Create a Complete Grid-Based Puzzle Game in Godot 4 with C#
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course will cover everything you need to know about creating a small 2D grid-based puzzle game from start to finish in the Godot Engine 4.3+ using C# scripting. This course covers many aspects of creating a grid-based puzzle game including:
Building placement on a grid with variable tile sizes
Querying grid state using LINQ with C# data structures like HashSets and Dictionaries
Creating levels using the new Godot 4.3 TileMapLayer, including multi-level maps with y-sorting, animated tiles, and custom tile data
Saving and loading level completion progress
Implementing audio including building placement and destruction effects and music
This list is not exhaustive – please see the course outline for a glimpse into the topics that are covered.
The goal of this course is to show you how to take an empty project and turn it into a small, complete game. In doing so, this course will give you a robust exposure to many aspects of the Godot engine from C# scripting, to input handling, to tile maps, to saving and loading data, to audio, and more. By the time you complete this course, you will feel comfortable working on your own projects in Godot 4.3+ and C#. You will walk away from this course with a solid foundational understanding of making games that are not only functional but also fun.
This course will help you greatly if:
You are ready to dive into a crash course for Godot 4.3+ with C#
You are comfortable in Unity and want to transfer your C# scripting skills to Godot
You have some game development knowledge and want to learn Godot
You have some programming knowledge and want to make games
You struggle to complete games and want to start and finish a project
Please note that this course is focused purely on the start-to-finish process of making a grid-based puzzle game. With that goal in mind, there is no time spent explaining fundamental programming concepts of statically typed languages. Familiarity with programming and statically typed languages is strongly recommended before taking this course.
Several lessons are available to for you to preview for free. Please take a look at those videos before enrolling to determine if the pace of this course is right for you!
8Basic Grid Operations and TileMapLayer IntroductionVideo lesson
9Using a HashSet to Mark Occupied TilesVideo lesson
10Minor Code CleanupVideo lesson
11Adding the Asset Pack and Tower ArtVideo lesson
12Introduction to AutotilingVideo lesson
13Refactoring Code Into a GridManagerVideo lesson
14Defining and Using TileSet Custom DataVideo lesson
15Adding a Base BuildingVideo lesson
16Using Autoloads and Custom Signals for Grid State UpdatingVideo lesson
17Using Grid State for More Sophisticated Building RulesVideo lesson
18Highlighting Expandable Building AreaVideo lesson
19Adding Animated Tree TilesVideo lesson
20Accounting for Trees in GridManagerVideo lesson
21Applying Y-Sorting for Proper Draw OrderVideo lesson
22Adding Village BuildingsVideo lesson
23Introduction to Custom ResourcesVideo lesson
24Highlighting Resource TilesVideo lesson
25Tracking Collected Resource TilesVideo lesson
26Introduction to Control NodesVideo lesson
27Streamlining Building PlacementVideo lesson
28Creating a Building ManagerVideo lesson
29Creating a Building Placement GhostVideo lesson
30Indicating Whether Building Ghost is ValidVideo lesson
31Cancelling Building PlacementVideo lesson
32Refactoring Building Manager to Support StatesVideo lesson
33Refunding Resources and Updating Grid on Building DestructionVideo lesson
34Adding a Win ConditionVideo lesson
35Transforming the Main Scene Into a Base Level SceneVideo lesson
36Adding Terrains to the TilesetVideo lesson
37Adding Water to the TilesetVideo lesson
38Adding Shadows to the TilesetVideo lesson
39Designing Your First LevelVideo lesson
40Adding Camera PanningVideo lesson
41Fixing Tileset, Centering the Camera, and Adding Configurable Starting ResourcesVideo lesson
42Fixing Shadow Tiles Invalidating Buildable TilesVideo lesson
43Making UI Buttons Follow CameraVideo lesson
44Making Buildings Occupy Multiple TilesVideo lesson
45Adding Base Building Art and Preventing DeletionVideo lesson
46Allowing Building Deletion by Clicking Into Occupied AreaVideo lesson
47Preventing Building Placement on Differing Elevation LayersVideo lesson
48Introduction to Extension MethodsVideo lesson
49Making Building Radius CircularVideo lesson
50Introduction to UI ThemingVideo lesson
51Theme Files and Theme VariationsVideo lesson
52Styling Building Selection UIVideo lesson
53Fonts and Button StylingVideo lesson
54Improving the Design of Building SectionsVideo lesson
55Displaying Resource Count in Game UIVideo lesson
56Building a Main Menu Skeleton UIVideo lesson
57Building a Framework for Changing LevelsVideo lesson
58Creating a Level Complete ScreenVideo lesson
59Moving to the Next Level from the Level Complete ScreenVideo lesson
60Designing More LevelsVideo lesson
61Addressing Some Errors and IssuesVideo lesson
62Creating a Level Select ScreenVideo lesson
63Moving Level Definitions to Custom ResourcesVideo lesson
64Showing Levels on the Level Select ScreenVideo lesson
65Integrating the Level Select Screen With the Main MenuVideo lesson
66Improving the Look of Building PlacementVideo lesson
67Introduction to Animation PlayerVideo lesson
68Using Tweens to Animate Building PositionVideo lesson
69Centering Building Placement on Mouse PositionVideo lesson
70Animating Building PlacementVideo lesson
71Call Building Placement Animation on DemandVideo lesson
72Building Destruction AnimationVideo lesson
73Adding a Mask to Building DestructionVideo lesson
74Fixing Destruction-Related BugsVideo lesson
75Building Placement ParticlesVideo lesson
76Building Destruction ParticlesVideo lesson
77Creating a Goblin CampVideo lesson
78Making the Goblin Camp FunctionalVideo lesson
79Creating a Barracks BuildingVideo lesson
80Allowing Barracks to Be Placed in Goblin CampsVideo lesson
81Showing Barracks Attack AreaVideo lesson
82Making the Barracks Destroy Goblin CampsVideo lesson
83Handling Goblin Camp Restoration on Barracks DestroyVideo lesson
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