Data Analytics & Visualization: Using Excel and Python
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Embark on a transformative journey into the dynamic realm of Data Analytics and Visualization, where you will acquire essential and sought-after tech skills. This comprehensive course is designed to empower you with proficiency in key tools and methodologies, including Python programming, Excel, statistical analysis, data analysis, and data visualization.
Key Learning Objectives:
– Gain hands-on experience in Python, a powerful and versatile programming language widely used for data analysis and manipulation.
– Learn to leverage Python libraries such as Pandas and NumPy for efficient data handling and manipulation.
– Develop advanced skills in Excel, exploring its robust features for data organization, analysis, and visualization.
– Harness the power of Excel functions and formulas to extract insights from complex datasets.
– Acquire a solid foundation in statistical concepts and techniques essential for making informed decisions based on data.
– Apply statistical methods to interpret and draw meaningful conclusions from data sets.
– Explore the entire data analysis process, from data cleaning and preprocessing to exploratory data analysis (EDA) and feature engineering.
– Learn how to identify patterns, outliers, and trends within datasets, enabling you to extract valuable insights.
– Master the art of presenting data visually through a variety of visualization tools and techniques.
– Use industry-standard tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn to create compelling and informative data visualizations.
Upon completion, you will possess a well-rounded skill set in data analytics and visualization, equipping you to tackle real-world challenges and contribute meaningfully to data-driven decision-making in any professional setting. Join us on this journey to become a proficient and sought-after tech professional in the field of data analytics and visualization.
35Real world use cases of PythonVideo lesson
36Installation of Anaconda for Windows and macOSVideo lesson
37Introduction to VariablesVideo lesson
38Introduction to Data Types and Type CastingVideo lesson
39Scope of VariablesVideo lesson
40Introduction to OperatorsVideo lesson
41Quiz on Basics of PythonQuiz
42Introduction to Lists and TuplesVideo lesson
43Introduction to Sets and DictionariesVideo lesson
44Introduction to Stacks and QueuesVideo lesson
45Introduction to Space and Time ComplexityVideo lesson
46Introduction to Sorting AlgorithmsVideo lesson
47Introduction to Searching AlgorithmsVideo lesson
48Quiz on Data StructuresQuiz
49Introduction to Parameters and ArgumentsVideo lesson
50Introduction to Python ModulesVideo lesson
51Introduction to Filter, Map, and Zip FunctionsVideo lesson
52Introduction to List, Set and Dictionary ComprehensionsVideo lesson
53Introduction to Lambda FunctionsVideo lesson
54Introduction to Analytical and Aggregate FunctionsVideo lesson
55Quiz on Functions in PythonQuiz
56Introduction to StringsVideo lesson
57Introduction to Important String FunctionsVideo lesson
58Introduction to String Formatting and User InputVideo lesson
59Introduction to Meta CharactersVideo lesson
60Introduction to Built-in Functions for Regular ExpressionsVideo lesson
61Special Characters and Sets for Regular ExpressionsVideo lesson
62Quiz on Strings and Regular ExpressionsQuiz
63Introduction to Conditional StatementsVideo lesson
64Introduction to For LoopsVideo lesson
65Introduction to While LoopsVideo lesson
66Introduction to Break and ContinueVideo lesson
67Using Conditional Statements in LoopsVideo lesson
68Nested Loops and Conditional StatementsVideo lesson
69Quiz on Loops and ConditionalsQuiz
70Introduction to OOPs ConceptVideo lesson
71Introduction to InheritanceVideo lesson
72Introduction to EncapsulationVideo lesson
73Introduction to PolymorphismVideo lesson
74Introduction to Date and Time ClassVideo lesson
75Introduction to TimeDelta ClassVideo lesson
76Quiz on OOPs and Date-TimeQuiz

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