Complete meditation, mindfulness and mind training course
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The most extensive meditation and mindfulness course on Udemy.
‘Awakening | Complete meditation, mindfulness and mind training course’ is an easy to follow and practical meditation course for complete beginners and advanced meditators. The course is filled with easy to follow guided meditations and theory you will get a deeper understanding of the workings of the mind and emotions and the nature of this reality.
For Yoga Teachers: This is an official Yoga Alliance® Registered meditation course which gives the student 6-hours Yoga Alliance® CEU points.
This course can be added to your YACEP – for 16 hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Educational Points. You can find this meditation course on the Yoga Alliance website to add points there.
Meditation is much more than just a relaxation practice; it is the way true and lasting inner peace and happiness. More and more scientific studies show that meditation positively impacts mental and physical health: it reduces stress; improves sleep; increases focus; heals a great variety of diseases and it even improves relationships. Live your life with more focus and attention, in a state of complete mindfulness and you will see the wonderful changes start to manifest in your life.
In this extensive meditation course spiritual teacher Michaël Bijker will take you on a wonderful journey into the art of breathing; the workings of the mind and the healing of the spirit. The course is filled with enlightening guided meditation sessions and several breathing techniques and practical tools that help to calm and harmonize mind and body which will make it easier to go into a state of meditation. Breathing with mindfulness is the gateway to learning to meditate.
There will be different types of meditation explained in this course including mindfulness meditation and Vipassana meditation. Vipassana meditation is said to be the type of meditation Guatama Buddha taught and is currently the most widely practiced technique. Most importantly you will learn in a systematic way how to do the mindfulness and meditation sessions by yourself and apply these techniques in daily life for inner-peace, health and long-lasting happiness.
Learn in a relaxed and enjoyable way the beautiful practice of meditation. Apply mindfulness in daily life to improve focus, clarity and inner wisdom and create a beautiful, healthy, and happy life for yourself and others.
(These techniques should be available for everybody, money or no money. If you have no money to do this meditation course you can send a message and we will find a solution)
1Welcome to the wonderful journey of meditationVideo lesson
Starting with a video that explains about your wonderful journey ahead. A course about mind, inner peace, emotion and stillness and how to apply these techniques into daily life.
- This meditation course is to be done in a chronological order (1-2-3-4-5....etc) .
- Make sure you disable 'autoplay' in the udemy video player so that you have silence after a meditation session.
Enjoy the journey within, peace and blessings! -
2MEDITATION SESSION: Calming down and centeringVideo lesson
A relaxing meditation session to calm down and center.
Make sure you turn ´Autoplay´off in the Udemy video player so that when the video stops you can take your time to sit longer in silence if you want and take time to let the sessions have their effect on your whole state of being for a while. -
3Benifits of meditation and mindfulnessVideo lesson
As we will see in this video, the benefits of meditation are much more than keeping mind and body healthy. Some of the scientifically proven benefits are:
Stress reduction
Controls Anxiety. Less stress translates to less anxiety.
Promotes Emotional Health.
Enhances Self-Awareness.
Lengthens Attention Span.
May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss.
Generates compassion and Kindness.
Helps Fight Addictions.
4MEDITATION SESSION: Developing peace withinVideo lesson
In this session you will learn to let the awareness go deeper within and get in connection with a state of inner peace.
5Practical guidelines for meditationVideo lesson
In order to effectively create a meditation practice it is important to:
- To have consistency in your practice: everyday at least once and at around the same time.
- Create or find a good environment to do the meditation practice.
- Posture (in the beginning you can sit comfortably back in a sofa or chair if you are uncomfortable sitting up straight)
- Set the right mindset and commitment for the meditation practice
- Through creating a state of mind or prayer, find guidance for your practice
- Use a timer to not have to think how long you are sitting for or how much longer it will take. You can always sit for longer after the timer bell goes. -
6MEDITATION SESSION: Getting familiar with being stillVideo lesson
In this guided meditation session we will get familiar with body, mind and breath. We will learn how to bring inner peace into every layer of our being.
Make sure you turn ´Autoplay´off in the Udemy video player so that when the video stops you can take your time in silence. -
7How to sit properly for meditationVideo lesson
How to sit properly for meditation? Here Michaël explains how.
8MEDITATION SESSION: Developing inner kindness meditationVideo lesson
In this session we will take some time to develop inner kindness and acceptance towards however we feel in the moment. In meditation one recognizes you ARE not your thoughts and emotions, but you HAVE the experience of thoughts and emotions.
9Extra: 5 minute warmup to do before meditation to open up bodyVideo lesson
A simple 5 minute warmup to open up mind and body before doing a meditation practice.
10Applying mindfulness and meditation in daily life (1)Text lesson
11Using the breath to harmonize the mindVideo lesson
Mind and breath are intimately connected. It is very hard to control the mind, however, you can easily control the breath and then go into meditation state. By calming the breath and focusing on the breath, the mind will also become calm and focused.
12How to breathe properlyVideo lesson
Breathing properly with the diaphragm is essential for using the breath to harmonize mind and body. In this video Michaël explains how this works and how to use this in meditation practice.
13For those that have already done Michaëls´ 'Breath Is Life' breathing courseText lesson
If you have already done the 'Breath is Life' breathing course you will see that some of the breathing videos will be the same as in the other course. Feel free to repeat the sessions, otherwise you can just listen to the new lectures in between the breathing sessions and do a breathing/ meditation session by yourself. When you feel you have full control over the breath you can continue to the next section.
Keep breathing with kindness, patience and awareness. -
14SESSION: Abdominal breathing / Pillow breathingVideo lesson
A deeply relaxing breathing session to connect with the breathing system in order to do other breathing techniques for meditation practice. For this session you will need a heavy pillow or a bag or something similar to put on top of the belly to give some pressure.
15Creating space within (mindfulness breathing practice)Video lesson
What we want to develop with these breathing techniques is to create some space. Not just physically for the breathing muscles and lungs, but also for the mind. When the mind is full and blocked, there is no space for inner peace. When there is space within, meditation can happen.
16SESSION: Abdominal breathing/ Pillow breathing session 2Video lesson
Again a deeply relaxing breathing session using the abdominal area for deep breathing. For this session you will need a heavy pillow or a bag or something similar to put on top of the belly to give some pressure on the belly. This breathing technique is essential in meditation practice.
17Your mind is like a computerVideo lesson
The mind is a bit like a computer. We can have so many programs running in our mind: thoughts about past, ideas and worries about future, creative ideas etc. It can sometimes feel the mind is a bit overloaded. In meditation we learn to shut unnecessary programs off to use the full mind capacity to focus and concentrate.
18SESSION: 3 Step breathing/ Yogic breathing session 1Video lesson
Learn to breathe with the full lung capacity. This breathing method is also called full yogic breath. This breathing technique is essential for using the breath to harmonize mind, nervous system and body.
19Everything you give attention to growsVideo lesson
Your mind is like a garden. Everything you give attention to grows. Become a good gardener within and create a beautiful mind :) Learn to go within and take care of your garden through meditation.
20SESSION: 3 step breathing/ Yogic breathing session 2Video lesson
Another session of gentle yogic breathing that is essential for meditation practice.
21Different hand gestures (Mudras) for meditation and mindfulness practiceVideo lesson
Learn how slightly different hand postures can have a distinct effect o your state of mind and body in meditation practice.
The word Mudra is, derived from Sanskrit meaning "sealing in the energy", are elaborate hand and finger gestures which have symbolic meaning as visual language. Also known as Yoga of the hands and fingers, their energetic powers can be directed to heal and influence the energies within our bodies -
22MEDITATION SESSION: Different hand gestures feeling the differenceVideo lesson
In this session we will experiment with different hand postures and feel the difference.
23Meditation is a state of consciousnessVideo lesson
There are many different meditation techniques, it is good to understand that these are all techniques to reach a state of meditation and are in themselves no meditation. The techniques are methods to focus the awareness and still the mind until one reaches a state of meditation.
24MEDITATION SESSION: Observing the breathVideo lesson
In this session we will learn more how to center the awareness to the present moment. It is merging the awareness with the NOW and we do that by focusing on the breath.
25Cultivating gratitudeVideo lesson
Everything you give attention to grows. In order to cultivate a content state of heart and mind, you can use your mind to generate a certain state of emotion. Learn to feel a state of gratitude and the more you cultivate it, the more it becomes a set pattern in your whole being. We learn to do this in some of the meditation sessions, but also do this also throughout the day for all big and small things for some time and see the beautiful changes it will bring into your life.
26Everything you are thankful for becomes a blessing in your lifeVideo lesson
Most of people can only feel thankful for something they like or think is good for them. Learn to become thankful for everything and see how everything helps you grow and will add something to your life. Through meditation one learns to accept ' what is' and to develop a better relationship with the present moment, past and future.
27Cultivating gratitude sessionVideo lesson
A guided meditation and breathing session to develop gratitude and make the heart shine.
28SESSION: Ocean Breathing for meditation (mindfulness breathing practice)Video lesson
This is a video from the ´Breath Is Life´ breathing course that you can also find on Udemy. It is a wonderful breathing technique that makes it very easy to cleanse and harmonize the mind and body and to create a state of meditation.
Make sure you do it all nice and gently with kindness. -
29Habitual patterns of the mind and emotions and how to create mindfulnessVideo lesson
How we experience life depends greatly on our state of mind. There are so many habitual patterns of thoughts and feelings in our mind. Through meditation we can start to ´reprogram´the mind and create clarity and focus to see reality as it is and not how our mind creates a picture of it.
30SESSION: Ocean breathing session - Opening up and centeringVideo lesson
Another session of Ocean breathing, this time to use the breath to open up and center.
31In between future and pastVideo lesson
With our awareness we can very much be in the creations of the mind. There seems to be a thin line in between future and past, which we call present or the NOW. What we learn to develop is to go into the infinite depth of the present moment and see that ideas about future and past are creations of the mind. In meditation we learn to connect with that state.
32EXTRA: Ocean breathing session - Applying short breath holdsVideo lesson
In this breathing session we will apply short breath holds in between breaths to create a little more space within.
33Learning to observe like a scientistVideo lesson
Learn to observe all aspects of feeling alive without judgement. In meditation practice one wants to develop the ability to observe the nature of this reality as it really is and not how one wants to see it or have a judgement about it.
34SESSION: Ocean breathing - centering the awareness deeper withinVideo lesson
For creating a calm mind for meditation breathing is essential. Through breathing, bring yourself into a meditative state.
35Cosmic breathingVideo lesson
It is very important to know how to control your breath, however, it is also very important to let go of control of the breath. In this session you will learn to breathe more than just air and also learn to let go of the control of breathing to get into meditation state.
36SESSION: Cosmic breathing/ Brahmanda Pranayama meditationVideo lesson
A wonderful, meditative breathing session. In this session let go more and more of the desire to control and let life happen. This is an essential practice to go into meditation state.
37Vipassana - Seeing reality ´as it is´Video lesson
We are going a little deeper into the meditation practice now and it is good to understand that meditation is not just a relaxation exercise.
In this video Michaël will explain the technique of Vipassana meditation. Vipassana means : To see reality 'as it is' . -
38Framework for meditationVideo lesson
It is good to have a certain procedure for doing a meditation session.
Prepare physically for a meditation session, do some very gentle stretching
In a nicely prepared environment take time to sit
Set intention/ commitment for the coming session
Observe state of body
Observe state of mind
Observing general state of being
Use breath to harmonize mind and body
Focus awareness on the breath
When awareness is centered start scanning through the body
39MEDITATION SESSION: Step by step going into meditationVideo lesson
Cultivating a state of meditation is a step by step process. In this session we will go through these steps.
40Taming the mind - A story about a horse and a boyVideo lesson
A short story about how to tame the mind. Take your time for meditation practice and don't hurry or force anything :)
41MEDITATION SESSION: Doing it more autonomously (by yoursefl)Video lesson
Learn more and more to guide yourself in meditation and to keep bringing the awareness to the present moment.
42Like watching an interesting documentaryVideo lesson
In meditation practice, learn to purely observe and not judge about what you experience. When developing this, you learn to see reality ´as it actually is´and not how it is colored by the creations of the mind. When developing this, you develop a state of pure consciousness.
43Music or no music for meditation sessions?Text lesson
Should you use music for the meditation sessions or not?
44MEDITATION SESSION: Guide yourselfText lesson
Now you are able to do it by yourself, set a timer for at least 20 minutes and do your daily meditation practice. (30 minutes or longer is even better if you are getting the hang of it).
Peace, love and wisdom -
45Watch the river flow and not be in the riverVideo lesson
Learn to take a step back and watch the flow of mind, feelings, sensations happen. These are all currents of energy flowing through the body. When learning to observe them as such, you will connect with your pure consciousness state/ higher self.
46Applying meditation and mindfulness in daily lifeVideo lesson
It is very important to apply all the things you practice in the meditation sessions in daily life also. Michaël explains how and why.
47Like a dream - Know yourselfVideo lesson
Stop running away from your own mind and come face to face to whatever there is.
48Habitual patterns - How to create new pathways through mindfulnessVideo lesson
Most of your thoughts, actions and reactions are engraved into your system as habitual patterns in the brain. It is important to get a better understanding in this in order to create new and good habitual patterns into your life.
49Meditation is more than a relaxation practice - Unveiling the truthVideo lesson
Meditation is more than just a relaxation exercise. It is a way to transcend the fluctuating states of mind and emotions and realize you are more than your mind, emotions and body.
50Everything is always changing 1Video lesson
A short video explaining about how everything is always changing.
51Everything is always changing 2Video lesson
Everything is always changing and moving, like a wheel. Learn to find the center of that wheel of change and find that still center within.
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