Complete Arduino Course For Beginners
- Description
- Curriculum
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What will you learn in this course?
• Short answer is you will learn everything about Arduino.
• You will get – What is Arduino and what can be made with it?
• We will learn how to program Arduino.
• What is LED and how it can be controlled by Arduino
• How to detect that button is pressed
• What is a potentiometer and how can it be used?
• What is Buzzer and how to play a melody on it?
You will learn how to display what we want on
• one digit and four-digit 7-segment led display
• LCD screen.
You will learn how to connect and get data from several sensors:
• Light sensor
• Thermometer
• Ultrasonic Distance sensor
• Motion detection (PIR) sensor
You will learn about motors.
• What are the differences between them and how to control them?
• There will be some advanced themes like:
• IR Remote and receiver
• and Wi-Fi module
In the course will be two milestone projects
• Obstacle-avoiding robot
• Get weather data from the Internet project
What are the prerequisites for the course?
• You should know the basics of programming in any programming language.
Because in this course, we will not learn what is variable or if statement but we will learn how it works for Arduino.
• You need to have a PC and internet.
Should you have an Arduino KIT?
• About 80 percent of the course, you will be able to pass in an online Arduino simulator.
• The simulator can be a good start for you to get if you are interested in it and then choose whether should you buy the Arduino KIT.
• The course has a 30-day 100% money-back guaranteed by Udemy
9Intro to the sectionVideo lesson
10Intro to Data typesVideo lesson
11Arithmetic operations and variablesVideo lesson
12Combining Operations and AssignmentVideo lesson
13Some Nuances of using Arduino data typesVideo lesson
14ArraysVideo lesson
15If statementVideo lesson
16If statement - challenge-answer + new challengeText lesson
17If statement - challenge - answerText lesson
18LoopsVideo lesson
19Loops - break and continueVideo lesson
20FunctionVideo lesson
21Scope – Global and local variablesVideo lesson
22StringsVideo lesson
23Random numberVideo lesson
24Read Serial InputVideo lesson
25How to Use a Breadboard and wiresVideo lesson
26ResistorsVideo lesson
27External LED blinkingVideo lesson
28Circuits Debugging tipsVideo lesson
29PWM analogWrite()Video lesson
30PWM - gradually turn ON and OFF the LEDVideo lesson
31Control many LEDsVideo lesson
32Solution: control many LEDs practiceText lesson
33Binary counterVideo lesson
34RGB LEDVideo lesson
35Intro to the sectionVideo lesson
36SwitchesVideo lesson
37Buttons, pull up and pull downVideo lesson
38Buttons - control the blinkingVideo lesson
39Button with Internal Pull-Up ResistorVideo lesson
40Button - debounceVideo lesson
41PotentiometerVideo lesson
42Potentiometer - control blink rateVideo lesson
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