Chair Yoga Teacher Training Certificate - Yoga Alliance CE
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This chair yoga program is designed to help you quickly develop a solid foundation in chair yoga, so that you can practice or teach it safely and effectively.
By the end of this course, you will have the tools and confidence to practice chair yoga or teach chair yoga classes to a wider range of individuals.
You will have access to a wealth of resources that will help you to create effective and enjoyable classes.
Included in this course are:
· Video demonstrations for over 40 chair yoga poses
· A supporting manual with the benefits and contraindications for each pose
· Warm up demonstrations
· Sun Salutations with chair support
· Exercise demonstrations with weights
· Recordings of breathing techniques and meditations
· A Yoga Nidra class
· Sequencing a chair yoga class
· A restorative chair yoga class
· Chair yoga philosophy
· Chair yoga teacher ethics
· How chair yoga can assist the following populations:
o Office workers
o The senior community
o People that use a wheelchair
o People living with cancer
To support the videos, you will have access to downloadable resources that include the benefits and contraindications for each chair yoga pose, meditation scripts, student waiver and health history forms.
You will learn a deep understanding of the principles of chair yoga and how to safely adapt the practice to suit different populations’ needs and abilities.
The best part of this course is that you will be able to take what you have learned and share it with others, helping them to experience the many benefits of chair yoga for themselves.
You can inspire and help countless people improve their physical and mental well-being, to create a positive impact in your community and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around you.
So, let’s embark on this journey together and spread the joy of Chair yoga!
3What is Chair Yoga?Video lesson
4Yoga Philosophy and Chair YogaVideo lesson
5Who Can Benefit from Chair Yoga?Video lesson
6Supporting ResearchVideo lesson
7Chair Yoga ContraindicationsVideo lesson
8The ChairVideo lesson
9Correct Seated PostureVideo lesson
10Seated Mountain Pose - TadasanaVideo lesson
11Introduction to Warm-UpsVideo lesson
12Introduction to Pranayama Breathing TechniquesVideo lesson
13Dirga Pranayama - Three-Part-BreathVideo lesson
14Nadi Shodhana Pranayama - Alternate Nostril BreathingVideo lesson
15Neck and Shoulder RollsVideo lesson
16Pelvic CirclesVideo lesson
17Wrists and HandsVideo lesson
18Hand Mudras, Anjali, Chin, PadmaVideo lesson
19Foot and Ankle ExercisesVideo lesson
20Leg Lifts, Marching and Jumping JacksVideo lesson
21Cat Cow - Marjaryasana BitilasanaVideo lesson
22Seated Sun Salutations - Surya NamaskarVideo lesson
23Standing Sun Salutations with Chair as a Prop - Surya NamaskarVideo lesson
24Sample Warm-Up SequenceVideo lesson
25Introduction to Chair Yoga PosesVideo lesson
26Forward FoldsVideo lesson
27TwistsVideo lesson
28Side StretchesVideo lesson
29Hip OpenersVideo lesson
30Leg StrengtheningVideo lesson
31Back BendVideo lesson
32Balancing PosesVideo lesson
33Chair Yoga Props - Working with a Strap and Weights ExercisesVideo lesson
34Restorative Yoga Introduction - Blankets, Bolsters, PillowsVideo lesson
35Restorative Chair Yoga Class Sequence: Nurtured Healing Restorative Yoga ‘GentleVideo lesson
36Cooling DownVideo lesson
37Introduction to Seated Corpse Pose - SavasanaVideo lesson
38Seated Corpse Pose Script - SavasanaVideo lesson
39Guided Seated Corpse Pose Script - Savasana (No Music)Video lesson
40Introduction to Yoga Nidra - Yogic SleepVideo lesson
41Guided Yoga Nidra - Yogic Sleep ScriptVideo lesson
42Guided Yoga Nidra - Yogic Sleep (No Music)Video lesson
43Introduction to an Energising MeditationVideo lesson
44Meditation for Vitality ScriptVideo lesson
45Meditation for Vitality Script (No Music)Video lesson
46Primary, Secondary and Stabilising MovementsVideo lesson
47CounterposesVideo lesson
48Sequencing a Chair Yoga ClassVideo lesson
49Benefits of Chair Yoga for Office WorkersVideo lesson
50Benefits of Chair Yoga for People That Use a WheelchairVideo lesson
51Benefits of Chair Yoga for the Senior CommunityVideo lesson
52Benefits of Chair Yoga for People Living with CancerVideo lesson
53A Chair Yoga Class Sequence Example - Serene Seat: Gentle Chair YogaVideo lesson
54Chair Yoga Dance IntroductionVideo lesson
55NEW Chair Yoga Dance ClassVideo lesson
Start your day with this quick and graceful chair yoga dance routine that will fill you with joy and happiness!
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