How to become a Successful Software Programming Developer
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Want to become a Successful Software Developer but don’t know where to start?
Take a look at this course where you will
Not only learn what to learn and do in a focused way to become a successful software developer but also
Understand how to learn and do all it takes to become a successful software developer.
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My exposure to aspiring Software Developers started in 2020 when I started coaching the engineering students of two universities in Udaipur (Rajasthan, India) to get a job they wanted from the campus placements.
I came across many computer science and computer application undergraduates and postgraduates students who did not know what to do to become a successful software developers.
While they are learning programming languages like HTML, C++, Java, Python etc, they did not have a game plan to become a successful software developer
I went on the journey of helping these students prepare a game plan for themselves and the results were very satisfying
I bring in this course my learnings from this journey and sharing with you how can you also become a Successful Software Developer
Look at what are the other students saying about this course
“This course was great and eye-opening for me. I realized I was facing a lot of challenges in pursuing my career as a software engineer because I was not well-oriented, but this course went more than only orienting me but gave me the aspiration of not only becoming a software engineer but a successful Software Engineer and Developer. Thanks for this eye-opening course”
“Super helpful”
“This course is indeed very helpful and a good advice especially since I am a graduating student.”
“i really like this my instructor is very good”
“Thanks . it’s very useful course . I learned so much”
“Very good”
“Good experience”
“The lectures are well explained”
“Good Foundation for Newbie Programmer”
“It was a good try. i learnt a lot”
“He’s explaining the course well.”
Preview for yourself many lectures free. If you like the content, enrol for the course, enjoy and skill yourself to Become a Successful Software Developer! If don’t like the content, please message about how can we modify it to meet your expectations.
Please remember that this course comes with Udemy’s 30 days Money Back Guarantee
2Overview IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to become a successful software developer
3Overview IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
4Overview IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to become a successful software developer
5Overview IIQuiz
Please answer the following questions based on learnings in this lecture
6Overview IIIVideo lesson
How is a Software Developer different from Software Engineer
7Overview IIIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
8Setting your goals IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•Setting your goals
9Setting your goals IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
10Setting your goals IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How would you choose Programming Languages & Technologies
11Setting your goals IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
12Setting your goals IIIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How would you choose your specialization
13Setting your goals IIIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
14Learning the Basics IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•What basics to learn?
15Learning the Basics IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
16Learning the Basics IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
What basics to learn?
17Learning the Basics IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
18Learning the Basics IIIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to learn the basics
19Learning the Basics IIIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
20Learning the Basics IVVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to learn the basics
21Learning the Basics IVQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
22Practice Coding IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to work on coding projects
23Practice Coding IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
24Practice Coding IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to work on coding projects
25Practice Coding IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
26Version Control Systems like Git IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to use Version Control Systems like Git
27Version Control Systems like Git IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
28Version Control Systems like Git IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to use Version Control Systems like Git
29Version Control Systems like Git IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
30Build a Portfolio IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to create a portfolio of your projects on platforms like GitHub
31Build a Portfolio IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
32Build a Portfolio IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to create a portfolio of your projects on platforms like GitHub
33Build a Portfolio IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
34How to specialize in a specific area IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to specialize in a specific area
35How to specialize in a specific area IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
36How to specialize in a specific area IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to specialize in a specific area
37How to specialize in a specific area IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
38Networking IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to network with other software developers
39Networking IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
40Networking IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to network with other software developers
41Networking IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
42Collaborate and Contribute IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to collaborate on open-source projects
43Collaborate and Contribute IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
44Collaborate and Contribute IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to collaborate on open-source projects
45Collaborate and Contribute IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
46Collaborate and Contribute IIIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to collaborate on open-source projects
47Collaborate and Contribute IIIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
48Collaborate and Contribute IVVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to contribute to forums and communities
49Collaborate and Contribute IVQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
50Collaborate and Contribute VVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to share your knowledge
51Collaborate and Contribute VQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
52Continuous Learning IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in the software development field
53Continuous Learning IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
54Continuous Learning IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in the software development field
55Continuous Learning IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
56Prepare for Interviews IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to prepare for technical interviews, when you're seeking a job
57Prepare for Interviews IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
58Prepare for Interviews IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to Focus on Time & Space Complexity
59Prepare for Interviews IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
60Prepare for Interviews IIIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to identify loops in your code
61Prepare for Interviews IIIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
62Prepare for Interviews IVVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to count the number basic operation?
63Prepare for Interviews IVQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
64Prepare for Interviews VVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to express the time complexity using big O notation?
65Prepare for Interviews VQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
66Prepare for Interviews VIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to analyze the memory required by your algorithm
67Prepare for Interviews VIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
68Prepare for Interviews VIIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How else to prepare for technical interviews, when you're seeking a job
69Prepare for Interviews VIIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
70Apply for Jobs IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to apply for Jobs as Software Developer
71Apply for Jobs IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
72Apply for Jobs IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to apply for Jobs as Software Developer
73Apply for Jobs IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
74Internships and Entry-Level Jobs IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to get Internships and Entry-Level Jobs
75Internships and Entry-Level Jobs IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
76Internships and Entry-Level Jobs IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to get Internships and Entry-Level Jobs
77Internships and Entry-Level Jobs IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
78Career Growth IVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to explore Career Growth
79Career Growth IQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
80Career Growth IIVideo lesson
At the end of this lecture, you will learn the following
•How to explore Career Growth
81Career Growth IIQuiz
Please answer following questions based on learnings in this lecture
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