How to Attract High-Value Clients as a Digital Nomad
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In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to find great clients wherever you travel. Not only will you get clients, but you’ll also learn to value yourself and demonstrate this so you can charge more for your work. This will help you stand out from the competition, even if there are many people offering a similar service to yours. Once you’ve learned how to attract great clients, you’ll be able to produce unique projects that will make your portfolio stand out.
Our course is packed with downloadable materials that will help you on your way and improve your offering immensely:
10 reasons to become a digital nomad today
10 steps to quit your job and become a digital nomad
157 questions to help you double your income as a creative freelancer
Attract High-Value Clients as a Digital Nomad – A Comprehensive Guide
Client analyzer for creative freelancers
Create a photography website that turns visitors into clients
Digital nomad secrets
Financial cheat-sheet for digital nomads
Find photography clients before travelling to your next destination
Freelance project feasibility test
How to get started as a digital nomad
Invoice template for creative freelancers
Perfect pitch presentation for creative freelancers – Presentation Template
Portfolio and case study template for creative freelancers
Pricing Strategies and adding value
Simple contract template for creative freelancers
Social media template
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Creative Digital Nomad and Working Remotely
Brand Guidelines template for creative freelancers
The perfect pitch presentation template
Side hustle secrets
Why is this course so valuable?
With this course you can increase your profits immensely
With a small investment, you can change the way you charge forever
Learn to attract the right clients
Dramatically increase your prices
Discover how to bill your clients
Find customers wherever you go
Work with clients who’re fun, exciting and motivate you
Discover the added value you’ve for your clients
Pitch appropriately
Never undervalue your work
Work less and charge more
Become an investment and not an expense
Learn the pitfalls of working with high-value clients
What is a high-value client?
They value your skills
They see the value you bring to their business
They pay well and on time
They are a good fit for your company and generate more business
They trust you because you’re the professional
They have a high lifetime value
They have expensive problems
They’re great for your portfolio
1Why is this course so valuable?Video lesson
Why is this course so valuable? (key points in this lesson)
This course will allow you to increase your profits immensely
With a small investment, you can change the way you charge forever
Learn to attract the right clients
Increase your prices dramatically
Discover how to charge appropriately
Find clients anywhere you go
Work with clients that are fun, exciting and keep you motivated
Discover what value you add to your clients
Pitch appropriately
Never undervalue your work
Work less and charge more
Become an investment and not an expense
Learn the pitfalls of working with high-value clients
2Join our Freelancing Group of FacebookText lesson
3What is a high value client?Video lesson
What is a high-value client? (key lesson points)
• High-value clients value your skills
• Clients that can see the benefits you bring to their business
• They pay well and on time
• They are a good fit for your business and drive more business
• They trust what you do because you are the professional
• They have a high lifetime value
• They have expensive problems
• They are great for your portfolio
4The words that changed my freelance businessText lesson
The words that changed my freelance business
This article will help answer a few questions:
Do you feel that your clients undervalue your performance and see you as just a tool?
Do you spend too much time on administrative tasks?
Do you constantly fight with other freelancers for projects and have to lower your prices?
Do you feel like you’re always building someone else’s business instead of your own?
Do you feel like your finances are unpredictable?
Do you’ve problems getting your money?
Do you feel like you’re not building anything and will eventually burn out?
5The ultimate guide to freelance like a proText lesson
The ultimate guide to freelance like a pro
Freelancing offers so many benefits that your cubicle neighbors can only dream about. From setting your own hours and working remotely, to pursuing your passions, to choosing clients who fit you and vice versa. It’s a whole new world that can transform not just your daily schedule but also your entire future. But freelancing isn’t automatic freedom. It requires careful strategizing and planning if you want to make it a well-oiled machine that runs smoothly and productively.
6Course MaterialVideo lesson
These are all the downloadable materials for the course. You'll find tons of helpful content that will superpower your journey to becoming a digital nomad.
Here are some of the awesome materials included in this course:
10 reasons to become a digital nomad today
10 steps to quit your job and become a digital nomad
157 questions that will help you raise your prices dramatically
Attract High-Value Clients as a Digital Nomad - A Comprehensive Guide
Attract high-value clients as a nomadic freelancer- Presentation Template
Create a photography landing page that turns visitors into clients
Financial Cheat-sheet for Digital Nomads
Find photography clients before travelling to your next destination
Perfect Invoice
Portfolio and case study template
Simple contract template
Starter pack for digital nomads
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Creative Digital Nomad and Working Remotely
Brand guidelines template
Digital nomad secrets
The perfect pitch presentation template
Pricing Strategies PLR Ebook
Side hustle secrets
7The benefits of high-value clientsVideo lesson
The benefits of high-value clients (key lesson points)
You can work with fewer clients and have more benefits
One big client could be everything you need
You work less
You require less staff
Less capital
Less maintenance
Less administration
Huge profit margins
8Rules of the gameVideo lesson
Rules of the game (key lesson points)
Everything needs to be properly aligned
There’s no room for mistakes
No room for doubt
It will take hard work
Treat each valuable client personally and with care
Go the extra mile to treat them as if they were the only one
Give them special treatment
Communicate appropriately
Be flexible (delivery, pricing, terms, partnerships)
Be proactive
Think outside the box
Communicate at any time
Sacrifice to go further
You can do anything if the price is right
Create partnerships with clients
Always provide value
Be proactive
Don’t be greedy
Attract the right clients
Be excited and contaminate your clients with that excitement
Have fun and stand out
Relate to your clients and keep them close
Show passion
Get to know what your clients want
9My experience with high value clientsVideo lesson
My experience with high-value clients (key lesson points)
I have found them in places where there’s no competition
I always tell people what I do and why I’m passionate about it
I take risks, when it works I find long-lasting relationships
I value my clients
I always provide value; I’m an investment not an expense
I give an incredibly personalized service
I commit and solve some problems even when I don’t know the right answer
I do the work no matter what it takes
I give my clients more than what they asked for
I value my services and I’m not afraid to charge for them
I raise my prices
I can compromise and make deals in order to get the job done
I always take care of my reputation wherever I go
10Positioning yourselfVideo lesson
Positioning yourself (key lesson points)
You need to be prepared to make big changes to your service
You have to take risks
It’s going to take more effort and it’s going to be a longer run, but the benefits will be incredible
Keep in mind that all high-value clients need suppliers of some sort
You don’t always need a big team
Create your brand
Perfect your process and align it to the client's needs
Have a portfolio and presentation always ready
Become an investment not an expense
Network and tell everyone what you do
11How to stand out from the competitionVideo lesson
How to stand out from the competition (key lesson points)
You need to be willing to invest time
Confidence is key and assurance that the project is completed (you solve problems)
Find your niche and exploit it
Build an ideal client persona
Invest time in your brand, it should match your ask
Focus on improving your service
Be proud of what you do
Make sure your website is complete and professional
Build a great portfolio and always have it with you
Base it on quality, not quantity
Have different portfolios or case studies based on the type of client
Set your prices right
Find businesses that need your help and recognize great opportunities.
You solve problems for clients
Create a list of potential clients
Get to know how these businesses operate and how they outsource
Map a strategy to approach the clients
Recognize great opportunities
Be always ready to pitch
Find great partners
Look for Facebook groups with business owners and influential people
Stay in one place for a long time
Create a reputation around yourself
Go to places where there’s less competition
Don’t compete on price, compete on value
Be proactive and up-sell yourself
Be honest and realistic about what you can do
Focus on the clients and give them confidence that you’re right for the job
Let your personality shine and be empathetic
Connect with clients who value your work through referrals and vetted platforms
Position yourself to demonstrate your value
Ask questions
What is their time worth?
What is the value they want you to bring to the table?
What is their ultimate goal?
Call or email as soon as clients reach out
ALWAYS deliver value
Tailor solutions
12Determine your valueVideo lesson
Determine your value (key lesson points)
Talk about your value in your client’s language
Measure your potential clients
Size of the company
Measure what value you bring to the table
Set realistic goals
Identify your target annual income
Calculate your hourly rate as a good reference point
Your hourly rate should be your minimum cost
How much do you want to make a year?
Take into account additional costs (health, taxes, benefits)
Costs of business
Costs of living (costs less if you travel)
How long do you want to work? (Working hours per year)
Deduct holidays, sick leave, bank holidays
Billable time (75%)
Measure yourself and have guidelines for every type of project you work on
13Bidding ExamplesVideo lesson
Real-life bidding examples (key lesson points)
It’s simple
It covers costs
Not based on the value of the project
It’s simple
It covers costs
Not based on the value of the project
Customers can go somewhere else
It has immense profit potential
You look for the best possible outcome
Great for your portfolio and growth
Harder to estimate
Takes longer to bid
Harder to convince clients
14How to pitch to a high-value clientVideo lesson
How to pitch to a high-value client (key lesson points)
Establish yourself as someone that’s priced on value
Do Some Digging
Take the time to understand what success means to the client
Identify customers with a real need for additional services
Pitch to the right person/company
Establish credibility
Show the benefits
No hidden costs
Shows commitment
Less administration
Builds trusting relationships (the client isn’t penalized for mistakes
Conversations are focused on value, not time
Personalize and speak to their needs
Sell your strengths
Always say you’re an investment
Don’t beg
Don’t negotiate your rate in the first meeting
15Anatomy of a great pitchVideo lesson
Anatomy of a great pitch (key lesson points)
Tell Engaging Stories
Practical Plan
Talk about benefits
Convey a Single (Focused) Message
Follow available guidelines (tone, structure, etc.)
Craft unique selling points and titles
Use a visually appealing structured layout
Be concise
Know the client, or type of client, to whom you’re pitching
Find a relevant and interesting angle that you can relate to
Do your research
Anticipate and answer questions
Establish a need
Use images if you can
Add value (State your competitive advantage)
Introduce your team (if you have one)
Select and include relevant samples (Show, don’t tell)
Create a bid
Allow room for mistakes
Don’t relate it to an hourly rate
How much would you have to pay someone else to do the job
Don’t just copy (be smart)
16Make the most out of every clientVideo lesson
Make the most out of every client (key lesson points)
Provide a transparent pricing breakdown
Bill 50% upfront
Make it easy to get payed
Insist on a contract
Set and track measurable goals
Start providing value as soon as possible with quick wins (executing isn’t enough)
Don’t wait for permission to do more
If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no
Time upsells with milestones
Pitch ideas -- not just upgrades
Listen Between The Lines
Become indispensable
Easier to keep an old client than to make a new one
Engage them
Communication is key
Email 1: What you plan on getting done this week
Email 2: What you actually got done this week
Maintain Professionalism At All Times
Zero Lateness
Be Flexible With Rates
Never allow for misunderstanding of deadlines
Don’t change the goalposts
Never allow projects to grow without being open and honest about what’s happening
17Avoid pitfallsVideo lesson
Avoid pitfalls (key lesson points)
Understand variable workloads and income
Maintain mentor-ship and learn all the time
Take care of administrative responsibilities
Always price yourself right
Take care of your mental/physical health
Overcome cultural differences and inflexibility
Stay connected and avoid isolation
Avoid road fatigue
Stay focused and disciplined and define clear goals
Avoid working 24/7
Create a simple contract
Name client
Deliverables (dates)
Terms and conditions
Manage client expectations
Uncover what clients truly care about
Layout clear plans of action
Layout clear results and delivery of items
Build relationships
Agree with the client how and when you will communicate
Get paid first - 50% deposit
Get paid 25% - 3/4 through job
Paid on delivery - 25% or at 30 days
Talk about problems upfront
Use a traffic light system
Streamline administration work
Build trust through communication
Always be clear
Structure your ‘to do’ list
Schedule to-dos online for the client to see
Identify key accounts
Qualify interruptions and assign a specific time to talk
Lower paying clients to pay less and are harder to deal with
Maintain business and friendship apart
Never settle for mediocre/cheap/bad clients
If you can’t deliver, let the client know and exit without ruining your reputation
18How to get paid properlyVideo lesson
How to get paid properly (key lesson points)
Figure out how much you can keep
Some jobs might bring more money, but less profit
Define what kind of price you’ll have
Productized services
Tier based
Cost-plus pricing
Competitor pricing
Value-based pricing
Recognize That People Are Buying Time
Always charge (People VALUE What They Pay For)
Charging $1 is better than giving it away for free.
Figure out how much value are you giving the client
Set your policies
What payment mode will you use – cash, checks or credit cards?
How much should the client pay as a down payment?
Will you begin the work without any payments?
How many days you will wait before the client pays?
Are you going to impose penalties for late payments?
When will the client receive the final work – before or after making payments?
Keep a record of invoices
Parts of an invoice
A professional header
The client’s contact information
Invoice details
Number your invoices
Include your contact details
Include payment details
The difference between residency & citizenship
Types of Tax Regulations
Double Taxation Treaties
You are NOT Your Company
Paying a salary
Paying dividends
The problem with current tax regulations and digital nomads
Why digital nomad tax is so complicated
Pay tax in your “home” country
The benefits of using a company
Basing your company elsewhere
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