Data Analytics Masters - From Basics To Advanced

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Congrats on enrolling in the Data Analytics Masters Course!!
Need of Data Analytics
The outburst of data is transforming businesses. Companies – big or small – are now expecting their business decisions to be based on data-led insight.
Data specialists have a tremendous impact on business strategies and marketing tactics.
The demand for data specialists is on the rise while the supply remains low, thus creating great job opportunities for individuals within this field.
Today, it is almost impossible to find any brand that does not have a social media presence; soon, every company will need data analytics professionals.
This makes it a wise career move that has a future in business.
Job Roles after the course
This course will help you to step forward in Data Analytics and choose the following roles
Data Analyst
Business Analyst
BI Analyst
BI Developer
Power BI Developer
Tableau Developer
and many more…
Module 1: Python for Data Analytics
Module 2: Exploratory Data Analysis
Module 3: Business Statistics
Module 4: SQL
Module 5: Microsoft Excel
Module 6: Power BI
Module 7: Tableau
Module 8: Predictive Modelling
Module 9: Data Warehousing and ETL
Module 10: Interview Guides
Module 11: Capstone Projects
By the end of this course, you’ll have a strong foundation in data analysis and the confidence to tackle real-world data problems. You’ll be ready to step into a data analyst role with a robust portfolio of projects to showcase your skills.
Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a proficient Data Analyst!
1Welcome PageText lesson
2Welcome to the CourseText lesson
3What is Data AnalyticsVideo lesson
4Importance of Data AnalyticsVideo lesson
5Types of DataVideo lesson
6Types of Statistical AnalysisVideo lesson
7Steps to obtain a Data Analytics solutionVideo lesson
8Business UnderstandingVideo lesson
9Data UnderstandingVideo lesson
10Data CollectionVideo lesson
11Data PreparationVideo lesson
12Data ModellingVideo lesson
13DeploymentVideo lesson
14Use CaseVideo lesson
15Course ContentsText lesson
16Introduction to PythonVideo lesson
17Variables & KeywordsVideo lesson
18Datatypes OperatorsVideo lesson
19ListsVideo lesson
20TuplesVideo lesson
21SetsVideo lesson
22DoctionaryVideo lesson
23Loops & IterationVideo lesson
24FunctionsVideo lesson
25Map Reduce FilterVideo lesson
26File HandlingVideo lesson
27Control StructuresVideo lesson
28OOPSVideo lesson
29NumPyVideo lesson
30PandasVideo lesson
31Data VisualizationVideo lesson
32MatplotlibVideo lesson
33SeabornVideo lesson
34Course ContentsText lesson
35IntroductionVideo lesson
36Types of Data (Agenda)Video lesson
37Descriptive StatsVideo lesson
38Inferential StatsVideo lesson
39Qualitative DataVideo lesson
40Quantitative DataVideo lesson
41Sampling Techniques (Agenda)Video lesson
42Population vs SampleVideo lesson
43Why Sampling is importantVideo lesson
44Types of SamplingVideo lesson
45Cluster Random SamplingVideo lesson
46Probability SamplingVideo lesson
47Non probability samplingVideo lesson
48Population SamplingVideo lesson
49Why n-1 and not nVideo lesson
50Descriptive Analytics (Agenda)Video lesson
51Measures of Central TendencyVideo lesson
52MeanVideo lesson
53MedianVideo lesson
54ModeVideo lesson
55Measures of DispersionVideo lesson
56RangeVideo lesson
57IQRVideo lesson
58Variance Standard DeviationVideo lesson
59Mean DeviationVideo lesson
60Probability (Agenda)Video lesson
61ProbabilityVideo lesson
62Addition RuleVideo lesson
63Independent EventsVideo lesson
64Cumulative ProbabilityVideo lesson
65Conditional ProbabilityVideo lesson
66Bayes Theorem 1Video lesson
67Bayes Theorem 2Video lesson
68Probability Distrubution (Agenda)Video lesson
69Uniform DistributionVideo lesson
70Binomial DistributionVideo lesson
71Poisson DistributionVideo lesson
72Normal Distribution Part 1Video lesson
73Normal Distribution Part 2Video lesson
74SkewnessVideo lesson
75KurtosisVideo lesson
76Calculating Probability with Z-score for Normal Distribution Part 1Video lesson
77Calculating Probability with Z-score for Normal Distribution Part 2Video lesson
78Calculating Probability with Z-score for Normal Distribution Part 3Video lesson
79Covariance & Correlation (Agenda)Video lesson
80CovarianceVideo lesson
81CorrelationVideo lesson
82Covariance VS CorrelationVideo lesson
83ANOVAVideo lesson
84Hypothesis TestingVideo lesson
85Tailed TestsVideo lesson
86p-valueVideo lesson
87Types of TestVideo lesson
88T TestVideo lesson
89Z TestVideo lesson
90Chi Square TestVideo lesson
91Correlation Test (Practicals)Video lesson

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