Easy Photoshop : Learn Photoshop for Lazy people
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This is the Photoshop training course that will take you from absolute beginner to a comfortable Photoshop user in no time at all.You do not need any previous knowledge of Photoshop, Design or Photography. We start by going through the essentials of Photoshop. Then we will take you through an advanced level. We promise you to get to the point and go to the point directly without any boring speech.
Learn how to use the program easily while having fun!
A step-by-step guide on Photoshop workspace, every single tool and its function(s) and how to use it as fast as possible.
What will you learn?
Getting Started with Photoshop.
Are you interested in creating, modifying, combining, and/or
optimizing digital images on your computer? This section introduces
you to Adobe Photoshop , a popular software application for
working with digital images.
Understanding Photoshop Basics
Are you ready to start working with images? This section shows you
how to select tools and fine-tune your workspace. You can also undo
commands or revert an image when you make a mistake and want to
start over.
Changing the Size of an Image
You can change the size of your image to make it fit on a web page or in
a printed document. This section shows you how to change the on-screen
size, print size, and print resolution, as well as how to crop an image.
Making Selections
You can move, color, or transform parts of your image independently
from the rest of the image. The first step is to make a selection. This
chapter shows you how to use the Photoshop selection tools to isolate
portions of your images for editing. You can use different tools to
select objects in your image or areas of similar color.
Manipulating Selections
Making a selection defines a specific area of your Photoshop image.
This chapter shows you how to move, stretch, erase, and manipulate
your selections in a variety of ways.
Painting and Drawing with Color
You can add splashes, streaks, or solid areas of color to your image.
Photoshop offers a variety of tools with which you can add almost any
color or texture imaginable. This section introduces you to those tools
and shows you how to choose your colors.
… and so much more!
Buy this course by a sandwich price.Click enroll button now.
66-Photoshop toolboxVideo lesson
77-Work with toolboxVideo lesson
88-Zoom in and outVideo lesson
99-adjust viewsVideo lesson
1010-SCREEN MODEVideo lesson
1111- rulers and guidesVideo lesson
1212-undo commandsVideo lesson
1313-Revert imageVideo lesson
1414- manage image windowsVideo lesson
2222- Lasso toolVideo lesson
2323- Select with the Magnetic Lasso ToolVideo lesson
2424-Select with the Quick Selection ToolVideo lesson
2525-Select with the Magic Wand ToolVideo lesson
2626-Select with the Color Range CommandVideo lesson
2727-Select All the Pixels in an ImageVideo lesson
2828-Move a Selection BorderVideo lesson
2929-Add to or Subtract from a SelectionVideo lesson
3030-Invert a SelectionVideo lesson
3131-Grow a SelectionVideo lesson
3232-Create SlicesVideo lesson
3333-Move a SelectionVideo lesson
3434-Copy and Paste a SelectionVideo lesson
3535-Delete a SelectionVideo lesson
3636-rotate a SelectionVideo lesson
3737-Scale a SelectionVideo lesson
3838-Skew or Distort a SelectionVideo lesson
3939-Perform Content-Aware ScalingVideo lesson
4040-refine and smooth selectionVideo lesson
4141-Feather the Border of a SelectionVideo lesson
4242-Create Vanishing Point PlanesVideo lesson
4343-copy between Vanishing PointsVideo lesson
4444-Using the Content-Aware Move ToolVideo lesson

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