsVideo lesson
Release forms are so important. They cover you legally. You don't want to film someone, put your project out there, and then that person claims that you weren't supposed to film them. And that goes for using locations and intellectual property too.
14Online PresenceVideo lesson
In this day and age your online presence is always worth some thought, as it can help legitimise what you're doing in the eyes of others, especially distributors or broadcasters that might be scoping you out later down the line when you're trying to sell them your content. Also, if approached right, it can be fun.
15Planning Your StoriesVideo lesson
Things will always play out differently once you hit the ground, but it's always good to put in the time to plan out your stories so you know what kind of angle you're aiming for.
16Contacting PeopleVideo lesson
If you're making a documentary then chances are it's going to involve people and places, both of which are good to try and line up in advance. It really helps to scope people out in advance, as they might not be as great of a character as you hoped when you talk to them in person, so it's good to know that ahead of time. It's also good for building up rapport with people, which helps them to feel more comfortable when it comes time to film them.
17OutroVideo lesson
Looking forward to seeing you in the next section.
18Crowdfunding TipsVideo lesson
Hey guys here is the link to two crowdfunding campaigns that mates of mine have run in the past so you can get a vibe of what works.
Crowdfunding can be a great way to get some cash to kickstart your project, or to just help out with some of the costs.
19Example VideoVideo lesson
This is my friend Gen's video who ran a successful campaign, just to get some ideas for your own. I think it's always important for the person running the campaign to appear on camera.
20IntroductionVideo lesson
Ok y'all, let's get going on a very important part of your project - the Production stage.
21Camera SetupVideo lesson
Making sure you're familiar with your camera is a very important thing to do ahead of time. Even getting familiar with the menu setup is pretty handy. The amount of times I've been caught out in the middle of a shoot trying to figure out how to change some setting, can't even count.
22WorkflowVideo lesson
Setting up your own workflow. It's something that you'll need to customise to what works for you, but I'll give you some tips from our own workflow to get the juices flowing.
23Recording SoundVideo lesson
In the era of reality TV, people will abide by bad video, but they will not abide by bad sound.
24Lighting TipsVideo lesson
Lighting is often limited to what's available when you're out on a documentary shoot but here's some easy tips.
25What to FilmVideo lesson
What to film? - that's a HUGE question. And with digital film it's even easier to have a huge amount of video but very little quality content. So let's start dialling it in a little bit.
26Frozen Dead GuyVideo lesson
This is an example segment from our documentary series to give you an example of how we filmed some of our segments.
27Being on CameraVideo lesson
Yes - It can certainly be weird!
28StorytellingVideo lesson
Being a good filmmaker is essentially being a good Storyteller, so it's good to get familiar with this art form.
29InterviewingVideo lesson
Interviewing people is one of the key ways to get information across in a documentary, so it's a vital skill to nail.
30Raw InterviewVideo lesson
A raw, unedited interview from our show to give you an idea of how we conducted some of the interview.
31Ways to InterviewVideo lesson
Some pointers on different interview methods to try and keep your interviews diverse and interesting.
32Note on DirectingVideo lesson
Let's lift your directing game.
33PhotosVideo lesson
Just keep snapping! You'll thank yourself later down the line.
34Social MediaVideo lesson
Not all of us love it, but it can't be denied that it's an important part of the modern landscape.
35ConflictVideo lesson
Conflict is going to come up, and navigating it well is like a superpower when doing a project like this.
36Energy & Mental HealthVideo lesson
Often under appreciated but HUGELY important.
37OutroVideo lesson
See you in the next section. I hope the creative juices are starting to flow.
38IntroductionVideo lesson
Selling is generally a very mysterious part of the process. When we started our filming our own documentary series I had no idea how we were going to get it on-air or on a streaming service. So lucky for you we bungled our way through and figured it out by doing, so that I can share it all with you now.
39Prepare for RejectionVideo lesson
Yep, it's an unfortunate part of the process.
40Setting up a CompanyVideo lesson
Not as hard as it sounds. Just make sure you talk to an accountant and he words you up on what you gotta do if you go down this road.
41Terminology RecapVideo lesson
Let's go over this again because you've probably forgotten after all the information I've been throwing at you.
42Film FestivalsVideo lesson
Not a road we went down but it can be hugely beneficial to go down the Film Festival route.
43Elements to Sell WithVideo lesson
Alright lets cover the things you'll actually need to start selling your project, and then later we'll cover who you actually take this stuff to.
44Our Pilot EpisodeVideo lesson
Here's a look at our pilot episode so you get a feel for what we went to potential buyers with.
45Hitting People UpVideo lesson
Alright, who do you hit up and how do you hit them up?
46Our Selling ProcessVideo lesson
I'm going to take you through our selling process so you understand what that process can look like. Your journey will be different but at least it gives you an idea of how this can go.
47Journey & DestinationVideo lesson
The age old saying is very true.
48The ContractVideo lesson
This will be an important piece of paper when you make the sale, so don't neglect it. Take this moment seriously or it can come back to bite you later. Once you sign on the dotted line you've made a legal agreement.
49Broadcaster InvolvementVideo lesson
Bit of a heads up on what to expect from the broadcasters once you get involved with them. This can vary depending on the type of deal you're signing.
50DistributionVideo lesson
Distribution is a massive part of getting your show out there to multiple broadcasters and streaming sites. So choose your distributer wisely.
51Protecting Your Intellectual PropertyVideo lesson
This is an area that you shouldn't stress too much about but should give a bit of thought to.
52OutroVideo lesson
Ok so hopefully you've got a better feel for the selling process. I'll see you over in Post Production Part 1.
53IntroductionVideo lesson
Alright let's start putting your project together so that those hungry eyes out there can see it.
54What You'll Need (Part 1)Video lesson
Let's discuss what you're going to need to start the post production process.
55What You'll Need (Part 2)Video lesson
Let's discuss what else you're going to need to start the post production process.
56What You'll Need (Part 3)Video lesson
Let's discuss what else you're going to need to start the post production process.
57What You'll Need (Part 4)Video lesson
Let's discuss what else you're going to need to start the post production process.
58Segment Lengths & StoryboardingVideo lesson
Alright let's start figuring out the structure of this film or series.
59Setting Up Your Editing ProjectVideo lesson
It's good to get into good habits when you start setting up your edit, otherwise it's going to get real messy real quick.
60Preparing Interviews & B-RollVideo lesson
I hate this stage because I find it really boring but it's really important to do this well. It will pay dividends in the long run.
61Audio TracksVideo lesson
Very important to keep your audio tracks orderly. Again, it'll help you later down the line.
62CensorshipVideo lesson
Censorship is something that you'll need to consider - as in what rating are you aiming for with your content, and what are the guidelines around this.
63Constructing Your EditVideo lesson
64Recording Voice OverVideo lesson
65Outside EyesVideo lesson
66Putting on Straps/TitlesVideo lesson
67Show Opener & GFXVideo lesson
68CreditsVideo lesson
69Audio MixVideo lesson
70Color CorrectionVideo lesson
71Final ExportVideo lesson
72Exporting Video & Audio if You Haven't Sold the Show YetVideo lesson
73Finished Segment ExampleVideo lesson
74OutroVideo lesson
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