Certification Course in Human Resource Management
- Description
- Curriculum
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Take the next step in your career! Whether you’re an up-and-coming professional, an experienced executive, aspiring manager, budding HR Professional. This course is an opportunity to sharpen your leadership and management abilities, increase your efficiency for professional growth and make a positive and lasting impact in the organization.
With this course as your guide, you learn how to:
All the basic functions and skills required for the HR and People Management role.
Transform your People and Human Resource management efficiency for the current business climate
Get access to recommended templates and formats for common HR processes.
Learn useful case studies, industry practices and demonstrations of different HR practices with useful forms and frameworks
Assess your leadership, managerial style, conflict management style and capability as a management professional
Invest in yourself today and reap the benefits for years to come
Like Top B School’s Management Program (which will cost not less than $10,000!) available here for a tiny fraction of the cost. By taking this course, you can develop a higher level of HR management skills to kick start the HR or Management career, help you reach your fullest potential to deliver extraordinary value to your team and the organization.
The Frameworks for Human Resource Management Course
Engaging video lectures, case studies, self-assessment, downloadable resources and interactive exercises. This course is created to Learn how to be an effective HR professional, whether generalist or specialist. Learn skills in talent management, recruiting, compensation and benefits, hiring, L&D, employee relations and HR strategy
Management of talent in the workplace is a matter of central concern to all managers and not only to HR professionals. Therefore, all managers, irrespective of their functional areas, are called on to solve problems that involve significant Talent Management issues. Basic knowledge and better understanding of Talent Management would help them in solving such problems. This course aims at imparting knowledge of Talent Management, People Management, Employee Motivation, Reward Management, Reports-Analytics and Employee Relations.
The course includes multiple Case studies, resources like formats-templates-worksheets-reading materials, quizzes, self-assessment, film study and assignments to nurture and upgrade the HR skill.
In the first part of the course (Section 1-11), you’ll learn the most common human resource management processes like HRM, Recruitment, T&D, PMS, Motivation-Employee Management, Payroll & Compliances, Reward Management and HR Policy.
In the middle part of the course (Section 12-14), you’ll learn how to improve your Strategic and Leadership skills related to Leadership Development and Organizational Development. You will also learn the skills required for a HR or People Management function with downloadable resources and applicable articles.
In the final part of the course (Section 15), you’ll develop the ability analyze and solve Human Resource and People Management issues or scenarios with assignments related to Recruitment, Performance Management, Training & Development, Employee Relations and Compensation design. You will get full support and all your quarries would be answered guaranteed within 48 hours.
Course Content:
Part 1 : The Beginner
Introduction and Study Plan
Introduction and know your Instructor
Study Plan and Structure of the Course
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Role of HRM
Planning of HRM
Functions of HRM
Quiz 1
Recruitment and Selection Process Management
Introduction to Recruitment
Manpower Planning
Job Analysis
Pre-Selection Process
Selection Process
Recruitment Branding Example
Quiz 2
Training & Development Process Management
Introduction to T&D
Importance of Training
Training Need Analysis
Methods of Training
Evaluation of Training
Learning Specification: A Role Analysis and TNI
Quiz 3
Performance Management System
Introduction to PMS
Methods of PMS
Purpose and Importance of PMS
Steps in PMS
A Study on Performance Review Form
Quiz 4
Motivation and Employee Management
Motivation Theories
Strategies of Motivation
Management Styles and assessment
Employee Counselling
Conflict Management and assessment
Payroll and Compensation Management
Introduction to Payroll
Modes of Compensation
Develop a Compensation Structure with full demonstration
Compliance and Fringe Benefit in Payroll
Variable Payout
Linking Rewards with Compensation
Quiz 5
Personal Records, Reports and Statistics
Need of Personal Records and Reports
Information and Formats Required in Personal Records
Reports and MIS
Quiz 6
Reward Management
Introduction to Reward Management
Rewards Strategy
Rewards System
Employee Relations Management
Introduction to Employee Relation
The Employment Relationship
Employee Communication
Employee Voice
Employee Wellbeing
A Film Study on Engagement
Human Resource Policy and Procedure Management
Introduction to HR Policy
Formulating and Implementing the Policy
HR Procedure
Part 2 : The Intermediate
Strategic Human Resource Management
Talent Management
Leadership Development
Organizational Development
Change Management
A Book Review on Change Management
HR Coursework and Skill Development
Recruitment Policy and Flow
Training and Development Policy
PMS Policy
Managerial Skill Assessment
Conflict Management Style Assessment
Creating a Competitive Salary Structure
HR Manual and Handbook
HR Forms
Useful Managerial and HR Skills
Salary negotiation tips
Incorporating Employee Engagement into the Business Strategy
10 Essential Negotiating Skills for HR Professionals
Active Listening
Critical Skills for HR professionals
Part 3 : The Practitioner
Compensation Management
Performance Management System
Employee Relations Management
Training & Development Process Management
Human Resource Practice Test
Human Resource Practice Test 2
3IntroductionVideo lesson
Human Resource Management, or HRM, is the practice of managing people to achieve better performance
4Role of HRMVideo lesson
Human resource management (HRM)The process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to the workplace, and developing strategies to retain employees. is the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing
5Planning of HRMVideo lesson
Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process of systematic planning ahead to achieve optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset—quality employees. Human resources planning ensures the best fit between employees and jobs while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses
6Functions of HRMVideo lesson
Human Resource Department is an integral part of any organization. Also, the Human Resource Manager (HRM) is a member of the management. Four basic functions of Human Resource Management are Planning, Directing, Controlling and Organizing
7Quiz 1Quiz
8Introduction to RecruitmentVideo lesson
Recruitment process is a process of identifying the jobs vacancy, analyzing the job requirements, reviewing applications, screening, shortlisting and selecting the right candidate. Recruitment process is the first step in creating a powerful resource base.
9Manpower PlanningVideo lesson
Manpower planning is also known as human resources planning, and it is the process that management uses to determine the manner in which an organization should move from point A to point B, in terms of manpower. The HR department will also assess which skills are required of employees for each job.
10Job AnalysisVideo lesson
Job analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the content and the human requirements of jobs, as well as, the context in which jobs are performed. ... Job analysis defines the organization of jobs within a job family.
11SourcingVideo lesson
12Pre-Selection ProcessVideo lesson
13Selection ProcessVideo lesson
Selection Process in HRM – 7 Steps Involved in the Selection Process: Preliminary Interview, Screening of Applicants, Employment Tests, Selection Interview and a Few Others. Selection is a long and tedious process. Every candidate has to pass through several hurdles before he/she can get selected for job
14Recruitment Branding ExampleText lesson
15Quiz 2Quiz
16Introduction to T&DVideo lesson
Training and development process is an organizational activity aimed at improving the performance of the individuals and groups of employees in the organizational settings. ... Through 'training' employees are taught specific skills while through 'development' employee's personality and management skills are enhanced
17Importance of TrainingVideo lesson
A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links within the company who rely heavily on others to complete basic work tasks.
18Training Need AnalysisVideo lesson
Training needs analysis is a process that a business goes through in order to determine all the training that needs to be completed in a certain period to allow their team to complete their job as effectively as possible, as well as progress and grow.
19Methods of TrainingVideo lesson
List of Training Methods
Technology-Based Learning. Common methods of learning via technology include: ...
Simulators. Simulators are used to imitate real work experiences. ...
On-The-Job Training. ...
Coaching/Mentoring. ...
Lectures. ...
Group Discussions & Tutorials. ...
Role Playing. ...
Management Games.
20Evaluation of TrainingVideo lesson
Training evaluation is the systematic process of analyzing if training programs and initiatives are effective and efficient. ... Trainers and human resource professionals use training evaluation to assess if employee training programs are aligned with and meet the company's goals and objectives
21Learning Specification : A Role Analysis and TNIVideo lesson
22Quiz 3Quiz
23Introduction to PMSVideo lesson
Performance Management System (PMS) is the strategic process by which an organization measures the performance of the employees in order to reward their contribution towards the organization growth and success.
24Methods of PMSVideo lesson
25Purpose and Importance of PMSVideo lesson
A performance management system helps HR managers establish clear performance expectations through which employees can easily understand what is expected of their job. It allows managers to reinforce on their employees, the individual accountability to meet their goals and evaluate their own performance.
26Steps in PMSVideo lesson
The steps in the performance management process can be broken down into four broad categories: Planning, coaching, reviewing and rewarding. Each step is equally important, and together form the backbone of a company's performance management process.
27A Study on Performance Review FormVideo lesson
28Quiz 4Quiz
29Motivation TheoriesVideo lesson
Motivation theories
Maslow – hierarchy of needs.
Alderfer – ERG theory: Existence needs, relatedness needs and growth needs.
McClelland – Need for achievement, affiliation and power.
Herzberg – Two factor theory.
Skinner's reinforcement theory.
Vroom's expectancy theory.
Adams' equity theory.
Locke's goal-setting theory.
30Strategies of MotivationVideo lesson
31Management StylesVideo lesson
32Employee CounsellingVideo lesson
Employee counselling is a psychological technique and that is used in various forms. The main objective of it is to support the employees by providing them advice, guidance, suggestions to solve the prevailing problems and improve physical and mental conditions, performance and which can take many forms.
33Conflict ManagementVideo lesson
Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in an organizational setting.
34Introduction to PayrollVideo lesson
Payroll is the process of paying a company's employees, which can include the tracking of hours worked, the calculation of employee's pay, and the distribution of payments via direct deposit directly to their account or by check
35Modes of CompensationVideo lesson
36Develop a Compensation StructureVideo lesson
Compensation of employees (CE) is a statistical term used in national accounts, balance of payments statistics and sometimes in corporate accounts as well. It refers basically to the total gross (pre-tax) wages paid by employers to employees for work done in an accounting period, such as a quarter or a year.
37Compliance and Fringe Benefit in PayrollVideo lesson
Common fringe benefits are basic items often included in hiring packages. These include health insurance, life insurance, tuition assistance, childcare reimbursement, cafeteria subsidies, below-market loans, employee discounts, employee stock options, and personal use of a company-owned vehicle
38Variable PayoutText lesson
A primary benefit of variable pay programs for employers is they provide flexibility and allow an organization to reward employees through bonuses and other programs instead of committing its financial resources. Variable pay programs help an organization to: Control costs. Improve corporate culture
39Linking Rewards with CompensationVideo lesson
40Quiz 5Quiz
41Need of Personal Records and ReportsText lesson
Employee Personal Details Report displays most details about all employees. This report is helpful to the HR Team to review, verify and analyze the employee data across the Organization. ... If you do not need to see the details of all the employees, you can also generate individual reports pertaining to an employee
42Information and Formats Required in Personal RecordsText lesson
43Reports and MISText lesson
Fundamentally, an HR report is an analytical method used to display human resources-related stats, insights, and metrics with the primary purpose of improving workforce performance, recruiting procedures and other relevant HR processes with the help of HR dashboards.
44Quiz 6Quiz
45Introduction to Reward ManagementVideo lesson
Reward management is concerned with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization
46Rewards StrategyVideo lesson
A reward strategy describes how an organisation will use reward policies, practices and processes to support the delivery of its business strategy. Within it, every reward issue or initiative should be viewed through the prism of how it helps the business.
47Rewards SystemVideo lesson
The reward system is a group of neural structures responsible for incentive salience (i.e., motivation and "wanting", desire, or craving for a reward), associative learning (primarily positive reinforcement and classical conditioning), and positively-valenced emotions, particularly ones which involve pleasure as a core
48Quiz 7Quiz
49Introduction to Employee RelationVideo lesson
The term 'employee relations' refers to a company's efforts to manage relationships between employers and employees. An organization with a good employee relations program provides fair and consistent treatment to all employees so they will be committed to their jobs and loyal to the company.
50The Employment RelationshipVideo lesson
51Employee CommunicationVideo lesson
Employee communication is often defined as the sharing of information and ideas between the management of an organization and employees and vice versa. ... You can share information among your employees almost instantaneously. As the speed of communication increases the challenges for communicating effectively also change.
52Employee VoiceVideo lesson
Employee voice is the means by which people communicate their views to their employer and influence matters that affect them at work. It helps to build open and trusting relationships between employers and their people which can contribute to organisational success
53Employee WellbeingVideo lesson
Employee wellbeing is about more than physiological or mental ill health – it's about optimising the health of all employees, not just reducing the numbers of staff who are diagnosed with medical conditions. Employee wellbeing also extends beyond health, and into happiness as well, and job satisfaction
54A Film Study on EngagementVideo lesson
Invictus : A Film Study on Engagement
When we talk about engagement, Invictus comes to the mind instantly. Based on the biography of Nelson Mandela, this movie is great in many aspects as it elucidates leadership and motivation in business.
But, what strikes in the movie most is Mandela’s ability to communicate and engage with the people of South Africa, whites and the blacks, torn apart by the racial times.
In the movie (and in real life), Mandela uses Rugby- a sport as a medium to bridge the gap between the blacks and the whites.
The message in the movie is clear for the HR managers; employees can easily get disengaged and even pessimistic in their approach towards their work. It is the duty of the HRs to bring out the positives in them through games, parties, movie hosting and other such conducive activities.
55Introduction to HR PolicyVideo lesson
The HR policies and procedures manual and employee handbook form the backbone of an organization. These documents consist of all the details regarding the treatment to be given to the employees in the organization and help the employees in recognizing the culture of the organization
56Formulating and Implementing the PolicyText lesson
57HR ProcedureText lesson
Human resource management procedures describe responsibilities and processes in relation to recruitment and employment arrangements, employee entitlements, workforce management, staff development and health, safety and wellbeing within workplaces.
58SHRMText lesson
59Talent ManagementVideo lesson
Talent management is an organization's commitment to recruit, hire, retain, and develop the most talented and superior employees available in the job market. So, talent management is a useful term when it describes an organization's commitment to hire, manage, develop, and retain talented employees.
60Leadership DevelopmentVideo lesson
Leadership development is the process which helps expand the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles within organizations. Leadership roles are those that facilitate execution of a company's strategy through building alignment, winning mindshare and growing the capabilities of others
61Organizational DevelopmentVideo lesson
Organizational development can be defined as an objective-based methodology used to initiate a change of systems in an entity. Organizational development is achieved through a shift in communication. Communication is defined as transferring information to produce greater understanding
62Change ManagementVideo lesson
Change management is defined as the methods and manners in which a company describes and implements change within both its internal and external processes. ... Developing a structured approach to change is critical to help ensure a beneficial transition while mitigating disruption.
63A Book Review on Change ManagementText lesson
64Recruitment Policy and FlowText lesson
A recruitment policy is a framework that clearly outlines all your business's recruitment practices. The purpose of a recruitment policy is to promote consistency, transparency, compliance and adherence to labor laws and legislation. No business can afford to be without one.
65Training and Development PolicyText lesson
A training and development policy needs to translate the organisation's needs and priorities into actionable, value-added, affordable and effective learning
66PMS PolicyText lesson
A training and development policy needs to translate the organisation's needs and priorities into actionable, value-added, affordable and effective learning
67Managerial Skill AssessmentText lesson
68Conflict Management Style AssessmentText lesson
69Creating a Competitive Salary StructureText lesson
70HR Manual and HandbookText lesson
71HR FormsText lesson
72Salary negotiation tips:Text lesson
Tips and techniques for salary negotiation for employees, and salary negotiation tips for managers
73Incorporating Employee Engagement into the Business StrategyText lesson
7410 Essential Negotiating Skills for HR ProfessionalsText lesson
75Active ListeningText lesson
76Critical Skills for HR professionalsText lesson

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