Data Manipulation in Python: Master Python, Numpy & Pandas
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When it comes to being attractive, data scientists are already there. In a highly competitive job market, it is tough to keep them after they have been hired. People with a unique mix of scientific training, computer expertise, and analytical abilities are hard to find.
Like the Wall Street “quants” of the 1980s and 1990s, modern-day data scientists are expected to have a similar skill set. People with a background in physics and mathematics flocked to investment banks and hedge funds in those days because they could come up with novel algorithms and data methods.
That being said, data science is becoming one of the most well-suited occupations for success in the twenty-first century. It is computerized, programming-driven, and analytical in nature. Consequently, it comes as no surprise that the need for data scientists has been increasing in the employment market over the last several years.
The supply, on the other hand, has been quite restricted. It is challenging to get the knowledge and abilities required to be recruited as a data scientist.
Lots of resources for learning Python are available online. Because of this, students frequently get overwhelmed by Python’s high learning curve.
It’s a whole new ball game in here! Step-by-step instruction is the hallmark of this course. Throughout each subsequent lesson, we continue to build on what we’ve previously learned. Our goal is to equip you with all the tools and skills you need to master Python, Numpy & Pandas.
You’ll walk away from each video with a fresh idea that you can put to use right away!
All skill levels are welcome in this course, and even if you have no prior programming or statistical experience, you will be able to succeed!
1Welcome to the course!Video lesson
2Introduction to PythonVideo lesson
3Course MaterialsText lesson
4Setting up PythonVideo lesson
5What is Jupyter?Video lesson
6Anaconda Installation: Windows, Mac & UbuntuVideo lesson
7How to implement Python in Jupyter?Video lesson
8Managing Directories in Jupyter NotebookVideo lesson
9Input/OutputVideo lesson
10Quiz 1Quiz
11Working with different datatypesVideo lesson
12VariablesVideo lesson
13Quiz 2Quiz
14Quiz 3Quiz
15Arithmetic OperatorsVideo lesson
16Quiz 4Quiz
17Quiz 5Quiz
18Quiz 6Quiz
19Comparison OperatorsVideo lesson
20Logical OperatorsVideo lesson
21Quiz 7Quiz
22Quiz 8Quiz
23Quiz 9Quiz
24Conditional statementsVideo lesson
25LoopsVideo lesson
26Sequences: ListsVideo lesson
27Sequences: DictionariesVideo lesson
28Sequences: TuplesVideo lesson
29Quiz 10Quiz
30Quiz 11Quiz
31Quiz 12Quiz
32Functions: Built-in FunctionsVideo lesson
33Functions: User-defined FunctionsVideo lesson
34Quiz 13Quiz
35Quiz 14Quiz
36Installing LibrariesVideo lesson
37Importing LibrariesVideo lesson
38Pandas Library for Data ScienceVideo lesson
39NumPy Library for Data ScienceVideo lesson
40Pandas vs NumPyVideo lesson
41Matplotlib Library for Data ScienceVideo lesson
42Seaborn Library for Data ScienceVideo lesson
50Basic NumPy arrays: zeros()Video lesson
51Basic NumPy arrays: ones()Video lesson
52Basic NumPy arrays: full()Video lesson
53Quiz 17Quiz
54Adding a scalarVideo lesson
55Subtracting a scalarVideo lesson
56Multiplying by a scalarVideo lesson
57Dividing by a scalarVideo lesson
58Raise to a powerVideo lesson
59TransposeVideo lesson
60Element wise additionVideo lesson
61Element wise subtractionVideo lesson
62Element wise multiplicationVideo lesson
63Element wise divisionVideo lesson
64Matrix multiplicationVideo lesson
65Quiz 18Quiz
66StatisticsVideo lesson
67What is a Python Pandas DataFrame?Video lesson
68What is a Python Pandas Series?Video lesson
69DataFrame vs SeriesVideo lesson
70Creating a DataFrame using listsVideo lesson
71Creating a DataFrame using a dictionaryVideo lesson
72Loading CSV data into pythonVideo lesson
73Changing the Index ColumnVideo lesson
74InplaceVideo lesson
75Examining the DataFrame: Head & TailVideo lesson
76Statistical summary of the DataFrameVideo lesson
77Slicing rows using bracket operatorsVideo lesson
78Quiz 19Quiz
79Indexing columns using bracket operatorsVideo lesson
80Boolean listVideo lesson
81Filtering RowsVideo lesson
82Filtering rows using & and | operatorsVideo lesson
83Filtering data using loc()Video lesson
84Quiz 20Quiz
85Filtering data using iloc()Video lesson
86Quiz 21Quiz
87Quiz 22Quiz
88Adding and deleting rows and columnsVideo lesson
89Sorting ValuesVideo lesson
90Exporting and saving pandas DataFramesVideo lesson
91Concatenating DataFramesVideo lesson
92groupby()Video lesson
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