Data Structures and Algorithms in C for Beginners
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Hey there! Welcome to the course Data Structures and Algorithms in C for Beginners. This course gives all the necessary content on various data structures like Arrays, Stacks, Linkedlists, Queues, Trees and Graphs and how to implement them using C Programming. This course is also concentrated for beginners and so, we will start our lectures with the basic operations of arrays.
Post this couse, you will be able to
1. Explain all the operations of data structures.
2. Choose which data structure is apt to solve a particular problem.
3. Analyse the algorithm and find it’s time complexity (Big O)
4. Understand the workflow of various searching and sorting algorithms.
5. Understand and explain all the basic terminologies and traversals of Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree and Graphs.
6. Solve problems on data structures.
7. Apply Stacks and Queue to solve most of the coding contests.
8. Take up multiple choice questions on DSA in competitive exams.
A basic knowledge in C Programming is preferred. If you find DSA to be difficult, this course has content to make you comfortable in the data structures and algorithms.
12Introduction to StacksVideo lesson
13Top of the stackVideo lesson
14Last in First OutVideo lesson
15Stack overflow and Stack underflowVideo lesson
16Push and Pop code in cVideo lesson
17Reversing a string using stack - AlgorithmVideo lesson
18Reversing a string using stack - C CodeVideo lesson
19Balanced Paranthesis AlgorithmVideo lesson
20Balanced Paranthesis Algorithm IIVideo lesson
21Balanced Paranthesis Algorithm IIIVideo lesson
22Balanced Paranthesis checking using stack in cVideo lesson
23Manual Conversion from Infix to PostfixVideo lesson
24Algorithm for Infix to PostfixVideo lesson
25Tracing Infix to Postfix AlgorithmVideo lesson
26Coding the algorithm for Infix to PostfixVideo lesson
27Introduction to LinkedlistsVideo lesson
28Self referential structuresVideo lesson
29Review on PointersVideo lesson
30Structure of a NodeVideo lesson
31Linking the nodes in cVideo lesson
32Creating a linked list with n nodesVideo lesson
33Inserting at the beginning - AlgorithmVideo lesson
34Insertion at the beginning - C codeVideo lesson
35Insertion at End - AlgorithmVideo lesson
36Insertion at end - C codeVideo lesson
37Insertion after a specific node - AlgorithmVideo lesson
38Inserting a new node after a specific node - C CodeVideo lesson
39Deletion at the beginning - AlgorithmVideo lesson
40Deletion at beginning - C codeVideo lesson
41Deletion at end - AlgorithmVideo lesson
42Deleting a specific node - C codeVideo lesson
43Circular Singly Linked ListsText lesson
47Introduction to Non Linear Data StructuresVideo lesson
48Tree TerminologiesVideo lesson
49Introduction to Binary TreesVideo lesson
50Pre Order Traversal of BTVideo lesson
51Post Order TraversalVideo lesson
52Inorder TraversalVideo lesson
53Binary Search TreesVideo lesson
54Graph TerminologiesVideo lesson
55Representation of a GraphVideo lesson
56Introduction to Searching and Sorting AlgorithmsVideo lesson
57Linear Search - ExplanationVideo lesson
58Linear Search - CodeVideo lesson
59Binary Search - ExplanationVideo lesson
60Implementing Binary SearchVideo lesson
61Bubble SortVideo lesson
62Insertion SortVideo lesson
63QuickSort - Easy ExplanationVideo lesson

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