Complete Electronic Music Theory & Production - EDM
- Description
- Curriculum
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Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or an expert producer, this course will teach you fresh and new techniques to take your EDM productions to the next level. After all, we’re never truly finished learning – there’s always something around the corner that we never saw coming!
What will you gain from completing the course
Understand how EDM is structured, and the musical principles its based upon (binary phrasing, energy, etc.)
Effectively structure and arrange a track for optimal flow
Set up your project for good workflow
Optimise your DAW’s buffer length/size and set the correct sample rate for your project
Be aware of swing time and how it can benefit your productions
How to properly choose layers and build full and fat drum patterns, chord patterns, Leads, vocals, etc.
Be able to use automation and panning to create interest for the listener
Tune audio to the correct key of your track
Manipulate sounds by means of time stretching, formant shifting, vocoding, etc.
Tweak and design your own synthesiser sounds using ADSR, Filters, VCO, LFO, etc.
Create full and professional transitions that don’t disrupt the flow
Be aware of driving elements and intensity line graphs
How to prepare your project for a full mixdown
Mix an EDM track using EQ, Compression, Saturation, etc.
Use plugins to achieve stereo width and depth
Sidechain elements to each other, including effects
Locate and correct phase issues in your track
Access to an exclusive Facebook group of fellow students. Receive feedback, engaging discussions, and more!
Master your track to the correct LUFS levels for streaming sites such as Spotify, YouTube, Deezer, etc.
Additional Content:
How to correctly hunt for labels and send your demos
Various PDFs and links to additional reading/study
3 intensive projects so I can see how well you understand the material, and give you feedback to improve your productions
I share everything I know with you
Everything I teach you in this course has taken me years to learn. You’re gaining 10+ years of music production knowledge in one complete course.
The music industry is an extremely closed and competitive one. I don’t think that’s fair. If more producers were aware of the production secrets behind professional tracks, we’d have a lot more talented musicians in the EDM community!
What’s in it for me?
Personally, I dislike the competitive community that music producers find themselves in. I want to share my knowledge with other producers so that they may grow, learn, and teach me new techniques as well. I also have a passion for teaching, and whenever I see a student succeed with something, it gives me a great feeling – like an addiction!
You will need to have a DAW (FL Studio, Ableton, GarageBand) and an ability to use the software to practice the techniques I teach you.
You will also need to have a very basic understanding of music theory. Throughout the course, we are tuning our samples and composing chord patterns, which involves knowing the difference between major and minor, and also how notes relate to each other on the scale. For example, ‘G’ is the 5th note of the ‘C’ chord.
So if you’re ready to learn professional electronic music production, theory, composition, mixing, and mastering, buy the course and take your skills to the next level. There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you dislike the course, you can receive a full refund. There really is nothing to lose!
2Characteristics of EDMVideo lesson
By the end of this lecture, you will be aware of the 2 distinct subdivisions in EDM. You will also know what 4/4 time is and why it's important to create EDM in this time signature.
3Breaking Down EDM Structure (Part 1)Video lesson
We go through the Intro, Breakdown, Buildup, and Drop seconds of an EDM track.
4Breaking Down EDM Structure (Part 2)Video lesson
We go into a bit more detail including different structure combinations, binary phrasing, antiphony, and energy.
5Setting Up Your ProjectVideo lesson
We must set up a project for our track. This includes setting the BPM, adding track markers, and send tracks.
6Optimising Your DAWVideo lesson
We'll take a look at reference tracks, and also how to adjust our DAW's settings so it runs smoother.
7Main Elements of EDM DrumsVideo lesson
We have a look at the main elements that a drum pattern is comprised of. These are the elements that you'll need to use in order to form a full and fat drum pattern.
8Using SwingVideo lesson
We'll have a look at swing time and how it's like a secret weapon for EDM producers. Creating any form of House music without swing will sound extremely robotic and plain. It's a very useful tool!
9Finding Suitable Drum SamplesVideo lesson
This lecture explains how to find suitable drum samples to build your pattern with. Looking for layers and sounds that relate to each other is very important for a good drum pattern.
10Constructing a Drum PatternVideo lesson
Now we're aware of the sounds we should be looking for, we can go ahead and build a drum pattern.
11Using PanningVideo lesson
Let's take a look at what panning is and what it can do for our drum pattern. We'll be using panning throughout the course, and we'll be taking a look at it again in the mixing section.
12Automating ParametersVideo lesson
We can do more than panning to add interest to a drum pattern. Here, we'll use automation to create an interesting variation in volume. Again, we'll be using automation throughout the course.
13Tuning Drum SamplesVideo lesson
We're not done yet!
This is a very subtle difference, but if you don't do it, your tracks can sound messy and unbalanced. We have to make sure each drum sample is tuned to the key of our track.
If you make Trap or Hip Hop music, PLEASE tune your 808 kick drum to the chords. i.e: if your chord pattern uses the notes C, G, F, C, then your 808 kick drum must be tuned to these chords when they play. Because 808's have a long and audible pitch, they're essentially like a bass instrument, and you wouldn't leave your bass out of tune, so why leave your drums out of tune!
14Manipulating Drum SamplesVideo lesson
We can also manipulate our drum samples for more interesting sounds. Things like reversing and time stretching will be covered here.
15Constructing Chord PatternsVideo lesson
Here, we will look at how to construct a chord pattern on the piano roll. I also demonstrate an easy technique to build quick and effective chord patterns.
16Choosing Instruments for ChordsVideo lesson
This lecture explores how to choose sounds for your chords. Again, we're looking for layers and sounds that fit together.
17Introduction to This SectionVideo lesson
18Synthesiser ComponentsVideo lesson
Let's have a look at each component that makes up a synthesiser. We won't be going into huge detail here as it's not a sound design course. I'm showing you the tools you can use to create sounds without understanding what the synthesiser is doing under the hood. It's a bit like driving a car without knowing how the engine works - It's still possible to get from A to B!
19Tweaking SynthesisersVideo lesson
Here, we'll examine how to tweak your synthesiser presets. If you find a sound you like, but there's something you wish to change, we can use the tools we discovered in the previous lecture to tweak the final sound.
20Making Your Own Synth SoundsVideo lesson
Let's go one step further and create our own sounds from scratch.
21Main Elements of EDM BassVideo lesson
Examine the elements that an EDM bass is built upon.
22Constructing a Bass PatternVideo lesson
Take a look at building a bass pattern using different styles and techniques. Also, we'll take a look at ornamentation.
23Choosing Bass SoundsVideo lesson
Now we'll focus on choosing bass sounds and how you should go about doing so. Like everything else, we must make sure the sound fits the vibe of the track.
24Main Elements of EDM LeadsVideo lesson
We'll examine how lead patterns are built and what main principles govern their uses in EDM.
25Constructing Lead PatternsVideo lesson
We'll construct our own lead pattern now in different styles.
26Choosing Lead SoundsVideo lesson
We must now choose suitable lead sounds that are distinct, but still fit the sound of the track.
Probably the most paradoxical part of EDM... Choosing a lead that stands out, but also doesn't. Hopefully, you'll get what I mean!
27Making Lead SoundsVideo lesson
Let's create our own lead sound from scratch!
28Pads vs. StringsVideo lesson
In this head to head battle, we compare pads against strings and how each are usually used in EDM.
29Choosing Pad SoundsVideo lesson
Here, we'll choose our own pad instruments, and I'll also make you aware of a persistent headache that pad presets bring with them. However, never fear, I'll also show you how to correct that headache!
30Making Pad SoundsVideo lesson
No 'Building {X}' section would be complete without a lecture about how to make the sounds in question. Now let's take a look at creating our own pad sounds from scratch.
31Choosing String InstrumentsVideo lesson
Here we'll take a look at some string sounds that you can use for your tracks.
32Synthesised StringsVideo lesson
We'll just have a quick listen to some synthesised strings and see what they could sound like in an EDM track.
33Internal vs. External LoopsVideo lesson
We'll discuss the differences between internal and external loops, so that we can differentiate them in the future.
34Using External LoopsVideo lesson
Now we'll examine how to use external loops correctly in EDM. You shouldn't build your track entirely out of external loops, because then there's nothing original in the track!
35Adding Variation to Internal LoopsVideo lesson
Variation is important to break the monotony in the track. Let's look at how to add variation.
36Main Elements of EDM EffectsVideo lesson
Quick examination of what EDM effects comprise of.
37Choosing EffectsVideo lesson
Now let's look at how we should be selecting our effects for use in a track.
38Making EffectsVideo lesson
We can also make our own effect sounds if we wish. Here we'll look at some very basic ways to do that.
39Introduction to Vocals for EDMVideo lesson
Quick demonstration of some vocals types we can use.
40Vocal PhrasesVideo lesson
Here, we'll look at our first vocal type, which is vocal phrases.
41Vocal HooksVideo lesson
Our next vocal type are vocal hooks. How do we use them in a track?
42Vocal LoopsVideo lesson
Back to loops again! This time, we're concerned with the vocal side of things. These are very useful in genres like Tech House.
43Vocal ChopsVideo lesson
These are great for making a unique sound without having a full acapella in your track! Let's see how to make them.
44Sampled VocalsVideo lesson
Be careful with these... You don't want to get sued. For the most part, they're okay to use, as long as your track doesn't get very famous. If your track does explode (and let's face it, that's what we all want), you need to make sure that you're legally entitled to use a particular vocal sample in your track. Seek written permission, otherwise, head to the public domain for films/speeches/TV Shows.
45Introduction to This SectionVideo lesson
This is just an example of what we'll be looking at over the next few lectures.
46Formant ShiftingVideo lesson
A,E, I, O, U... and the rest. Here, we'll look at formant shifting and how it works.
47VocodersVideo lesson
One of my personal favourites. Turn your vocals into chords, or make them sound like a robot!
48Vocal DoublingVideo lesson
For a clean, modern sound, use vocal doubling.
49Vocal LayersVideo lesson
Seems like we're always layering things... Vocals are no different. Use vocals with different effects to build up a full, fat vocal sound.
51Transitions in EDMVideo lesson
An example of what transitions are, and why they're an essential aspect of all productions.
52The Easiest TransitionVideo lesson
Feeling lazy? Use this simple transition to break the monotony.
53Drum FillsVideo lesson
This lecture will fill you in on drum fills.... ba-dum, tss!
54Vocal ShoutsVideo lesson
Definitely overused, but only because they're effective. These work particularly well right before a drop section. Let's look at how to use them!
55Instrumental TransitionsVideo lesson
We can also use melodies to bring us from one section to another. These are called upbeats, or in musical terms, an anacrusis.
56Silence as a TransitionVideo lesson
57The Big HitVideo lesson
For a while back in 2012, every single track made use of a 'Pryda snare' - Eric Prydz was the first to use it. It's essentially like a short sound to slap you in the face before a new section. In this lecture, we'll take a look at some of these snares (Drop/reverb snares), and we'll also have a look at using some other big hit transitions.
58Effect TransitionsVideo lesson
You can use these for clever little easter eggs if you wish, or you can use them to simply transition. Let's have a look at how we can do that.
59A Combonation TransitionVideo lesson
For the most professional sound, use a combination of all these transitions. This lecture briefly explores a combination transition.
60Using Filler & ExtraVideo lesson
A quick demonstration of how filler and extra works.
61External Loops as Filler & ExtraVideo lesson
Let's use some external loops to fill up empty space, and also create additional interest for the listener.
62Tone & Drop BlastersVideo lesson
Utilise this pedal note technique in order to create drop tone and drop blasters.
63Synths as Filler & ExtraVideo lesson
Now we'll use some synth sounds to fill up empty space, and play additional lines above the track.
64Effects as Filler & ExtraVideo lesson
Effects are great. Let's use them as filler and extra.
65The Reverb SwellVideo lesson
This could technically be seen as a long transition, but I put it in here as an extra that you can do before a drop. Let's use reverb to build tension by making the track sound further away.
68Introduction to ArrangementVideo lesson
A quick lecture to highlight what the section is about.
69Driving ElementsVideo lesson
This is very important to prevent a track becoming messy or confused. Only one element should be at the forefront of the track at any one time. So if your vocal is playing at the same time as a lead element, turn the lead down so that it's not fighting for space.
70The Intensity Line GraphVideo lesson
How does the energy of your track progress over time? It needs to feel smooth and stable.
71Forming the Main IdeaVideo lesson
In case you're stuck for ideas, these few tips should allow you to jumpstart the creative process.
72Where to StartVideo lesson
Obviously, everyone has their own methods. But if you're truly stuck, start with the breakdown. This lecture explains why.

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