Clinical ophthalmology, a conceptual approach .
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Welcome to an on going course on clinical ophthalmology with continual medical education (CME) as the the time passes after publication of this course. You will see mire and more stuff and latest researches in this field to be added on tegular basis .
This is a course for the medical students who are learning clinical ophthalmic in any capacity. And they intent to clear their concepts and unlearning the myths in ophthalmology.
The students may be studying MBBS (undergraduates, especially), FRCS, FCPS, paramedics , orthoptists, optometrists and Eye nursing & OT assistants.
This course is not for those who are expecting a conventional way of learning like ppt lectures, nor its for those who are looking to solve their issues with chat gpt and artificial intelligence.
This course is for self motivated learners. Who are willing to do brain stroming, willing to unlearn the wrongs and open enough to grasp the new and right things in ophthalmology .
My best wishes are to all the students from all over the world to a new level and approach to eye diseases .
And i hope after this continual course, where i will be adding more and more learning stuff with the passage of times. And I will be adding up to date researches which are going on.
So once you enroll , you will enter into a continual medical education (CME)
1Basic anatomy of the eyeVideo lesson
If you are watching this video on mobile, please zoom the white board for better underststanding.
2General lecture on EyelidsVideo lesson
3Introduction. What's on going conceptual continued medical learning (CME)Video lesson
4Sample video. Famto second laser (LASIK) for removing glassesVideo lesson
5Eyelids. Style vs Chalazion. Important facts .Video lesson
6Complete Examination of the Eye by TorchVideo lesson
7How to take vision correctly & What's Pin HoleVideo lesson
8Complete Ptosis examination.Video lesson
All the tests which are performed in Ptosis. And how to perform them in detail.
9Myths in ophthalmogyVideo lesson
10Full Ptosis ExaminationVideo lesson
11Checking Extraocular movements in a right wayVideo lesson
12Swinging light testVideo lesson
13Confrontation method of checking visual fieldsVideo lesson
14Regurgitation test to see the patency of lacrimal system.Video lesson
15Direct pupillary reactionVideo lesson
16Cover testsVideo lesson
17Hirchburg test for squintVideo lesson
18Everything about Slit lampVideo lesson
Live demo
20Conjunctival allergiesText lesson
Before learning the detailed diseases , here are some concepts to understand. Please don't mind, if I make videos on the go. It means, I am always with you .
21A glimpse of concepts of allergies before we study details .Video lesson
Please don't mind if i make videos on the go. It means I am always with you.
22Whats is LeucokoriaVideo lesson
23Applanation tonometeryVideo lesson
Details of how to check IOP by this method. Live demo
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