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Become a DBT COUNSELOR and conduct RESULT oriented therapy

Implement COMPLETE Dialectical Behavioral Therapy DBT in your Counseling Practice. Learn DBT Psychotherapy & Counseling.
Vyas Psychology Training Centre
5,463 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Learn DBT in depth with case studies
All 4 Modules of DBT covered in this training
In depth training of DBT Emotion Regulation Skills
In depth training of DBT Distraction Techniques
In depth training of DBT Self Soothing Skills
In depth training of DBT Relaxation Exercises
In depth training of DBT Mindfulness Exercises
In depth training of DBT Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
Understand how to strategically handle any personal difficulty or life challenges in a constructive way with DBT
Skills from the official DBT Training Manual
Learn how to use DBT for disorders such as Bipolar, Depression, BPD, Anxiety, PTSD

Become a DBT COUNSELOR and conduct RESULT oriented therapy

Implement COMPLETE Dialectical Behavioral Therapy [DBT] in your Counseling Practice. DBT skills are now made easy for you!

Become a DBT Practitioner and boom your counselling skills. Learn to use all 4 modules of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in your Counseling Practice.


  1. DBT Skills training is made up of four modules: core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. They are designed to specifically assist individuals in better managing behaviours, emotions and thoughts.
  2. The intent of DBT is to help people who experience problems with anger or the expression of anger, episodic depression, irritability or anxiety, intense or chaotic relationships, impulsivity, stress, and feelings of emptiness.
  3. DBT has also been useful for bipolar disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder and suicidal thoughts.

In this course, you will be trained to use various techniques for the above-mentioned problems. Along with in-depth theory and practical examples you will be given PRINTABLE WORKSHEETS. These worksheets can also be recreated for your purpose and shared with your client.

After completing this course you will be able to use in DBT your existing practice for disorders such as bipolar, depression, BPD, anxiety, etc.

The four broad categories of DBT which will be explored in this training are as below:

  1. Distress Tolerance develops acceptance of the current situation as well as crisis survival skills to decrease the likelihood of engaging in problematic behaviour.
  2. Self Soothing Skills is a way in which we treat ourselves to feelings of betterment so that we can move forward, past any negativity or pain.
  3. Emotion Regulation skills include learning to identify and label current emotions, identifying obstacles to changing emotions, reducing emotional reactivity, increasing positive emotions and changing emotions.
  4. Core Mindfulness teaches a person how to focus their mind and attention.
  5. Interpersonal Effectiveness skills teach helpful strategies for asking for what one needs, saying no, and coping with interpersonal conflict.

These are the skills listed in the Marsha Linehan DBT Training Manual.

DBT Self Soothing Skills

Advance DBT Distress Tolerance Skills

DBT Mindfulness Skills

DBT Dialects & Techniques

DBT Sleep Better Skills

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


11 hours on-demand video
18 articles
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion

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