Data Structure and Algorithms Analysis - Job Interview
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This course prepared depending on my real Software Engineer job interviews experiences with Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Snapchat.
In this course you will learn how to Analysis algorithms like Sorting, Searching, and Graph algorithms. And how to reduce the code complexity from one Big-O level to another level. Furthermore, you will learn different type of Data Structure for your code. Also you will learn how to find Big-O for every data structure, and how to apply correct Data Structure to your problem in Java. By the end you will be able to write code that run faster and use low memory. You Also will learn how to analysis problems using Dynamic programming.
We will discus code complexity in Different algorithms like Sorting algorithms ( Bubble, Merge, Heap, and quick sort) , searching algorithms ( Binary search, linear search, and Interpolation), Graph algorithms( Binary tree, DFS, BFS, Nearest Neighbor and Shortest path, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and A* Algorithm). and Data Structure like Dynamic Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, and Hash-Table
9Why Data Structure?Video lesson
10One-Dimension ArrayVideo lesson
11One-Dimension Array implementation in JavaVideo lesson
12Amazon Interview: Find longest sequence of 1’s with one flipVideo lesson
13Two-Dimension ArrayVideo lesson
14Two-Dimension Array implementation in JavaVideo lesson
15Facebook Interview: Spiral MatrixVideo lesson
16Dynamic ArrayVideo lesson
17Dynamic Array implementation in JavaVideo lesson
18Linked ListVideo lesson
19Linked List implementation in JavaVideo lesson
20Doubly Linked List implementation in JavaVideo lesson
21Amazon Interview: Remove Kth Node From End of ListVideo lesson
22HW||Combine two Linked List (Google Interview Question)Video lesson
23Compare Linked List vs ArrayVideo lesson
24Hash-TableVideo lesson
25Hash-Table implementation in JavaVideo lesson
26Amazon Interview: Find unique number in ArrayVideo lesson
27Amazon Interview: Key Phrase problem: TF-IDFVideo lesson
28StackVideo lesson
29Stack implementation in Java Use ArrayVideo lesson
30Amazon Interview: Recursive Staircase ProblemVideo lesson
31Uber Interview question: word distanceVideo lesson
32Coding Interview : Parentheses ExpressionVideo lesson
33Stack implementation in Java Use Dynamic ArrayVideo lesson
34Stack implementation in Java Use Linked ListVideo lesson
35QueueVideo lesson
In this section you will learn how to work with queue
36Queue implementation in Java Use ArrayVideo lesson
37Microsoft Interview question: Friend CirclesVideo lesson
38Queue implementation in Java Use Dynamic ArrayVideo lesson
39Queue implementation in Java Use Linked ListVideo lesson
40Priority queueVideo lesson
41Amazon Interview: Kth top moviesVideo lesson
42HW||Best data structure for Array With Many Zeros (Google Interview Question)Video lesson
58Bubble sortVideo lesson
59Bubble Sort implementation in JavaVideo lesson
60Selection SortVideo lesson
61Select Sort implementation in JavaVideo lesson
62Quick SortVideo lesson
63Quick Sort implementation in JavaVideo lesson
64Merge SortVideo lesson
65Merge Sort implementation in JavaVideo lesson
66Heap SortVideo lesson
67Heap Sort implementation in JavaVideo lesson
68Coding Interview: Two words have same characters job interviewVideo lesson
69Binary Tree and Binary Search TreeVideo lesson
70Binary Search Tree implementation in JavaVideo lesson
71Amazon Interview: Find path between two nodesVideo lesson
72Facebook Interview: Find if two binary search trees are equalVideo lesson
73Google Interview: Determines if two BST are equal ( Another solution)Video lesson
74Coding Interview: Serialize and Deserialize a Binary TreeVideo lesson
75Google Interview Question: Check if two trees are MirrorVideo lesson
76Amazon Interview Question: Level by Level Printing of Binary TreeVideo lesson
77HW||Find SubTrees (Google Interview Question)Video lesson
78Problem of the DayVideo lesson
79Red-Black TreeVideo lesson
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